QNX Nuetrino MsgSendv - qnx-neutrino

I am using MsgSendv and server sends MSgReply like this:
char desc_buf_out[MAX_CHARS_IN_A_LINE];
MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, desc_buf_out, sizeof(desc_buf_out));
My client is looking like this:
iov_t *iovrcv=calloc(1,sizeof(iov_t));
char rcv[1024]={0}
if (MsgSendv(server_coid, iovin_render, 3 , iovrcv, 1 ) == -1)
printf("error sending message to server\n");
fprintf( stderr,
"%s: %s\n",
strerror( errno ) );
SETIOV (iovrcv + 0, rcv, sizeof(rcv));
printf("iovrcv=%s\n", rcv);
But I get nothing in my rcv buffer?
Can you tell me why and what is the correct way of doing it so I receive my data correctly? I expect to receive string.

You are using the iovrcv uninitialized (well, ok, it's initialized with zeros via calloc, but it's not initialized to point to anything).
An iov_t is a pair of values, a pointer and a length.
It's given to the MsgSendv() function to tell it where the data should go. By leaving it uninitialized, you're telling MsgSendv() that the pointer is zero and the length is zero -- not a whole lot of data! :-)
Move your SETIOV to above the MsgSendv() function.
Also, be sure to initialize the iovin_render (which you show as having three parts, that is, three pairs of ptr/length values).


Why DataInputStream can't read char correctly?

I tried to write String in DataInputStream, when read from DataInputStream single char, but I have an error.
I expected, that readChar() return 'q', but method:
assertEquals('q', DataInputStream("q".byteInputStream(Charsets.UTF_8)).readChar())
Throws exception:
at java.io.DataInputStream.readChar(DataInputStream.java:365)
Please have a look at DataInput.readChar() which states:
Reads two input bytes and returns a char value. Let a be the first byte read and b be the second byte. The value returned is:
(char)((a << 8) | (b & 0xff))
This method is suitable for reading bytes written by the writeChar method of interface DataOutput.
The last sentence is basically also the solution. If you write the data using writeChar, reading works as expected, i.e. the following will give you a succeeding test case:
assertEquals('q', DataInputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream().apply {
DataOutputStream(this).use {
The following, even though not mentioned in the interface, may also work out:
assertEquals('q', DataInputStream("q".byteInputStream(Charsets.UTF_16BE)).readChar())

How to get NSStream total length?

I want to know, if there an easy way to get the total length in bytes of the NSStream object. So, for example, in C# I can get a Stream.Length property, and that'll be the answer. In objective-c, so far, I haven't found anything like that. The simplest solution, I could imagine would be "read bytes to buffer and count their number":
long totalLength = 0;
while((result = [sInput read:buffer maxLength:BUFFER_SIZE]) != 0) {
if(result > 0) {
totalLength += result;
As stated in docs return value for read method is:
A positive number indicates the number of bytes read;
0 indicates that the end of the buffer was reached;
A negative number means that the operation failed.
finally the size values would contain the total length.
Is this a correct way to solve the issue, or is there a simpler way? Btw, is my code correct? (I'm not confident in my obj-c skills yet)

Variable sized arrays in Objective-C?

Okay, so apparently this works:
void foo(size_t s) {
int myArray[s];
// ... use myArray...
Is this really legal? I mean, it must be, because it compiles (where the C compiler would reject it as non-constant). The first part of my question is: how does this work? I assume it's allocating it on the stack? Is this different from using alloca()?
Practically, I found some code that does this:
void bar(size_t chunkSize) {
CFReadStreamRef foo = NULL;
// ...some stuff to init foo...
while (stuffToDo) {
UInt8 buffer[chunkSize];
// ...read some data from stream into buffer
// using CFReadStreamRead()...
This works. However, when I move the buffer allocation from inside the loop to the first line of the function (directly before foo is declared), the function... stops working. In the debugger it gets to the first access of local variables and then just... exits. I don't see any exceptions being thrown, it doesn't crash, it just program carries on running (in reality the function returns a string and that return value is NULL, which is what the return variable is initialized to). I'm not sure what's going on. The second part of my questions is, in light of the first part, what the heck is going on?
it is legal in C99, although dangerous, and yes -- it is like alloca.
because it's like alloca, you want reasonably sized arrays when allocating on the stack. i am not sure if this is defined if the length is zero, but you could definitely cause a stack overflow if the array is 'large enough' to do so.
as far as what is going on -- pulling it out of the loop should make no difference if the sizes are reasonable. i suspect you are seeing undefined behavior because a parameter value is too large (or perhaps 0) -- you should validate the chunkSize parameter. the assembly will tell you why pulling it out of the loop makes a difference (assuming everything else in the program is well-formed).

Conversion from float to int looks weird

I am having difficulty understanding why the following code is giving me the numbers below. Can anyone explain this conversion from float to int? (pCLocation is a CGPoint)
counter = 0;
pathCells[counter][0].x = pCLocation.x;
pathCells[counter][0].y = pCLocation.y;
NSLog(#"%#",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"pCLocation at:
NSLog(#"%#",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"path cell 0: %i,%i",
2012-03-09 01:17:37.165 50LevelsBeta1[1704:207] pCLocation at: 47.000000,16.000000
2012-03-09 01:17:37.172 50LevelsBeta1[1704:207] path cell 0: 0,1078427648
Assuming your code is otherwise correct:
I think it would help you to understand how NSLog and other printf-style functions work. When you call NSLog(#"%c %f", a_char, a_float), your code pushes the format string and values onto the stack, then jumps to the start of that function's code. Since NSLog accepts a variable number of arguments, it doesn't know how much to pop off the stack yet. It knows at least there is a format string, so it pops that off and begins to scan it. When it finds a format specifier %c, it knows to pop one byte off the stack and print that value. Then it finds %f, so now it knows to pop another 32 bits and print that as a floating point value. Then it reaches the end of the format string, so it's done.
Now here's the kicker: if you lie to NSLog and tell it you are providing a int but actually provide a float, it has no way to know you are lying. It simply assumes you are telling the truth and prints whatever bits it finds in memory however you asked it to be printed.
That's why you are seeing weird values: you are printing a floating point value as though it were an int. If you really want an int value, you should either:
Apply a cast: NSLog(#"cell.x: %i", (int)cell.x);
Leave it a float but use the format string to hide the decimals: NSLog(#"cell.x: %.0f", cell.x);
(Alternate theory, still potentially useful.)
You might be printing out the contents of uninitialized memory.
In the code you've given, counter = 0 and is never changed. So you assign values to:
pathCells[0][0].x = pCLocation.x;
pathCells[0][0].y = pCLocation.y;
Then you print:
I'm pretty sure that cellCount[-1] isn't what you want. C allows this because even though you think of it as working with an array of a specific size, foo[bar] really just means grab the value at memory address foo plus offset bar. So an index of -1 just means take one step back. That's why you don't get a warning or error, just junk data.
You should clarify what pathCells, cellCount, and counter are and how they relate to each other. I think you have a bug in how you are combining these things.

sprintf fails spontaneously depending on what printf and NSLog calls there are

Hello I have a bizarre problem with sprintf. Here's my code:
void draw_number(int number,int height,int xpos,int ypos){
char string_buffer[5]; //5000 is the maximum score, hence 4 characters plus null character equals 5
printf("Number - %i\n",number);
sprintf(string_buffer,"%i",number); //Get string
printf("String - %s\n",string_buffer);
int y_down = ypos + height;
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
char character = string_buffer[x];
if(character == NULL){ //Blank characters occur at the end of the number from spintf. Testing with NULL works
int x_left = xpos+height*x;
int x_right = x_left+height;
GLfloat vertices[] = {x_left,ypos,x_right,ypos,x_left,y_down,x_right,y_down};
rectangle2d(vertices, number_textures[atoi(strcat(&character,"\0"))], full_texture_texcoords);
With the printf calls there, the numbers are printed successfully and the numbers are drawn as expected. When I take them away, I can't view the output and compare it, of-course, but the numbers aren't rendering correctly. I assume sprintf breaks somehow.
This also happens with NSLog. Adding NSLog's anywhere in the program can either break or fix the function.
What on earth is going on?
This is using Objective-C with the iOS 4 SDK.
Thank you for any answer.
Well this bit of code is definately odd
char character = string_buffer[x];
... strcat(&character,"\0") ...
Originally I was thinking that depending on when there happens to be a NUL terminator on the stack this will clober some peice of memory, and could be causing your problems. However, since you're appending the empty string I don't think it will have any effect.
Perhaps the contents of the stack actually contain numbers that atoi is interpretting?Either way I suggest you fix that and see if it solves your issue.
As to how to fix it Georg Fritzsche beat me to it.
With strcat(&character,"\0") you are trying to use a single character as a character array. This will probably result in atoi() returning completely different values from what you're expecting (as you have no null-termination) or simply crash.
To fix the original approach, you could use proper a zero-terminated string:
char number[] = { string_buffer[x], '\0' };
// ...
... number_textures[atoi(number)] ...
But even easier would be to simply use the following:
... number_textures[character - '0'] ...
Don't use NULL to compare against a character, use '\0' since it's a character you're looking for. Also, your code comment sounds surprised, of course a '\0' will occur at the end of the string, that is how C terminates strings.
If your number is ever larger than 9999, you will have a buffer overflow which can cause unpredicable effects.
When you have that kind of problem, instantly think stack or heap corruption. You should dynamically allocate your buffer with enough size- having it as a fixed size is BEGGING for this kind of trouble. Because you don't check that the number is within the max- if you ever had another bug that caused it to be above the max, you'd get this problem here.