In "Mono" what does 20 mean? - mono

I want to download the latest Mono MDK of the 3.0.10 branch.
On the download site, I see that 3 packages are available:
QUESTION: What is the meaning of "20" in ?
I find it strange that the file is older than the file.
The Mono versioning scheme documentation does not mention it.

The 20 (or 19) is just a build number.
The package without the build number is probably supposed to be a copy of the latest package, and then someone forgot that when was released (so it's identical to


Rakudo perl 6 portable edition

is there a portable edition of perl 6 ?
or its possible to compile it and install some modules zip all to one directory , and then unzip on different machines having the same OS ?
If both computers have the same filesystem layout -- maybe. At the very least all absolute paths to these items would need to be identical or else you'd have bad precompiled files everywhere.
Of course this is not a very practical solution ( how many computers do you have with the same home directory ), but for instance you could ( and indeed we used to ): build rakudo inside of travis-ci, push the entire folder to a private repo, and then could pull that repo down from other travis instances to get an already-built version of the very latest rakudo release.
May be you can run Perl 6 on Android:, but current there is no package for Perl 6 on Termux.
Some time in 2019 Rakudo gained the ability to be relocated. Since the 2019.11 release pre-compiled, relocatable binaries are provided for every release. They can be downloaded from
So you can download such an archive, extract it to some folder, install modules with the included package manager zef, bundle it up with your own code, zip it and it will work on any computer (given it's the same architecture and OS), in any folder.

AEM 6.1 LESS version

I've have been searching and digging around but for the life of me I can not find which version of LESS is included with AEM 6.1 (or 6.2). I know that CQ (AEM) 5.6.1 uses LESS 1.3.3 but I'd like to know if the version was updated with AEM 6.
-The compilation of the LESS logic is done on the server side using Rhino (a Javascript compiler for Java) and LESS
-If you go to your Felix console and look under Bundles you should find one called "Adobe Granite UI Clientlibs - Less Compiler(com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.compiler.less)".
-To get to the JAR file for this bundle you will need to note the number next to it in the console.
(In my case it is bundle number 193.)
-Assuming the bundle number is 193, on your file system go to "/crx/quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle193/version0.0"
-If you open bundle.jar you will find version of LESS.
(For extracting JAR file you can use jd-gui.exe jar extractor.)
-In AEM 6.1 the current version of LESS is-1.7.5
The version of LESS is included with AEM 6.1 is -1.7.5
To get to the JAR file for this bundle you will need to note the number next to it in the console in my case it is bundle number 74.
Assuming the bundle number is 74, on your file system go to "/crx/quickstart/launchpad/felix/bundle74/version0.0"

MinGW-w64's ar.exe can't find libraries when trying to build a static library

I've now been trying to get MinGW-w64 to work on my system for several days, mainly because it has a more recent GCC version, but I either set things up wrong or there's some strange problem with MinGW-w64 itself.
I've now downloaded i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.7.2-release-win32_rubenvb, unpacked it to C:/Dev/mingw-ruben and added the path C:/Dev/mingw-ruben/bin to the $PATH environment variable.
What I'm trying to build is SFML 2 which comes with a CMake file. Running CMake will work just fine, the compiler gets recognized and passes all test. CMake also finds the ar.exe in the C:/Dev/mingw-ruben/binfolder. After generating the MinGW Makefile I switch to the windows command line and run mingw32-make install.
There's where the problem happens, I get the error:
mingw-ruben\bin\ar.exe: mingw-ruben/lib/libopengl32.a: No such file or directory
Or for the network library
mingw-ruben\bin\ar.exe: mingw-ruben/lib/libws2_32.a: No such file or directory
The error seems quite obvious and on check there really is no libopengl32.a or libws2_32.a in mingw-ruben/lib/, but the files is actually located in C:/Dev/mingw-ruben/i686-w64-mingw32/lib.
Now How can I tell ar/make/cmake to not only search in the mingw-ruben/lib directory but also in the mingw-ruben/i686-w64-mingw32/lib?
Would it be a good idea to copy all the content from the i686-w64-mingw32 subfolder to the mingw-ruben root folder?
As a side note: I can call mingw32-make install again and the procedure will continue but up on trying to link my application against SFML, I run into many unresolved symbol errors for the glXYZ functions from within SFML.
Further information: I'm on Windows 8 x64, but I think that doesn't really matter and yes I've tried MSYS but it doesn't resolve any of my issues.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to configure things specially?
January 2015 Edit
Now that SFML 2.2 has been released, this is no longer an issue and you have to link SFML's dependencies yourself when linking static.
January 2014 Edit
As of commit 165f2b1888 and f784fe4c07, which is included in the stable version SFML 2.1, MinGW-w64 compilers are supported.
However while discussing further with different parties it came to light, that the sfml_static_add_libraries marco a rather ugly hack was. In short it unpacked the static dependencies and included their obj files into the SFML library itself. This was most noticeable an issue, when trying to use your own version of GLEW, which failed since SFML was using its internal one already. The issue was brought to the forum and was pushed around for quite a bit, until Laurent finally gave in and went with the proper way of linking dependencies, which means you have to link them now on your own.
As of commit dbf01a775b, which is not included in the stable version of SFML 2.1, one has to link the SFML dependencies in the finally application, when linking statically against SFML.
After some chat on the IRC we've figured it out.
It has nothing to do with MinGW but it's all SFML's fault. To reduce the dependencies list for SFML while linking statically the developer decided to manually extract the symbols from each library (opengl32, ws2_32, ...) which obviously isn't how one does things and violates some ODR rules. The actual error then occurs because the developer assumed that the library will be in the folder mingw/libbut with MinGW w64 it's located in a seperate directory mingw/version/lib and so ar.exe didn't find the library.
Removing the call to the sfml_static_add_libraries macro and then recompile. Afterwards you'll have to link all the dependencies for static linkages, like it should be.
I think it may be well a problem of the gcc distribution you downloaded.
A bit of light into the problem gives ruben's question here:
that seems to me related to that (although it is about linux and not win)
I was having a similar problem (the name of the missing file was different) few months ago with gcc 4.7.0 linux->win crosscompiler. So until now I lived with the standard ubuntu mingw-w64 package and only yesterday I gave another try to i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.7.2-release-linux64_rubenvb.tar.xz and it works without issues in otherwise same environment where the previous version was failing with " ... no such file". Sometimes I develop also in windows, then I use that was for me much easier to setup in Win. It supports only 32bit target but for my project it is sufficient.

hadoop with MultiInputs, TotalOrderPartitioner-----------with hadoop-eclipse-plugins

I have got two questions:
Now I have used hadoop0.20.203 and hadoop1.0.0. But I found that both of the two versions have no classes like MultiInputs , TotalOrderPartitioner and so on. (I open the $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-core-1.0.0.jar file , and don't find the .class files in ort/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/input/*).
But I have to use them to do some jobs. Did I miss anything? What version should I choose?
I want to find a plugins for hadoop1.0.2 ( because I found this version the hadoop-core-1.0.2.jar file has the class that I want.) I want to find one that was compiled. where can I find it?(I have got some but seems unavailable)
In a word, What my object is only to find an available hadoop---version,and plugins for eclipse. This version can deals with TotalOrder and so on. What should I do? Thanks in advance.
If they exist in 1.0.2, can you use this version instead? if your cluster currently uses 1.0.0 and you can't upgrade it to run 1.0.2, then you can get the source for these two files and add them into your job jar (as if they were code you had written).
1.0.2 is available for download from the mirrors list:
For example:

GCC 4.5.0..linking error during compilation?

Well I've recently come out of the dark ages and upgraded my GCC from 3.4.4 to 4.5.0 with Cygwin (I use Netbeans 6.8 on Windows for future reference). I tried testing the new compiler by attempting to run a simple program through it. The run failed however, citing that NetBeans "cannot find -lstdc++".
I look in ...
...where libstdc++.a, libstdc++.dll.a,, libsupc++.a, and are supposed to be (they're in that spot in the 3.4.4 folder), and they're not there. I also notice something else: there's a 4.3.4 folder in...
which contains these exact files! Good. So I copy them in to the 4.5.0 folder and try to run the program again. This time i'm getting two other errors:
build/Debug/Cygwin-Windows/extract_fail_operations.o:/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.5.0/include/c++/bits/stl_list.h:1435: undefined reference to `std::_List_node_base::_M_hook(std::_List_node_base*)'
build/Debug/Cygwin-Windows/extract_fail_operations.o:/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.5.0/include/c++/bits/stl_list.h:1451: undefined reference to `std::_List_node_base::_M_unhook()'
At this point I figured that I was way over my head and decided to come for help before copying and pasting any more files. If anyone could tell me how to get this working, i'd be really appreciative.
(If any solutions involve the command line, please be warned that i'm not well versed in it... you may have to provide extra details that you wouldn't need to to other SO users!)
EDIT: The PATH variables are as follows:
C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Secure Shell;C:\Program Files\CVSNT\;C:\cygwin\bin
And yes, the Cygwin installed is the latest from the site.
You need to install version 4.5.0 of libstdc++6-devel.