I'm developing my first App and now I'm stuck at something that I think it could be really simple and that's why I'm asking your help.
Today I'm working with UIScrollView for the first time and now I'm a little bit lost with the Referencing outlets inside the UIScrollView. Here are my "levels" of Storyboard:
Currently I need to reference some Outlets in the second View and I don't know how to reference it in my .m file because I have never done that (I just only reference outlets in the first view level) and I'm lost at the moment.
Can you help me with that problem?
Thanks in advance.
Before you continue, you should make sure you understand the basics of connecting Outlets in Xcode.
Hope this help. From there, just follow the same steps as you do to connect anything but now inside the scroll view.
I have this project that requires to add UIScrollView. I followed this Tutorial since it is my first time to use UIScrollView. But unfortunately, it is not working successfully. My scrollView is inside a .xib. Please help me fix this , aside from first time to use UIScrollView, I am not familiar with do's and don'ts in it. Also, been working from this for almost a week now. And to add some information, I removed the constraints in the objects inside ContentView, because even with or without constraints it is still not working.
This is my current setup
This is the setup from ScrollView to UIView
This is the setup from ContentView to ScrollView
I hope someone can help:
I am using a popover style container for an iPhone app. I am trying to put a UITableViewController into the container - but keep getting the NSInternalInconsistancyException error - stating that I have not set up the tableviewcontroller with a prototype cell etc - which as far as I can see I have. The TVC I am placing in the container is in the main storyboard but not connected to any other views via segues.
Should I be using seperate nib files for this TVC and TableViewCell? I don't have experience with doing this - and my attempt earlier today to solve this problem didn't work!
Setting up the UITableViewController programmatically sorted this problem out. Also, ensuring that null tableview cells are set up correctly when dequeing.
I'm currently using UISplitViewController as my app's rootViewController. To present progress dialogs I use presentModalViewController, but for the one and other reason I'm not entirely happy with it and want to do my own modal thing.
If one of my modal views is supposed to be shown, I want to add another subview to my app's main window. This subview is going to be managed by its own UIViewController subclass to make it rotate properly and do all the stuff I need.
Is this design aproach okay or will I run into issues with UISplitViewController (it is very special in so many ways and seems to be offended easily if not treaten right! :-))?
Is it a problem to have two UIViewControllers next to each other?
Please don't discuss "why don't you use presentModalViewController then?".
You may be ok with UISplitViewController if you do it properly, as presentModalViewController does something similar.
One alternative you should look into is UIPopoverController and the UIViewController's modalIfPopover property.
Also, you say you aren't happy with presentModalViewController and perhaps if you say what was wrong with it we can help you work around whatever issues you have with it. This is the exact case that it seems to be meant for.
I am becoming one sad stackoverflow-er (not flower ) :S
I would like to know the explicit steps required to add a UITableViewController as the detail view of a splitViewController using xCode and Interface Builder. This is an iPad application, so it does not have to run on the iPhone
I have gone through a number of tutorials that create UISplitViews, so I understand the concept. But each of these tutorials add a webview, or simple view controller that shows an image.
The left side of the split view shows a list of menu items that I can customize. that's the popover. no problem.
the right side needs to be a UITableViewController that I an descend and ascend that will have menu items based on the button clicked on the left hand popover.
I also looked this link - http://www.cimgf.com/2010/05/24/fixing-the-uisplitviewcontroller-template/ but the discussion appears to note that it's a "hack" rather than an recognized workflow.
anyone help a brother programmer out? steps are appreciated.
Check out any of the examples on the net. Then take the detailViewController and turn it into a UITableViewController.
Alternatively, you can check out the UISplitViewController Class Reference.
I want to be able to reproduce this effect that when clicking on one of the button in the menu, a view or viewController appears under the menu controller before the uitableview just like in the MarioCooks app. I have been trying inserting a subview below a subview, but I can't seem to get it right. Please need your help. Sorry I would have provided pictures, but being a new member I have no right to. Thx
Try UIView's insertSubview:belowSubview: method.
If you don't want it to be directly below, you can use insertSubview:atIndex:. A view holds an array of its subviews; you can through the (readonly) NSArray property subviews.