The > at end of a TableViewCell not showing up - ios7

Screenshot of the app screenshot is at (I am not allowed to post images directly!). As seen in the screenshot the ">" that is typically present at the end of a table view cell is not showing up. What do I need to do to make it show up?

You can try checking accessory type in storyboard Accessory to DisclosureIndicator.
[cellInstance setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator];


Use UIMenuItem inside UItableView

I am new user as iPhone developer, actually I want to use UIMenuItem inside UITableView and I'm trying to achieve below image.
I want to create some shadow effect which you can see in the bottom of table view. If I put one image on the tableView then I cant get click of that cell. So I'm trying How to set the alpha of newly inserted UITableViewCell to 0 for short duration.
please guide me.
Thank you..

UIImagePickerController and UIButton background images

I can successfully take a photo and set it to the background image for a button. The problem is that the image gets smushed. Should I be setting a crop on it or what am I missing for this to render the image correctly. Thanks.
After properly using constraints in the IB, the image then set to the button in a normal format. I found out that having dotted lines on the view controller due to constraints is a bad thing. After doing constraints the right way, the image showed perfectly. Thanks all for the help.

Do-this-next Indicator as Accessory View in UITableView?

I want to add a small indicator (like a green arrow or small circle) to indicate to the user what to do next in my iPad app (apparently some of the users can't figure what to do first, even tho' I have instructions in a drop-down help file). The indicator would be visible on the left side of the row and only on the row which would be the next action to take (user should tap that row to get the next sub-view to appear).
Any ideas how to accomplish this? (I looked on SO and Google and didn't find anything that was pertinent).
Add an image view to your prototype table cell. When you want to indicate that a given row is the next thing to do, set the image of the image view for that row to your indicator image.

Strange behaviour of vertical uiscrollbar at uitableview

I am using the code below to set the content offset of the uitableview after the retrieval of more data from a server.
[tablefollow setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, tablefollow.contentSize.height- self.tablefollow.bounds.size.height-5+ (numLines*(25/numLines))) animated:NO];
For some reason when i scroll down fast with my finger i notice that the vertical scroll bar reaches the end and disappears but then reappears a few rows up just for a second and then disappears again! This is happening when i am scrolling with my finger fast to the bottom of the uitableview. This does not occur when i slowly scroll to the bottom of the uitableview. Anyone got this issue before?
Any help appreciated.
The issue was that the code i mentioned was called even when the user was scrolling the uitableview. It has nothing to do with the speed of the scroll. I just added a value in the scrollviewdidbegindragging and set it to TRUE and then when the scrollviewdidenddragging occurs i set it to FALSE. I have put this code in to my function
If (!scrollingvalue)
//execute code
When the value is FALSE (which means that the uitableview is not dragged by the user) then the code is executed else it is not executed. Hope it helps someone.

auto resize label in custom cell during delete

Im making on an ios app and currently working to get cell deletion from a tableview working. I have the ios swipe to delete working with the default red button appearing in from the right to delete the cell. all working wonderfully. But the problem im having is that i cant get the 2 uilabels that are within the custom cell to autoresize over when the red button moves in. so the red button is currently covering up one of the labels . i have been trying afew things with no luck so far.
primaryLabel.contentMode = UIViewContentModeLeft;
primaryLabel.bounds = primaryLabel.frame; //incase auto resize was using bounds instead of frame
cell.autoresizesSubviews = YES;
primaryLabel.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;//tried various options in here
Im hoping to get a solution to this through code rather then with IB on this particuliar problem. So any help would be appreciated
as requested screenshot. the D is start of second label that isnt autosizing with the rest
If you are adding the labels via code, make sure you are adding them to the cell's contentView and not directly as subviews of the cell. The content view is resized when the cell enters editing mode, the main cell is not.