How to install apxs on xampp - apache

I have a site I'm running off an Apache server, and I want to run a python script using the server and the web browser. I'm using xampp, and I have researched that I have to use modwsgi, and I have downloaded the zip and unpacked it onto my desktop. Now using command prompt I run install
The first time I did this, I didn't have setup tools installed for python (I have python 2.7.8 and I'm on Windows 7 64 bit), so I went ahead and downloaded that, but now when I run the command again I get the following message
RuntimeError: The 'apxs' command appears to not to be installed or is not exectuable.
Please check the list of prerequistes in the documentation for the package and install
any missing Apache httpd server packages.
How exactly do I install apxs because I don't have Apache but xampp?

I was installing apxs on XAMPP in Windows. I wrote a blog post with the complete solution (in Spanish). I basically compiled my own version of apxs. The steps were:
Install ActiveState Perl for Windows
Add C:\xampp\apache\bin to the environment variable Path
Download apxs from here
Unzip tar.gz file in C:\xampp\apache\bin.
ppm install dmake
cd c:\xampp\apache\bin\apxs
perl --with-apache2=C:\xampp\apache


How install memcached in Mac Bigsur with PHP 7.3 and home brew

I am working on a project with setup PHP7.3, Drupal 6.4 with memcached. Memcached is working in server and in my local machine with windows. But I am not able to make it work in my Mac machine. I followed the below link to make this work.
And I tried
brew install memcached
Then added
In php.ini file. Then restarted apache. After this on the first run I got the error
{"Error Details":{"Message":"\n Error code : 32\n Message : PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20180731/ (dlopen(/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20180731/, 9): image not found), /usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20180731/ (dlopen(/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20180731/, 9): image not found))\n File name : Unknown\n Line no : 0\n Date :12-March-21 02:45:05\n Path : http://localhost/mysite/?q="}}
But from the second run onwards the error is not there. But memcache is not working. And I can't find the file in my system.
How can I fix this? Please help
I tried this. It helps.
pecl bundle memcached
Change to the directory it output.
Make sure libmemcached and zlib are installed (brew install libmemcached zlib).
Get the zlib directory (brew list zlib).
./configure --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11/ (replace the zlib path with the one from the previous command).
make install
Add the extension line in your php.ini file (ex. change the paths to match what make install output. I added this to my /usr/local/etc/php/7.4/conf.d directory in a file called ext-memcached.ini.
Verify you installed the module php -m should show you memcached in the outputted list.
Have you remembered to start the service?
brew services start memcached

How to Install mod_wsgi in a virtual Environement

I have a Web API writtten in python 3 and it uses flask. The code runs fine when I run the web API from the terminal and it is hosted from the following line in the code.
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8010, debug='true')
Current Situation
The code runs perfectly and I want to set it up on an Apache Server. However the Apache server already has websites that were built using python 2 and need mod_wsgi for python 2.
I looked up if there was a way to set up both mod-wsgi on the apache server but according to the following source you can't
mod_wsgi for Python 2 as well as Python 3 on one Apache server
Attempt at a solution
I 'm trying to install mod-wsgi into a virtual environment. I downloaded the package from here and tried to install it into the environment after activating it.
I ran sudo python install from the terminal but I got the error below
File "", line 139, in
'missing Apache httpd server packages.' % APXS)
RuntimeError: The 'apxs' command appears not to be installed or is not executable. Please check the list of prerequisites in the documentation for this package and install any missing Apache httpd server packages.
So I opened the Read Me file that was part of zipped package and found the following
If you wish to use a version of Apache which is installed into a non
standard location, you can set and export the APXS environment
variable to the location of the Apache apxs script for your Apache
installation before performing the installation.
Note that nothing will be copied into your Apache installation at this
point. As a result, you do not need to run this as the root user
unless installing it into a site wide Python installation rather than
a Python virtual environment.
To verify that the installation was successful, run the
mod_wsgi-express script with the start-server command::
mod_wsgi-express start-server
It seems to tackle my situation since Apache is not installed in the virtual environment that I'm running the command from but I have no idea how to do it
I presume they are talking about the file and that I should change the path but I do not know how to do it syntax wise or where my APXS script is located.
Here is snippet of the code that I think needs to be modified
APXS = os.environ.get('APXS')
if APXS is None:
APXS = find_program(['mod_wsgi-apxs'],
if APXS is not None:
if APXS is None:
APXS = find_program(['mod_wsgi-apxs', 'apxs2', 'apxs'],
'apxs', ['/usr/sbin', os.getcwd()])
elif not os.path.isabs(APXS):
APXS = find_program([APXS], APXS, ['/usr/sbin', os.getcwd()])
if not os.path.isabs(APXS) or not os.access(APXS, os.X_OK):
raise RuntimeError('The %r command appears not to be installed or '
'is not executable. Please check the list of prerequisites '
'in the documentation for this package and install any '
'missing Apache httpd server packages.' % APXS)
The Question
I'm doing all of this on a server running Ubuntu 12.04LTS if it helps. My question at the end are the following
Where is the APXS located usually in Ubuntu
How do I change the code snippet to make use the APXS script there
Thank you so much for Your time
Sorry for the inconvenience
Turns out I forgot to install APXS on my apache server. I simply ran the code from the terminal and it worked
sudo apt-get apache2-threaded-dev
For Ubuntu 18 its (thank you #MagicLAMP)
sudo apt-get install apache2-dev
For Centos 7: (thank you #User)
yum install httpd-devel
For Centos 7:
yum install httpd-devel

How to check LAMP is installed or not?

I am newbie in vps. I installed centos 6.5 64bit. one hour ago and installed Apache, php, mysql successfully. now I have to install phpmyadmin. It requires something called LAMP. I don't know if LAMP is already installed by default with centos or I have to manually install it. What is the ssh command to check it if LAMP installed or just answer yes or no.
That blogger confused me by separating LAMP with comma.
If LAMP was correctly installed, i.e., PATH is already set for php,mysql and apache2, then run following commands from terminal:-
php -v // Return PHP version
apache2 -v // Returns apache version
mysql --version // Returns mysql version
if all of the above command returns their respective versions, then it means LAMP is installed.
BUT if it doesn't then there might be two cases:-
1) LAMP might be installed but is not added to path.
2) LAMP is not installed, Install it.
As for the first case, if it is installed but not runnable from terminal, then just run following commands to see where LAMP components are installed:-
1) Find file with name "apache2" in your pc. It will return list of path where a file name called "apache2" exists. You can then cross examine it further.
sudo find / -name apache2
2) Run the above same command to find file "mysql" and follow the same procedure further.
sudo find / -name mysql
3) For PHP:-
sudo find / -name php
LAMP stands for Linux, apache, Mysql, PHP, if you've installed apache, mysql and PHP correctly on a linux system you have LAMP already set up.
If you want to check whether the above mentioned dependecies are installed or not
To check whether php is installed or not
php5 -v
For Apchae
/usr/sbin/apache2 -V
If any of the mentioned dependencies are not install and you want to install the LAMP use the following command,
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

Does Google's gsutil command line app work on 64 bit windows?

is it possible to run Google's Big Query command line tool: gsutil on Windows 7 64 bit?
I could not get this to work because of a dependent Python module called: pyOpenSSL-0.13, which I could not install w/o building it using Microsoft Express 2008. Just wondered if this was a known issue.
OK. I finally came up with a solution for those with a similar problem:
Install cygwin w/ dev tools (i.e. gcc compiler, make, automake, etc)
Install openssl-dev for cygwin.
Download pyOpenSSL-0.13 gzip file and decompress it into home folder. (Google for this)
run "python install" from inside a cygwin prompt.
Download gsutil source code from Google and decompress it into home folder.
run "python install" from inside a cygwin prompt.
cd to the gsutil directory
run ./gsutil
This solution worked for me on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. It could be that I broke my installation and that others may not run into this problem. However, it does seem that OpenSSL support for gsutil on a Windows 64 bit machine running 64 bit python is non-existent.

How do I change the APXS environment variable?

How do I change the APXS environmental variable to use an apxs tool from a different location?
I am trying to install an Apache module to my MAMP installation. I can successfully install the module using $ apxs -cia mod_ftp_example.c. However, the global apxs command is using the apxs tool that comes configured for the MAC OS X pre-installed Apache server, instead of using the apxs tool located in my MAMP build.
This means that when I execute the apxs command in Terminal, the module's .so file is installed here:
This is installing the module to the Apache server that comes with the Mac, and not my MAMP build. The path to the library modules that I want to install my module's .so file into is actually here:
Now, when I execute the command $ whereis apxs, I see the apxs tool is located in /usr/sbin/apxs - again, this is inside the httpd build for the default OS X Apache server and not my MAMP server.
My theory is that if I can change the whereis location of the apxs, then I can install my modules into the correct location. So how can I change that location? I tried the following, but it doesn't seem to work :/
$ APXS=/applications/mamp/library/bin/apxs
Any ideas??? Thanks!
If your just running APXS directly you can just use the full path
i.e. instead of
apxs -cia mod_ftp_example.c
you can do
/applications/mamp/library/bin/apxs -cia mod_ftp_example.c
If your running the apache ./configure.apxs you can do
export APXS=/applications/mamp/library/bin/apxs
If your doing some other kind of script you could always change the precedence of your path:
export PATH=/applications/mamp/library/bin/:$PATH