Does Google's gsutil command line app work on 64 bit windows? - google-bigquery

is it possible to run Google's Big Query command line tool: gsutil on Windows 7 64 bit?
I could not get this to work because of a dependent Python module called: pyOpenSSL-0.13, which I could not install w/o building it using Microsoft Express 2008. Just wondered if this was a known issue.

OK. I finally came up with a solution for those with a similar problem:
Install cygwin w/ dev tools (i.e. gcc compiler, make, automake, etc)
Install openssl-dev for cygwin.
Download pyOpenSSL-0.13 gzip file and decompress it into home folder. (Google for this)
run "python install" from inside a cygwin prompt.
Download gsutil source code from Google and decompress it into home folder.
run "python install" from inside a cygwin prompt.
cd to the gsutil directory
run ./gsutil
This solution worked for me on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. It could be that I broke my installation and that others may not run into this problem. However, it does seem that OpenSSL support for gsutil on a Windows 64 bit machine running 64 bit python is non-existent.


Linux Subsystem can't install and recognize packages

I am using windows and didn't wanted to switch to linux. I still wanted to learn it so I downloaded ubuntu subsystem for windows. It works fine and I can also execute linux commands on it. But the problem is I can't check my pip version using "pip --version" command also I can't access nodejs . It says that node isn't recognized. But it is working fine on my cmd windows terminal. How can I make it work ? Do I really have to download all these packages again after running "sudo apt update" command.
Yes, you have to download all these packages again for Ubuntu-WSL. That is because WSL is not compatible with windows executable, just like Ubuntu is supposed to be.

Stencil - is not recognized as an internal or external command

I just got a new machine from IT and tried to install all the requirements on this page.
Windows 7 | Git for Windows | node-v4.6.1 x64 | Python 2.7.13 x64 | Visual Studio Community 2015
I followed the steps. I installed every software (the versions specified in the instruction, 64bit). I ran the command on the page. Everything was smooth except I couldn't run stencil command. It says "stencil" is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I did some research on it and it looks like it has to do with Environment Variables but I don't know where to start with..
What am I missing?
Try a fresh node install and then npm install again. It sounds like a permission or installation issue.
After installing both Python and Node.js, you should configure Python within the Node.js runtime environment by running this npm command:
npm config set python python2.7

How to install apxs on xampp

I have a site I'm running off an Apache server, and I want to run a python script using the server and the web browser. I'm using xampp, and I have researched that I have to use modwsgi, and I have downloaded the zip and unpacked it onto my desktop. Now using command prompt I run install
The first time I did this, I didn't have setup tools installed for python (I have python 2.7.8 and I'm on Windows 7 64 bit), so I went ahead and downloaded that, but now when I run the command again I get the following message
RuntimeError: The 'apxs' command appears to not to be installed or is not exectuable.
Please check the list of prerequistes in the documentation for the package and install
any missing Apache httpd server packages.
How exactly do I install apxs because I don't have Apache but xampp?
I was installing apxs on XAMPP in Windows. I wrote a blog post with the complete solution (in Spanish). I basically compiled my own version of apxs. The steps were:
Install ActiveState Perl for Windows
Add C:\xampp\apache\bin to the environment variable Path
Download apxs from here
Unzip tar.gz file in C:\xampp\apache\bin.
ppm install dmake
cd c:\xampp\apache\bin\apxs
perl --with-apache2=C:\xampp\apache

Configuration for Java binding for ZeroMQ (0MQ) with no root privileges on Linux

I am a novice with zeroMQ and I am stuck at binding ØMQ with java on a server running CentOS release 5.9.
Unfortunately, I do not have super user/root privileges on the server and am trying to install ØMQ as a normal user with restricted privileges. I have installed ØMQ by following instructions on
Make sure that libtool, autoconf, automake are installed.
Check whether uuid-dev package, uuid/e2fsprogs RPM or equivalent on your system is installed.
Unpack the .tar.gz source archive.
Run ./configure, followed by make.
Could not run the following obviously
To install ØMQ system-wide run sudo make install.
On Linux, run sudo ldconfig after installing ØMQ.
Then I attempted to install jzmq.
Cloned [git clone]
Ran configure
At this point I get the following error
checking for ZeroMQ... no
checking zmq.h usability... no
checking zmq.h presence... no
checking for zmq.h... no
configure: error: cannot find zmq.h
As a result of the above error I am not able to run java tests and get error "no jzmq in java.library.path".
Can anybody help/direct me to how to get java binding for zeromq work when you dont have root privileges to install it? Its difficult to get IT department to install a new software on servers.
Appreciate your help.
Note: I do not have write permissions to /usr directory
This can be overcome by adding --with-zeromq=/home/user/zeromq (installation directory of zeromq)
./configure --with-zeromq=/home/user/zeromq
Other steps include
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/zeromq/lib
You can also use JeroMQ ( which is a pure Java implementation of ZeroMQ
I got this working by running on OEL 6 then running configure / compiling / installing on CentOS 5.9. I briefly looked into why was failing and the problem was the tool chain was too old. Since I had a more up-to-date system with a modern tool chain available running on something other than CentOS 5 was the easiest path for me. I'm sure it works fine with other modern Linux variants, I had OEL 6 at my finger tips.
I also did not have access to a standard directory for installation. To get that working I added zmq.jar to my class path, and the run-time linker needed to be able to find the zeromq and jzmq run-time libraries.
I faced the same issue on CentOS 6.5 and found that you need to install "gcc-c++" for this to work.
I used the following to install dependencies:
yum -y install jdk zeromq-devel unzip libtool gcc autoconf automake gcc-c++ python
Note that "jdk" comes from our private repository and it's same what can be downloaded from
The following public repositories are installed on server:
Actually, I ended up having this same issue, and the following script worked for me, where I installed zeromq into ~ (so that I have ~/lib contains libzmq.a pkgconfig)
./ ./configure --prefix=$HOME \ #because you don't have root privileges
--with-zeromq=$HOME --includedir=$HOME/include/ --libdir=$HOME/lib/
./make -n install
#to check to see if it installs it to the right location
make install

Running boomerang

I am on Ubuntu 8.04 and I have just downloaded Boomerang and unzip the files into a folder on my desktop.
I cd into that folder where the exe boomerang file resides, and typed ./boomerang and boomerang.
However I got the error message:
unable to execute ./boomerang: No such file or directory.
Why does this happen?
I guess, you're on a 64 bit system, which mean you must install some x86 libraries to run the program,
to list the libraries the binary is linked against, run readelf -d | grep NEEDED
once you know the libraries, just install it for x86 architecture: here are some common and necessary libraries for x86
sudo apt-get install libgc1c2:i386 libexpat1-dev:i386 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev
now the program should start normally,
but if it persists, you should see a different kind of error,
try to install those libraries for x86
make sure you have Qt installed for the GUI version.
The error is most likely because you have a 64-bit system, but the boomerang binaries are 32-bit, and many newer 64-bit systems no longer ship with 32-bit support.
The solution is to install 32-bit support for your system; the method for doing this may differ, however the procedure I used was:
sudo apt-get install -y lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
Which should be compatible with Ubuntu and many derivatives, though you should look up the correct procedure for your particular OS version, rather than simply running this command.
However, there may also be a number of other 32-bit libraries that are still required before boomerang will run on a 64-bit linux distribution, but at least once you have 32-bit support installed it can tell you what these are!
Are you sure you unpacked it ??
weewee#ubuntu:~/Downloads$ tar xzf boomerang-linux-alpha-0.3.tar.gz
weewee#ubuntu:~/Downloads$ cd boomerang-linux-alpha-0.3/
weewee#ubuntu:~/Downloads/boomerang-linux-alpha-0.3$ ls -l boomerang
-rwxr-xr-x 1 weewee weewee 2376620 Jun 13 2006 boomerang
weewee#ubuntu:~/Downloads/boomerang-linux-alpha-0.3$ ./boomerang
Boomerang alpha 0.3 13/June/2006
Usage: boomerang [ switches ] <program>
boomerang -h for switch help