Autocorrect using Apache LUCENE - lucene

I am using apache lucene for a project to do the autocorrect functionality. I need the suggestions to come up only if the spelling is wrong.
In apache Lucene, I can see that suggesions are coming up even if the spelling is typed right and wrong. How can I eliminate suggestions for right entry?

Found it....
there is a function called SpellChecker.exist()


Using Field.index from apache lucene index

I am attempting to implement a simple lucene index, using Lucene 7.1.
There are allot of changes to the code between versions, so I am meeting a lot of changes from answer to answer.
In this tutorial I am following
There is a line
document.add(new Field(FIELD_PATH, path, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));
However Field.Index is throwing up errors. I can convert it to TextField but I am not sure if this is the same thing. Can anyone tell me what Field.Index does and how one could modify the code so that it will run ?
That tutorial is using 2.3, it's so old the folks at apache don't even keep that version of lucene in the archives. It wouldn't bother with a resource that old, more headache than it's worth. Looks like they're mostly just going through the lucene demo that comes with every released version of lucene, though. Try going through the current Lucene demo, instead.
As far as what to replace that exact field with, it's indexed, stored and not tokenized, so you'll want to use a StringField. A TextField would be for a field that is tokenized.

Lucene 4.1 : How search text with HunspellStemmer and get suggestions?

I want to parse text files with lucene using HunspellStemmer to check for spelling errors. I will use Hunspell dictionaries that's why I want to use HunspellStemmer.
At this point I'm not sure how I should parse the files and do the checking.
Could I use a Standard Analyser with WordFilter to index the text in a file and check Term by term if the keyword is present in HunspellDictionary.
I did that and it works, not sure it's the optimal solution, but if I want to output 3-5 suggestions by word not present, I have no idea what do to.
I could use a IndexerSearch when I use a PlainTextDictionnary, but no idea how to get that functionality with HunspellDictionary. (it doesn't implement Dictionary).
any help will be really appreciate.
examples that I want to check : hell, hello, hall, helli. I'm hoping to have suggestions for "helli" using a Hunspell.

Lucene 3.6.0 - SnowballAnalyzer Stemmer Deprecated

today I was trying to use the SnowballAnalyzer on Lucene Java API v3.6.0 but it seems Deprecated already. When I try to use the analyzer on my code, the code stop when it reach the analyzer. Actually I want to use PorterStemmer but it was not available on luce, so I decided to use this snowball, but this problem occured.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Plus, does anyone know how to set the stop word file format, cause when I put:
In the stopword.txt, and call it, the program stop. Can anyone share with me how to format the stopword.txt file?
being deprecated cannot make your code stop running. You must have some other issue.
Your stopword.txt seems to have the right format.

Remove Part of URL with Mod_Rewrite?

On my Blog, i have the following urls
My CMS (wordpress) enforces categories on custom post types, but i don't want them. I have tried disabling them, but there is no option. So, is there a way to use Mod_Rewrite to remove "listing-category/" from each url when it displays it.
To make it like so:
Help here? How can i achieve this? What is the best way to do this? Is there is any bad effect of doing this hard coding?
Maybe try this plugin?
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

How do you fix the occasional blank page when submitting a form?

The most troublesome bug is the occasional one; there is no definite way to reproduce it.
I've searched a lot on this topic,
and the most probable reason is the charset,
and I've taken some actions by setting the default charset as utf8 in .htaccess (I'm using Apache),
but it still happens, again occasionally!
Have you guys any tips other than setting the default charset to fix it?
As a side note that according to my own experience it happens mostly when the form is submitted from IE, if not all.
Are you using PHP?
Usually any time I hit a blank page, it's because there's an elusive bug in php someplace and errors are turned off.
Just an alternative path you might investigate.