Can't see published ASP.NET MVC website -

I published my finalized ASP.NET MVC 4 web application through FTP using Visual Studio 2012 publishing method. My webhost is
The problem is that when I try to access the website's domain, it says "This domain is now reserved, but no content was uploaded". I checked the ftp server using Filezilla, and all the published files are there. I really don't know why I can't see the website.
Here is a snapshot of the files from Filezilla:

That sounds like the "splash" page or default web site on your domain provider. Many providers like GoDaddy want you to also buy web hosting from them, so they initially set your DNS records to a temporary shared hosting-type account with a default website inside. Make sure your DNS records/namespace servers are set to your actual hosting provider.


Is there a way to interact with a WebDav server in IIS from ASP.NET Core web application on the same IIS instance?

I have a web application that is basically a document management software. The users are primarily editing files from word so I host these files in a WebDav folder in IIS to allow editing and saving from word. To access these files they use the interface built into the web application and the links showed in the browser just reference the virtual directory used for the web dav folder. This works great however when a user saves a file I would like to capture when their saving it to the SQL database the web application uses. So is there anyway for my web application to know when a user saves a file to WebDav? I may also try to utilize other code as well if I am able to allow the webdav and core web application to interact. I have scoured the internet and I could not find anything useful and I could not find anything in stackoverflow even related.

The web server (IIS) fails to load static files (css, js, images) over HTTPS

I am hosting my website with a hosting service provider. The website loads perfectly when the request is HTTP (i.e., but the web server (IIS) fails to load static files (css, js, images) over HTTPS (i.e., I get "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403".
I checked this link CSS, Images, JS not loading in IIS and it says maybe I need to set the identity of the anonymous user to the App Pool Identity. The problem is that I asked my hosting service provider to perform that task, but the provider told me that they do not do that on application pool identity because this increases security leaks with impersonating authentication.
I am using .NET 5.0 and I tried to modify the launchSettings.json file to allow anonymousAuthentication, but that didn't work, do you know what else can I do to solve this issue?
Summarize from the comments:
The problem was caused by hosting firewall. Migrated the website to another hosting provider, then the problem is gone.

How do I host an MVC4 website using FTP?

How do I publish and host an MVC4 website using FileZilla?
Please note that I am not using Azure.
I searched Google but couldn't find a proper solution.
Do you mean publishing to the general public? You need to find a web host that will cater to your needs.
The host must be capable of hosting an MVC4 application as well as having FTP access so that you can publish your application.
Use Google to search for an ASP.NET MVC4 web host
Sign up with your chosen web host
Use Visual Studio to Publish your website (perhaps locally to a file folder)
Solution Explorer
Right-click on your solution
Upload your files with the FTP server details provided by your host
If any step is unclear, search for tutorials or guides on it.

Directory access outside of wwwroot for a WCF service hosted on IIS

I've been working on a WCF service that is currently hosted on IIS. I need to get the WCF service to access a directory outside of the wwwroot folder.
Am I right in assuming that directory access outside of wwwroot is restricted to WCF apps hosted on IIS as it would be restricted for an ASP.Net application hosted on IIS?
If this is the case, what is the safest way of allowing the WCF service to acccess a set folder outside of the wwwroot?
BTW - I'm running in Mixed Transports Mode, not ASP.Net compatibility mode.
File access is going to be limited based on the identify of the application pool that is hosting your service. Your service will be able to access any file the application pool identity has access to whether it is in the root of your IIS website or not. If you want to access files within the root of your website using relative paths with something like Server.MapPath then you'll have to run your WCF service in ASP.Net compatability mode. See the following page for details on WCF with ASP.Net compatability mode:
I think that the best approach is to create another application pool for your service and assign a specially created account as the identity of your new application pool. Then give the needed permissions of the account to the folders and file you need to access. You can make the external folder a virtual directory of the site if you want to reference it with a relative path.

Best practices for migrating web application from Netscape to IIS?

We are in the process of developing a .NET based IIS hosted web application as part of a re-platforming project. The original web app is on a Netscape server, in the process of migration we need to point the dns to the IIS server so that the requests are responded by IIS. at the same time we would still need the Netscape server so as to redirect the users from the IIS web app for the regions of the web site which the new application doesn't process (yet).
The old application is frame based, so we plan on using IFrames in the content area (of a master page in web client software factory) and use a URL rewrite engine to render pages from the old system in the iframe.
We also need to point the DNS entry which currently points to the Netscape server to IIS.
Are there and best practices for the above activities?
Maybe this link can help: Migrating a Web Server to IIS: Basic Steps
It discussed the steps you can take to get ready for Internet Information Services (IIS). In this article, the author takes a "nuts and bolts" approach to migrating an individual Web server.
You'll find detailed information about migrating configuration settings and content to a server running IIS 5.0 from another type of Web server, such as Apache HTTP Server or Netscape Enterprise Server.