How do I host an MVC4 website using FTP? -

How do I publish and host an MVC4 website using FileZilla?
Please note that I am not using Azure.
I searched Google but couldn't find a proper solution.

Do you mean publishing to the general public? You need to find a web host that will cater to your needs.
The host must be capable of hosting an MVC4 application as well as having FTP access so that you can publish your application.
Use Google to search for an ASP.NET MVC4 web host
Sign up with your chosen web host
Use Visual Studio to Publish your website (perhaps locally to a file folder)
Solution Explorer
Right-click on your solution
Upload your files with the FTP server details provided by your host
If any step is unclear, search for tutorials or guides on it.


Is there a way to interact with a WebDav server in IIS from ASP.NET Core web application on the same IIS instance?

I have a web application that is basically a document management software. The users are primarily editing files from word so I host these files in a WebDav folder in IIS to allow editing and saving from word. To access these files they use the interface built into the web application and the links showed in the browser just reference the virtual directory used for the web dav folder. This works great however when a user saves a file I would like to capture when their saving it to the SQL database the web application uses. So is there anyway for my web application to know when a user saves a file to WebDav? I may also try to utilize other code as well if I am able to allow the webdav and core web application to interact. I have scoured the internet and I could not find anything useful and I could not find anything in stackoverflow even related.

Host Core Web Api locally

I am learning Core Web Api. I need to access the api from a flutter application but am not ready to host the api on Azure. What are my options if I want to host the api locally on my computer so I can access it from another application like my Flutter app client, and is there any tutorials I can follow to learn how to implement the solution.
There are several ways to go about this, here are some options:
FROM VISUAL STUDIO: You can simply run the ASP.NET Core Web API from Visual Studio in Development Mode by Pressing F5
FROM COMMAND PROMPT: Run the API Project from the command line by opening a command prompt window in the root project folder of the project and use the dotnet run command. See here for more info about the command: dotner run command
HOSTING IN IIS: I am assuming you are running a windows OS. You can turn on IIS and its features. Simply follow the instructions on this page: Host ASP.NET Core in IIS on how to deploy ASP.NET Core to IIS. The advantage of this is that you have the application always running while you work on your flutter application locally.
I hope this helps you resolve your situation.
What are my options if I want to host the api locally on my computer so I can access it from another application like my Flutter app client, and is there any tutorials I can follow to learn how to implement the solution.
If your application is developing now, there is no need to host the application and let the Flutter app client to access. We could build some json file as the right format like web api response to develop the client app.
If your client application and web api has now developed successfully, you want to host the web api to let fluent app or other application to access from internet. You should have a public IP address and host the application on IIS or else. Public IP address you should ask for the IP provider company. Without a public address, the client side app couldn't access your application from internet.
If your web api and the client app are in the same intranet, you could let the client app directly access the web api after the web api hosted on IIS by using hosting server's IP address.
About how to host the core application on IIS, you could refer to this article.

Can't see published ASP.NET MVC website

I published my finalized ASP.NET MVC 4 web application through FTP using Visual Studio 2012 publishing method. My webhost is
The problem is that when I try to access the website's domain, it says "This domain is now reserved, but no content was uploaded". I checked the ftp server using Filezilla, and all the published files are there. I really don't know why I can't see the website.
Here is a snapshot of the files from Filezilla:
That sounds like the "splash" page or default web site on your domain provider. Many providers like GoDaddy want you to also buy web hosting from them, so they initially set your DNS records to a temporary shared hosting-type account with a default website inside. Make sure your DNS records/namespace servers are set to your actual hosting provider.

Web Service on Windows Azure?

I am new to Windows Azure and I have a question.
I have:
Web site which deployed to Windows Azure - The web site manage a table (add, edit, delete). I used this guide: Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to a Windows Azure Web Site and SQL Database
Andorid application & iOS Application (Native Code).
Now, I want the mobile applications to get data (in JSON format) from the web site (and from the DB).
What is the best practice to do that?
I tried to create a Azure (WCF) Service (the project refrenced to the web site project) but I didn't succeded. If this is the way - Is anyone knows a good tutorial to do that?
Is there another option? Maybe from the web site itself?
Thank you very much,
If you want to integrate with non-Microsoft technologies I suggest you take a look at the ASP.NET Web API which allows you to build REST services using content negotiation. Content negotiation allows your consumer to specify the format it requires (json, xml, ...).
To host the ASP.NET Web API in a Windows Azure Web Site you should take a look at Carlos' blog, he describes in detail what you need to do to make this work: Creating ASP.NET Web APIs on Azure Web Sites
Have you given ASP.NET Web API a look-see?

Deploying a project with web references

I have a project that uses web references to make SOAP calls to several web services.
When I'm working locally, the services are hosted on my local machine, so the URL of each web service is something like http://localhost/blah.
When I deploy the project to a server, the URL needs to change to the production URL.
Currently I am accomplishing this with a prebuild event that does a find-and-replace on each URL and overwrites it with the deployment URL before deploying. Surely there is a better way.
Can someone enlighten me on the best way to change web references for deployment?
This happens to be a VB.NET project in Visual Studio 2010.
If you set the URL behavior of the Web reference to dynamic, the application obtains the URL at run time from the appSettings element of your application's configuration file.
So, you can use code to set it based on where it is deployed. This is a pretty old link, but I think it should help: