Determine the value of the new record owner in JavaScript save event - dynamics-crm-2013

We have a security requirement on Case such that after the user has selected a new owner via the OOB assign button we ask for confirmation to proceed only if the newly selected owner is a User.
I therefore need to prompt the user in JavaScript before the record is saved/assigned. Using the event context I am able to determine if the save event was triggered by an ownership change but I can't see anyway of determining what the value is for the new owner.
I have the following JavaScript event triggered on save of the Case...
if (ctx.getEventArgs().getSaveMode() == 47) {
//I need to access the new owner here to check if it's a user
Xrm.Page.getAttribute('ownerid').getValue() // <-- This is still the current owner
function () { }, //Yes
function () { ctx.getEventArgs().preventDefault(); }); //No
I don't want to have to override the Assign button on Case as we'd then have to duplicate the assign dialog functionality.


Vue2-Dropzone process form when files manually added

Is it possible to manually process the dropzone form (or queue) when the file is manually loaded?
We have the concept of a drivers license. The user uploads a photo and enters other information such as the license number, expiration date, etc.. The user clicks the save button and I call processQueue() which submit the entire form. This all works just fine.
Next, we display this license in a non-form way with an edit button. When they click the "Edit" button, I display the form again and populate the fields with previously entered data including manually adding the previously submitted photo of their license. Basically like this from the documentation:
mounted: () {
var file = { size: 300, name: "Icon", type: "image/png" };
var url = "";
this.$refs.myVueDropzone.manuallyAddFile(file, url);
This appears to all work as expected. I see the dropzone with a thumbnail of the previously uploaded file. The input fields are all populated with previously entered data.
The problem occurs when I try to process this form again with:
onSubmit() {
If they only make changes to the input fields like the license number and do not upload a new file, the onSubmit() or processQueue() does not work. It only works if I remove and re-add a file or add a second file. It's as if it does not recognize a file has been added. Is manuallyAddFile only for displaying and not actually adding the file?
How can I submit this form when the file is manually added?
After a bit of research on Vue2 Dropzone
Manually adding files
Using the manuallyAddFile method allows you to programatically add files to your dropzone area. For example if you already have files on your server that you'd like to pre-populate your dropzone area with then simply use the function when the vdropzone-mounted event is fired.
So the solutions is to check and see if anything needs to be processed in your queue. Since you manually added the file you already have it, it does not need to be uploaded again. Only if the user adds a new file does it need to be uploaded.
You could do this a few ways, but I would recommend something like the example below for it's simplicity:
onSubmit() {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
If you need to wait until the queue has finished processing to send your form you can leverage vdropzone-queue-complete. Below is a quick example:
<button #click="saveForm">Save</button>
export default {
methods: {
saveForm () {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
} else {
errorUploading (file, message, xhr) {
// do something when a file errors
// perhaps show a user a message and create a data element to stop form from processing below?
fileUploaded (file, response) {
// do something with a successful file upload. response is the server response
// perhaps add it to your form data?
submitForm () {
// Queue is done processing (or nothing to process), you can now submit your form
// maybe check for errors before doing the below step
// do what ever you need to submit your form this.$ etc.

Why Is Vue Data Element Changing When I Only Set It Once?

I have created a component that allows users to select objects from a list and put them into another "selected list" lets say. So there are 100 items in the main list and however many in the users selected list. They can of course remove and add items as they want.
There are two buttons at the bottom of the modal. Cancel and Update. Where Cancel forgets anything they have added or removed (essentially an Undo of when they popped up the modal) and Update technically does nothing because when you are adding and removing, I am actually updating the real selected list.
So my data has these two properties (among others of course):
originalSelections: [],
selectedMedications: [],
There is a method that only gets called one time to set the selectedMedications property to whatever the current state of originalSelections is. I have a console.log to prove I am not running this method more than once and it NEVER gets hit again.
console.log('Post Initing');
let Selected = [];
for (let med of this.value.OtherNotFromEpic) {
let match = this.otherMedications.find(x => { return x.value === med });
if (match) {
I was baffled at why the selectedMedications was changing, so I added a watch to let me know if it was:
watch: {
originalSelections(newValue) {
console.log(' ** Original Selection Changed', this.init, newValue);
The Cancel method is as follows:
cancel() {
$('#' + this.modalID).modal('hide');
console.log('Cancel: this.originalSelections', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.originalSelections)));
this.selectedMedications = this.originalSelections;
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log(' Cancelled: this.selectedMedications', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.selectedMedications)));
You can see that I am setting selectedMedications to whatever it was originally.
The odd thing is... This WORKS 100% the first time I bring up the modal. So I pop up the modal, remove an item, cancel the modal and it brings back the item I removed. Perfect!
If I bring the modal up again, remove that same item or any other item, cancel the modal and that item stays removed and the watch is actually hit. I have NO other place in the code where originalMedications = … or originalMedications.push or even originalMedications.slice ever happen. And it is my understand that the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(match)) code I use to set it is making a new object and not a reference in any way.
Another odd thing I have found is that if I refresh the page, open the modal, cancel out without doing any adding or removing. Then I bring up the modal again and try either add or remove, then cancel the modal, those items do not revert back to the originalMedications state because originalMedications is the same as selectedMedications. Aargh!
So HOW can a property get altered when I never do anything to it after the initial setting of it?
In the cancel method, when below direct assignment is done here after both data is referring to same (since its array). So any time after the first cancel both originalSelections and selectedMedications array would have same reference and hence same data.
this.selectedMedications = this.originalSelections;
instead better to use concat as below? This will create a copy of originalSelections and assign that to selectedMedications. So any operations on selectedMedications will not affect the originalSelections.
this.selectedMedications = [].concat(this.originalSelections);

Skip watcher in vueJS

I have a form for updating document entity.
The document entity consists of list of employees (which is an array of objects) and each employee has a post which is just a string.
I have a dropdown (kind of wrapper for vue-multiselect) which accepts the array of employees and syncs selected employee to a selectedEmployee variable in data().
And also I have a watcher for selectedEmployee which sets the post input automatically when an employee is selected in the dropdown.
So, when creating a document in the form everything's fine, however, when I update the document, then I fetch existing document from server, set selectedEmployee and set employee's post. But, the document also keeps employee's post, so the first time when I open document's form in order to update it, I don't want to automatically update document's post. I want it to be updated only when user actually selects employee himself.
But the watcher gets called the first time too.
So, imagine we have John Doe and his a manager. When I create the document, I change his post to designer. Then, I open up the document form in order to update it, and I should see that for this specific document John Doe's post is "designer", but the watcher gets called and returns the post to manager.
I tried to make a fake variable in data(), like doneFetching, but it works only if I update this var directly in watcher, which looks quite dangerous, plus, in other entities I have many different kinds of selected employees, so making tons of fake flags is not an option.
Here is real code sample (employee = representative in my case):
selectedApproveRepresentative(representative) {
if (!representative) {
this.memoData.approve_representative_id = null
this.memoData.approve_representative_id =
// Here is temporary solution, but I have many watchers for many different kinds of employees. If I move the doneFetching flag after I initialized the form, it'll be set to true, and only after that the watcher will be called
if (this.mode === 'update' && !this.doneFetching) {
this.doneFetching = true
// In normal case a representative might have or have not post, so depending on this case we set it to be empty or filled. But this should not be called the first time I open the form
this.memoData.approve_representative_post_dative_case =
representative.post_dative_case ?
representative.post_dative_case : ''
Here is where I initialize data:
created() {
if (this.memo) {
this.memoData = _.cloneDeep(this.memo)
this.selectedApproveRepresentative = _.cloneDeep(this.memo.approve_representative)
as I understood, your problem is the watcher executed when you init the component. Have you tried setting the immediate property of the watcher to false?
Not everybody knows that the watchers can be defined in different ways.
The simple one that everybody know
watchers: {
propertyToWatch() { //code... }
Passing the name of a function as 'string'
watchers: {
propertyToWatch: 'nameOfAfunctionDefinedInMethodsSection'
The object declaration
This one is the most descriptive way of declaring a watcher. You write it as an object with a handler property (it can be the name of a function passed as string as above), and other properties like deep to watch nested properties of an object, or in your case immediate which tells to the watcher if the should run immediately when the component is mounted.
watchers: {
propertyToWatch: {
immediate: false,
handler: function() { //code.. }

How to reuse data between routes in Aurelia?

I have an user entity in the system and the following route fetches it from server and displays its details:[
// ...
{route: 'user/:id', name: 'user-details', moduleId: './user-details'}
Now I want to display an edit form for the displayed user. I have the following requirements:
Edit form should have a separate URL address, so it can be sent to others easily.
When user clicks the Edit button on the user's details page, the edit form should use an already loaded instance of the user (i.e. it should not contact the API again for user details).
When user clicks the Edit button on the user's details page and then the Back button in the browser, he should see the details page without edit form again.
1st attempt
I tried to define the edit form as a separate page:[
// ...
{route: 'user/:id/edit', name: 'user-edit', moduleId: './user-edit'}
This passes the #1 and #3 requirement but it has to load the user again when the edit form is opened.
I don't know any way to smuggle some custom data between the routes. It would be perfect if I could pass the preloaded user instance to the edit route and the edit component would use it or load a new one if it is not given (e.g. user accesses the URL directly). I have only found how to pass strings to the routes in a slighlty hacky way.
2nd attempt
I decided to display the edit form in a modal and show it automatically when there is a ?action=edit GET parameter. The code inspired by this and this question:
export class UserDetails {
// constructor
activate(params, routeConfig) {
this.user = /* fetch user */;
this.editModalVisible = params.action == 'edit';
and when the user clicks the Edit button, the following code is executed:
displayEditForm() {
this.router.navigateToRoute('user/details', {id:, action: 'edit'});
this.editModalVisible = true;
This passes #1 (the edit url is user/123?action=edit) and #2 (the user instance is loaded only once). However, when user clicks the Back browser button, the URL changes as desired from user/123?action=edit to user/123 but I have no idea how to detect it and hide the edit form (the activate method is not called again). Therefore, this solution fails the #3 requirement.
In fact, I have found that I can detect the URL change and hide the edit form with event aggregator:
(event) => this.editModalVisible = event.instruction.queryParams.action == 'edit');
But still, I want to know if there is a better way to achieve this.
The question is
How to cope with this situation in a clean and intuitive way?
How about adding a User class that will serve as the model and use dependency injection to use it in your view-models?
export class User {
currentUserId = 0;
userData = null;
retrieve(userId) {
if (userId !== this.currentUserId) {
retrieve the user data from the server;
place it into this.userData;
return this.userData;

Rally addnew interrupt creation using beforecreate event

The Problem
I am trying to get around one of the known issues of the rallyaddnew button by setting fields based on different combobox values. This works fine, but there are some combinations the user can enter than I can only catch after they have elected to create a rollup or feature.
The Question
I made a listener for the beforecreate event, and I can tell when I want to prevent the creation of this portfolioitem. Is there any way to prevent it from being created?
All I am doing right now is:
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'You are creating a feature/rollup with invalid options. Please delete this record and try again.');
But, the record is still created
Here is an example where a card is created on a board, and based on the selection in the Iteration box,a story is scheduled accordingly. Except a creation of a new card is interrupted if a certain condition is met. If the condition is met, it returns false:
return false;
and new item is not created:
_onBeforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
var currentDate = new Date();
var startDate = this.iterationCombobox.getRecord().get("StartDate");
if (startDate > currentDate){
console.log("in the future");
return false;
record.set('Iteration', this.iterationCombobox.getValue());