How to determine which stored procedures are being executed (MSSQL 2008 R2) - sql

I'm having a real problem with my application and SQL Server (2008 R2).
I have a bug whereby a stored procedure is failing because of a misconfigured SQLCMD variable but the call to the stored procedure is in an assembly for which I don't have the source code.
Is there a way to watch which stored procedures are being executed? Or is there a way to determine with an SQL query which stored procedures have been executed and when?
I am really stuck. Please help!

You could try running this against your database:
select OBJECT_NAME([object_id], database_id), last_execution_time, execution_count
from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats
order by last_execution_time desc
That gives you a snapshot at the time of execution what was last run and how many times it's been executed since it was last compiled. The table doesn't unfortunately give a log per-se of the stored procedures getting run, just when they were run last and some other helpful information.
Fore a much more involved approach, you could look at SQL Server Audit, a new feature to SQL Server 2008. I don't have much experience with it, but this should give you a starting point if you're super stuck.


SSIS SQL Executation Task error: unable to run some sql queries

I'm working to make some fact tables (taking some data from some resources, doing some transformations and putting them in a table). My main dilemma is that I can't run any SQL query other than select, update, and insertion. As soon as i try:
exec someProcedure
or a conditional statement (if #part1 ...) or even (create table ...) I take errors. Opening the task to build my SQL statements and find problems it gives errors ranging from (The Set SQL construct or statement is not supported.) to (The EXEC SQL construct or statement is not supported.).
I looked for numerous topics here on stackoverflow but none were actually addressing me problem.
You can see a view of what I'm facing in this picture :
I expect to run my SQL commands as usual in SSIS.
Try changing the SQL Source Type from Direct Input to Stored Procedure and just specify the stored procedure name instead of Exec stored procedure
Also make sure that you have selected the relevant TargetServerVersion from the project configuration:
How to change TargetServerVersion of my SSIS Project
Based on your comments, you are using SQL Server 2012 with Visual Studio 2010 which are not compatible.
You have to use Visual Studio 2012 or 2015+ (backward compatibility added). You can refer to the SSIS tag wiki for more info:

SQL Server Stored Procedure Caching Old Results Even After Update

I have a weird issue I've never ran into before. I have a stored procedure that joins a bunch of data. When I do an update on a table that is found in one of the joins it doesnt update, until say 20-30 seconds later, or not at all. I see the value updated in the actual table, but the stored procedure has the old value. I didnt think stored procedures could cache like this, or delay like this. Where should I look to fix this?
Try aliasing all of your tables and using the correct alias in the SELECT portion of your query.ff
Unfortunately there is some caching possibly of the old query plan for the previous version of the stored procedure. It seems like a bug in SQL Server. After a short period of time, it seems to update it but yes - pretty sure it's a bug.
Source: using SSMS on SQL Server 2012 -> 2017 for large data management

SQL Azure: sp_helptext gives non-runnable source code

When trying to automate reading out constraint information using sp_helpconstraint I got the bright idea of pulling out the source code of the built-in SP directly and run it myself (since it returns multiple result sets so those can't be stored in a temp table). So I ran exec sp_helptext 'sp_helpconstraint' (on SQL Azure) to generate the source code, and copied it into a new query window.
However, when I run the SP (on SQL Azure), I get lot's of error messages -- for example, that object syscomments doesn't exist even though I am using the exact same source that runs perfectly when calling sp_helpconstraint directly. Just to make sure it wasn't an anomaly with the procedure or a mistake in my copy/paste execution, I tested the exact same procedure on SQL Server 2008, and if I directly copy the SP source into a new query window, it runs perfectly (obviously after removing the return statements and manually setting the input parameters).
What gives?? Do built-in SP's run in a special context where more commands are available than normal on SQL Azure version? Is sp_helptext not returning the actual source that is being run on SQL Azure?
If you want me to try anything out, give a suggestion and I can try it on our SQL Azure Development instance. Thanks!

retrieve most recently executed SQL command (T-SQL)

One of my developers working on a trigger-based logging facility in SQL Server 2008 asked me if there was a command to retrieve the most recently executed SQL command within T-SQL. I thought there was a system stored procedure for just such a function, but it's possible I'm thinking of another product from a prior decade... online searches yielded us no results.
Does anyone have information on anything of the sort?
sure try this :
DMExQryStats.last_execution_time AS [Executed At],
DMExSQLTxt.text AS [Query]
sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS DMExQryStats
sys.dm_exec_sql_text(DMExQryStats.sql_handle) AS DMExSQLTxt
DMExQryStats.last_execution_time DESC
it will returns recently executed queries along with the date and time at which they were executed
Well, the procedure that retrieves the most current SQL batch can safely return itself :)
On a serious note, you can look at sys.dm_exec_query_stats and sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats to see when a plan was last time executed, based on the last_execution_time column. But note that the method is not reliable because it does not account for plans that were evicted from the cache after execution.
What does "most recent" mean in the context of a multi-core machine?
Also, does he mean the most recently started, or the most recently finished?
Finally, he should just open SSMS and look at Activity Monitor.

Is it possible to determine when a stored procedure was last modified in SQL Server 2000?

I know that you can do this in SQL Server 2005, but I'm at a loss for 2000.
Not to my knowledge.
To get around this, I manage my stored procedures in a Visual Studio database project. Every stored procedure is in its own file and has a drop command at the top of the file. When I update the stored through Visual Studio, the database's created date is updated in the database because of the drop/create statement. I am able to use the created date in SQL Server 2000 as the last modified date in this manner.
From all the research I've done on this in the past, I unfortunately have to say no. SQL Server 2000 simply does not store this information, and I've never seen any solution for retrieving it.
There are a few alternative methods, but they all involve user intervention. Besides keeping stored procedure scripts in a source control system, I think the next best approach is to use comments inside the stored procedure. Not ideal, but it's better than nothing if you want to track what gets updated.
SELECT crdate
FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'proc name here'
AND type = 'P'
Found here : Date object last modified