StackPanel Transition Event -

How can I call StackPanel to do its transition by a button click
Like when you search in the Metro(Start) Menu in Windows 8
I have tried
Panel1.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible
But it just changes the visible property and doesn't animate its entrance

Take a look at Windows Runtime transitions. In your case you would need AddDeleteThemeTransition (from MSDN: "Provides the animated transition behavior for when controls add or delete children of a panel")


Button control as ListView DataTemplate container wrt Drag-and-Drop of ListView Elements

When I use a Button control in DataTemplate for ListView (UWP app), Drag-and-Drop of ListView items doesn't work. If I use containers like StackPanel, RelativePanel or Grid, instead of Button control, everything works fine. I would prefer the Button control as a container, because I like its mouse Hover effect on ListView items. I can do something similar for StackPanel, etc, with a custom hover effect by using a combination of Style and Behavior programming but trying to avoid this route (too involved).
Can I do something to the Button control so that it gives me the hover and also responds to the Drag-and-Drop event when part of a ListView DataTemplate?
I am also curious what specifically makes the Button suppress the Drag-and-Drop of ListView items.
The Button is capturing the pointer which cause the pointer click event not be bubble up to the ListViewItem which cause the Drag&Drop to start.
You can take a look at ReleasePointerCapture method which will release the pointer capture allowing other item to capture it.
You will need to create a new class which extends the default Button class and override for example the OnPointerPressed method to choose the logic between the drag&drop and the click on the button.

How to implement the Windows 10 OneNote Menu in Universal Windows Platform app

I would like to implement the OneNote app menu in my own UWP app. In the closed state, the menu only shows the 'hamburger' button, but when clicked a menu pane slides in from the left.
I have tried to use the SplitView, but it doesn't allow me to set the width to 0 when collapsed, always showing a narrow line on the left side. I also considered using the 8.1 Flyout control, but that doesn't see to animate the correct way.
So, what's the correct way to implement the OneNote menu behavior?
You need the SplitView, but don't mess with the width of its pane.
Instead, set the DisplayMode to Inline (or Overlay) and toggle the IsPaneOpen property.

Disable/Customize NSPopUpButton animation in 10.10 Yosemite

In OS 10.10, Apple added some new subtle animations to various controls. For example, when you check a checkbox, the blue "checked" state now animates in by expanding outward from the center of the checkbox rather than abruptly switching to the "checked" image.
Similarly, when you open an NSPopUpButton and choose an item from the menu, the menu animates closed and the selected item appears to "zoom into" the popUpButton.
The Problem:
I have customized NSPopUpButtons that draw themselves differently than the default NSPopUpButton:
When I select an item in the pop-up menu, the new animation in 10.10 briefly shows the system-default popUpButton style while animating in (blue right-hand side, etc.).
Here's a screenshot of the animation in progress, showing the system-default popUpButton animating in. (The dark-grey rectangle in the back is the "pressed" state of my custom NSPopUpButton):
What I Need
This animation obviously looks terrible with customized controls. Is there any way to disable it or to customize it? I have been unable to find one.
Turning off the Bordered property in Interface Builder seems to do the trick.
Here’s a comparison of Bordered on and Bordered off.
Please note that the Bordered property was showing as being off by default, when it’s actually on. I just had to check then uncheck it to disable it.

Windows Phone 8.1 Create a Swipeable Scrollable Control

I am trying to create an animation to a control.
So think of the animation and control of a now playing page on most touch screen devices. You see the control (album photo) and swipe either way and get it to slide off the screen and then the next control (album photo) slides on in its place.
I am not asking for you to code me this, but I am having trouble wrapping my head around a way that this could be done.
The control content is always changing, when you swipe one way, an image is removed from the view and then the next is added.
What you need is FlipView control which can get you the interface you described.
Here are some references:
Quickstart: Adding FlipView controls (XAML)
XAML FlipView control sample

giving effects to buttons in

Image shows the buttons on my UI in
All these buttons are having background images. Now what i want is these buttons be shown as inactive when actions corresponding to them are not available so I am making them cmd.enable = false but still on UI there is no visual effect of this disabling them on these buttons. They keep looking same as in enabled mode. So how to give effect of disabled state to these buttons.
In the same way i want effect to be visible when mouse is hovered over these buttons and buttons are clicked
They don't look like buttons at all, it looks like a row of images. Use a real Button or a ToolStrip with ToolStripButtons, set their Image property. When you set their Enabled property to false then they automatically remove all color from the image, making it look disabled.