Excel VBA - Looking for ways to simplify loop - vba

I recently made a loop that takes the string in each cell, searches for a "_" in the string, and if there is one cuts off that bit and any character after it. Looking at the code I realized it might be too elaborate and could be shortened or simplified, but I'm not quite sure how to do so. Is there a way to make this bit of code more efficient?
Sub Name_Change()
Dim tg_row As Integer
tg_row = 1
For Each nm_cl In Range("Table1[Name]")
If InStr(1, nm_cl, "_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Range("Table1[Name]").Cells(tg_row, 1).Value = nm_cl.Value
Range("Table1[Name]").Cells(tg_row, 1) = _
Left(nm_cl, InStr(1, nm_cl, "_", vbTextCompare) - 1)
End If
tg_row = tg_row + 1
Next nm_cl
End Sub
Thank you for your help!

A first attempt at optimizing this would be to note that you are calling InStr multiple times. You can speed things up by computing it once, and storing the result.
Along with that I would note that presumably Range("Table1[Name]") only has one column (otherwise you would be overwriting the first column with data from the other columns). So, you can replace Range("Table1[Name]").Cells(tg_row, 1) with nm_cl. In doing this, we notice the redundant statement of nm_cl.Value = nm_cl.Value can be removed. This leads to the following code:
Sub Name_Change()
Dim index As Long
For Each nm_cl In Range("Table1[Name]")
index = InStr(1, nm_cl, "_", vbTextCompare)
If index <> 0 Then
nm_cl = Left(nm_cl, index - 1)
End If
Next nm_cl
End Sub
If you need more efficiency, beyond this, you can load your data into a variant by using
dim data as Variant
data = Range("Table1[Name]").Value
process all of your data within VBA, and then put it back to the worksheet using
Range("Table1[Name]").Value = data
This will increase your speed, as transfering data between Excel and VBA is slow and this means you will have 1 read and 1 write, instead of 1 read and 1 write per line, but it will require a (minor) rewrite of your algorithm as the syntax for working with an array within a variant is different from working with ranges. Note that this will not work if you go beyond the 65536 rows. I beleive that it is a legacy constraint from Excel 2003 and earlier.

You could adjust your loop to only modify the cells that contain "_".
If Not InStr(1, nm_cl, "_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Range("Table1[Name]").Cells(tg_row, 1) = _
Left(nm_cl, InStr(1, nm_cl, "_", vbTextCompare) - 1)
End If
Here's a working example that includes #Degustaf's suggestions. Just change the name of the range to fit your worksheet.
Sub Name_Change()
Dim selectedRange As Range
Dim rangeData As Variant 'Array containing data from specified range
Dim col As Long 'Selected column from range
Dim row As Long 'Selected row from range
Dim cellValue As String 'Value of selected cell
Dim charPosition As Long 'Position of underscore
Set selectedRange = Range("YOUR-NAMED-RANGE-HERE")
If selectedRange.Columns.Count > 65536 Then
MsgBox "Too many columns!", vbCritical
ElseIf selectedRange.Rows.Count > 65536 Then
MsgBox "Too many rows!", vbCritical
rangeData = selectedRange.Value
If UBound(rangeData, 1) > 0 And UBound(rangeData, 2) > 0 Then
'Iterate through rows
For row = 1 To UBound(rangeData, 1)
'Iterate through columns
For col = 1 To UBound(rangeData, 2)
'Get value of cell
cellValue = CStr(rangeData(row, col))
'Get position of underscore
charPosition = InStr(1, cellValue, "_", vbTextCompare)
'Update cell data stored in array if underscore exists
If charPosition <> 0 Then
rangeData(row, col) = Left(cellValue, charPosition - 1)
End If
Next col
Next row
'Overwrite range with array data
selectedRange.Value = rangeData
End If
End If
End Sub

You could use a user defined function to return the truncated strings in cells.
The Worksheet-function could look like:
Public function truncateAt( s as String) as string
dim pos as integer
pos = instr (1, s,"_")
If pos> 0 then
truncateAt= left (s, pos)
truncateAt= s
End If
End function


vba combine a few lines in one cell

I have a three columns in excel with data such as
section1 section2 section3
no no er3
er1 no er3
no no no
how to write macros to Combine the data in the on column such as:
So if there are only "no" then it should be once "no"
if there is something else besides "no", like "er1"or "er3" then only list of others signs.
it is not exactly to join or to CONCATENATE (
So, this might be a bit overkill depending on how many rows you have. But, using arrays is going to be a lot faster if you start getting up in the thousands.
Anyway, we define two named ranges, input and output. We then place the values of the input range into an array.
We loop through the array, checking the values of those spots in the array (which corresponds to the values in the cells now). When we find something, we append that something to the end of our output value for that row. When we don't find anything, we set that value to no.
At the end, we set the values of the output range (resized for our array) equal to our output array values.
Make sure you define those named ranges (and change their names too!).
Let me know if you have questions.
Option Explicit
Sub combineColumns()
Dim combineRange As Range, pasteRange As Range
Dim inputArr() As Variant, outputArr() As Variant, i As Long, j As Long, numberOfRows As Long
Dim currentOutputvalue As String
'Named range with values to combine, don't include header
Set combineRange = Range("yourNamedRangeToCombineHere")
'only need to set the top of the range to paste
Set pasteRange = Range("theCellAtTheTopOfWhereYouWantToPaste")
'put the values of the range you want to combine into the input array
inputArr = combineRange.Value2
'find the size of the array
numberOfRows = UBound(inputArr, 1)
'dimension the output array, same number of rows, but only one column
ReDim outputArr(1 To numberOfRows, 1 To 1)
'loop through our rows
For i = 1 To numberOfRows
'set the current output value to a blank
currentOutputvalue = ""
'loop through our three columns
For j = 1 To 3
'if cell value is not no, append the value to the end of current output value
'also append a comma
If inputArr(i, j) <> "no" Then
currentOutputvalue = currentOutputvalue & inputArr(i, j) & ","
End If
If currentOutputvalue = "" Then
'all columns in this row were "no", so change value to "no"
currentOutputvalue = "no"
'there was at least one not no
'trim off the end comma
currentOutputvalue = Left(currentOutputvalue, Len(currentOutputvalue) - 1)
End If
'assign the value to the spot in the array
outputArr(i, 1) = currentOutputvalue
'resize the pasterange to the size of the array, and
'set the values of the range to those in the output array
pasteRange.Resize(numberOfRows, 1).Value2 = outputArr
End Sub
Here's a macro solution, just looping through the rows/columns:
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, lastrow As Long
Dim mystring As String
lastrow = Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
For j = 1 To 3
If InStr(Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(i, j).Value, "er") > 0 Then
If mystring = "" Then
mystring = Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(i, j).Value
mystring = mystring & "," & Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(i, j).Value
End If
End If
Next j
If mystring <> "" Then
Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(i, 4).Value = mystring
mystring = ""
Worksheets("ICS Analysis").Cells(i, 4).Value = "no"
End If
Next i
End Sub

Use VBA to copy cells in a Range that contain specific characters

I need to be able to copy cells from one column to another that contain specific characters. In this example they would be ^ and * the characters can be in any order in the cell.
Here is an example :
It looks like I might be able to use the InStr function in VBA to accomplish this if I am not mistaken.
Run a loop for each item in the list and check it with something like the following:
IF InStr(1,Range("A" & i), "^") <> 0 AND InStr(1, Range("A" & i), "*") <> 0 THEN
'copy cell to another place
End If
or might there be a more elegant solution?
I can't see your image form where I am, but Like is generally easier and faster than Instr(). You could try something like this:
If Range("A" & i) Like "*[*^]*[*^]*" Then
meaning you look for some text, then * or a ^, more text, then * or *, more text
For detailed syntax, look here.
Option for no loops - use Arrays and Filter
Option Explicit
Sub MatchCharacters()
Dim src As Variant, tmp As Variant
Dim Character As String, Character2 As String
Character = "*"
Character2 = "^"
' Replace with your sheetname
With Sheet1
src = Application.Transpose(Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)))
tmp = Filter(Filter(src, Character), Character2)
.Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(.Cells(1, 3).End(xlDown).Row, 3)).ClearContents
If UBound(tmp) > -1 Then
With .Cells(2, 3)
Range(.Offset(0, 0), .Offset(UBound(tmp), 0)).Value2 = Application.Transpose(tmp)
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Or use as a function with unlimited character searching
Public Function MatchCharacters(arr As Variant, ParamArray Characters() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(Characters) To UBound(Characters)
arr = Filter(arr, Characters(i))
Next i
MatchCharacters = arr
End Function
Sub test()
Dim tmp As Variant
With Sheet1
tmp = Application.Transpose(Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)))
tmp = MatchCharacters(tmp, "*", "^")
If UBound(tmp) > -1 Then
With .Cells(2, 3)
Range(.Offset(0, 0), .Offset(UBound(tmp), 0)).Value2 = Application.Transpose(tmp)
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Looking at this again and being inspired by Tom's answer about filtering, it got be thinking... the AdvancedFilter can do exactly what you're looking to do. It's designed into the spreadsheet side of Excel, but you can use it from VBA.
If you only want to work out of VBA, or if your filter won't be changing often, then this probably is not your best choice... but if you want something that's more visible and flexible from the workbook side of things, this would be a good choice.
To manually run Advanced Filter...
Example code and dynamic filter scenario...
(Notice you can use equations with it)
Sub RunCopyFilter()
Dim CriteriaCorner As Integer
CriteriaCorner = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max( _
Range("B11").End(xlUp).Row, _
Range("C11").End(xlUp).Row, _
[A4:A10].AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, Range("B4:D" & CriteriaCorner), [E4:E10], True
End Sub
Named Ranges
AdvancedFitler automatically creates NamedRanges for it's criteria and output. That can be handy because you can reference the NamedRange as Extract and it will dynamically update.
Original Post
Here's some code for a "tolerant" InStr() function from a similar post I made... it isn't tailored exactly to your example, but it gets at the basic point of character-by-character analysis.
Function InStrTolerant(InputString As String, MatchString As String, Optional CaseInsensitiveChoice = False, Optional Tolerance As Integer = 0) As Integer
'Similar to InStr, but allows for a tolerance in matching
Dim ApxStr As String 'Approximate String to Construct
Dim j As Integer 'Match string index
j = 1
Dim Strikes As Integer
Dim FoundIdx As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(InputString)
'We can exit early if a match has been found
If StringsMatch(ApxStr, MatchString, CaseInsensitiveChoice) Then
InStrTolerant = FoundIdx
Exit Function
End If
If StringsMatch(Mid(InputString, i, 1), Mid(MatchString, j, 1), CaseInsensitiveChoice) Then
'This character matches, continue constructing
ApxStr = ApxStr + Mid(InputString, i, 1)
j = j + 1
FoundIdx = i
'This character doesn't match
'Substitute with matching value and continue constructing
ApxStr = ApxStr + Mid(MatchString, j, 1)
j = j + 1
'Since it didn't match, take a strike
Strikes = Strikes + 1
End If
If Strikes > Tolerance Then
'Strikes exceed tolerance, reset contruction
ApxStr = ""
j = 1
Strikes = 0
i = i - Tolerance
End If
If StringsMatch(ApxStr, MatchString, CaseInsensitiveChoice) Then
InStrTolerant = FoundIdx
InStrTolerant = 0
End If
End Function
Also, I always feel obliged to mention Regex in these cases. Although it isn't the easiest to use, especially with VBA, it is designed exactly for powerful complex matching.

Extract an alphanumeric from sentence

I would like to have an VBA to extract an alphanumeric value from a column G which is a sentence.
This sentence is generally a comment. So it includes characters and numbers.
The value always starts with AI0 and ends with 0. This can be 11 to 13 digits long. Sometimes the number is mentioned in the comment as AI038537500, also sometimes as AI038593790000.
I have researched through almost all the websites, but have not found any case like this. I know about the formulas, left, right, mid but in my case, it doesn't apply.
Any lead would be appreciable.
You may try something like this...
Place the following User Defined Function on a Standard Module and then use it on the sheet like
Function GetAlphaNumericCode(rng As Range)
Dim Num As Long
Dim RE As Object, Matches As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With RE
.Global = False
.Pattern = "AI\d{9,}0"
End With
If RE.Test(rng.Value) Then
Set Matches = RE.Execute(rng.Value)
GetAlphaNumericCode = Matches(0)
GetAlphaNumericCode = "-"
End If
End Function
Why not give something like the following a try?
Sub findMatches()
Dim strLength As Integer
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Rows.Count
Dim AllWords As Variant
AllWords = Split(Cells(i, 7).Value, " ")
For Each Item In AllWords
strLength = Len(Item)
If strLength > 0 And strLength <= 13 And Item Like "A10*?#" Then
Cells(i, 8) = Item
End If
Next i
End Sub
Test Cases:
I am apple and my batch number is: A10545440 so incase you needed to know
Result: A10545440
Some random comment… A20548650
A101234567891 is an awesome alphanumeric combo
Result: A101234567891
Another random comment… A10555
Result: A10555
Notice: The above example covers cases where the alphanumeric combo, starting with A10 is either:
In the middle of a sentence, or
Beginning of a sentence, or
At the end of a sentence
Also note: right now it is set to go through ALL the rows... so if you want to limit that, change the Rows.Count in the For statement to whatever your set limit is.
In the above code, I am explicitly asking it to look in column G
can you give this a try? I think it should do the job, also you should ammend the code with the column values, I tested it with the comments being in column C, while the code will be written in column D.
Option Explicit
Sub FindValue()
Dim i As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim lFirstChr As Long
Dim lLastChr As Long
Dim CodeName As String
lastrow = activesheet.Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' gets the last row with data in it
For i = 1 To lastrow
' shuffles through all cell in data
lFirstChr = InStr(1, Cells(i, 3), "A10") ' gets the coordinate of the first instance of "A10"
If lFirstChr = 0 Then GoTo NextIteration
lLastChr = InStr(lFirstChr, Cells(i, 3), " ") ' gets the coordinate of the first instansce of space after "A10"
If lLastChr = 0 Then 'if there is no space after A10 then sets lastchr to the lenght of the string
lLastChr = Len(Cells(i, 3))
End If
CodeName = Mid(Cells(i, 3).Value, lFirstChr, lLastChr - lFirstChr) ' extracts the codename from the string value
Range("d" & i).Value = CodeName
Goto NextTteration
Next i
End Sub

Excel VBA find all values in row and save different column values to variables

I've done quite a bit of searching and can't find any code that matches my situation or to a point I can modify except for one.
Looking at the spreadsheet below. I want to have the user enter the OrderNumber then search Column A for every value of that number. As it does I want it to copy the ItemNumber and QtyOrdered to two different variables in order to put them into textboxes later on.
I want it to "stack" the information into the variable so something like ItemNumValues = ItemNumValues + Cell.Value
I tried to modify code from someone else ("their code") but I am getting a mismatch type error. The rest of the code works. There are some trace elements in the script from previous features that aren't used and I just haven't removed them yet.
'********** Their Code Follows *****************
Dim numentries As Integer
Dim i As Integer
'Get number of entries
numentries = Worksheets(Sheet1).UsedRange.Rows.Count
'Run loop to cycle through all entries (rows) to copy
For i = 1 To numentries
If (Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i + 2, 1).Value = InStr(1, Cell, OrderNumber, vbTextCompare)) Then
MsgBox Test
End If
Next i
End If
'********** End Their Code *****************
I recommend using a multidimensional array. If you've never used arrays before, I strongly suggest reading up on them.
Sub GatherData()
Dim c As Range
Dim aGetData() As Variant 'This is our array
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim iRowCount As Integer
Dim sRange As String
'Gather data
iRowCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each c In Range("A2:A" & iRowCount)
If c.Value = 636779 Then
ReDim Preserve aGetData(2, i) 'An array must have a set size but as we
'do not know how many order numbers will be found we have to 'resize'
'the array to account for how many we do find. Using "ReDim Preserve"
'keeps any data we have placed into the array while at the same time
'changing it's size.
For a = 0 To 2 'Our first index will hold each col of data that is why
'it is set to 2 (arrays start at a base of zero, so
'0,1,2 will be each col(A,B,C)
aGetData(a, i) = c.Offset(0, a) 'This gets each value from col A,B and C
Next a
i = i + 1 'Increment for array in case we find another order number
'Our second index "aGetData(index1,index2) is being resized
'this represents each order number found on the sheet
End If
Next c
'How to read the array
For i = 0 To UBound(aGetData())
For a = 0 To 2
Debug.Print aGetData(a, i)
Next a
Next i
End Sub
It seems that the OrderNumber (column A) is sorted. Very good news (if they're not, just sort them ;) ). This simple function will get you the ItemNumbers and QtyOrdered into a bi-dimensional array, where each row is a pair of them.
Function ArrItemQty(ByVal OrderNumber As Long)
With Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Offset(1)
.AutoFilter 1, OrderNumber
ArrItemQty= .Resize(, 2).Offset(, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).value
.Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
End Function
And here's a little testing:
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, ar
ar = ArrItemQty(636779)
For i = LBound(ar, 1) To UBound(ar, 1)
For j = LBound(ar, 2) To UBound(ar, 2): Debug.Print ar(i, j),: Next
End Sub
p.s. be aware that the resulting array is 1-based. Use LBound and UBound as indicated is safest.

Trim a cell with VBA in a loop

I'm trying to use the trim function without success. After searching for the solution on this forum and other sources online I have seen many different approaches.
Is there no simple way of trimming a cell in VBA?
What I want is something like this:
Sub trimloop()
Dim row As Integer
row = 1
Do While Cells(row, 1) <> ""
Cells(row, 2) = trim(Cells(row, 2))
row = row + 1
So that when there is a value in column A (1) the value in column B (2) should be trimmed of any extra spaces. I just cant get this to work for me.
Appreciate any help/tips!
So i made the code a bit accurate and mistakeproof and it worked.
So i can recommend you to double check, if you have correct row and column values, because you probably targeting wrong cells. (cause your code is working)
Sub trimloop()
Dim row As Integer
Dim currentSheet As Worksheet
Set currentSheet = sheets("Sheet1")
row = 2
Do While currentSheet.Cells(row, 1) <> ""
currentSheet.Cells(row, 2).Value = Trim(currentSheet.Cells(row, 2).Value)
row = row + 1
End Sub
Use Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(string)
Sub trimloop()
Dim row As Integer
row = 1
With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Do While .Cells(row, 1) <> ""
.Cells(row, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(.Cells(row, 2))
row = row + 1
End With
End Sub
this is the optimized version of your code, in case of big data sheets:
Option Explicit
Sub trimloop()
Dim row As Long, max As Long
Dim Data() As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
max = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).row 'this does the same as your code, on first empty cell it stops
'the following finds the last un-empty cell of column(1):
'max= .cells(.rows.count,1).end(xlup).row
'copies values from sheet to memory (is faster for working with later)
Data = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(max, 2)).Value2
'loop :
For row = 2 To max + 1
'work with memory instead of sheet
Data(row, 2) = Trim(Data(row, 2))
'for complete delete of all spaces use : = replace( StringName," ", "")
Next row
'write back to sheet
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(max, 2)).Value2 = Data
End With
erase Data 'free memory
End Sub
Don't know if this overly simplified... but thought I would simply throw it out there this worked for me. The only predecessor step is you assign a "named range" to your workbook/worksheet/dataset ... name a data set and then iterate over the data set with this code
Sub forEachLoop()
For Each cell In Range("yourNamedRange")
cell.Value = Trim(cell.Value)
Next cell
End Sub