want to find mklinked folders by program - dir

is it possible to find out a folder is actually a hard link created by mklink?
I want to get folders and subsequent sub-folders, but hard linked folders drops me into a loop.
I appreciate any help or clues to solve the problem.
Mehrdad Ahankhah

Folders can't be hard-links, at least not on NTFS file-systems, but they can be symbolic-links or (in Windows) junctions (reparse-points).
To see which folders in a folder are either sym-links or junctions you can use the cmd-command:
dir /A:L


How to unzip the same zip file multiple times?

I am developing a zip extractor app for which if i unzip multiple times the same zip file it should extract like myfile-1, myfile-2, myfile-3 something like this .
example : there is sampleproject.zip in my desktop when i unzip it should be like sampleproject, sampleproject-1, sampleproject-2.
Any Suggestions.
Thanks in Advance!
Based on your comment I suggest you unzip your file to a temporary directory and then move its contents into the actual directory, handling any name clashes as you do that. In outline:
Use URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: to create a temporary directory suitable to unzip into. You should pass your the URL of your destinationPath for the appropriateForURL: parameter; this should give you a temporary directory on the same volume as destinationPath making placing the unzipped items into the right place moves rather than copies.
Unzip into the temporary directory returned by (1)
Now use NSFileManager calls to traverse the temporary directory moving each item found to destinationPath, renaming as needed to avoid name clashes.
Remove the temporary directory.
If you have problems implementing this algorithm ask a new question, show your code, explain your problem, and include a link back to this question so the thread can be followed. Someone will then undoubtedly help you with the next step.

Can't copy to network path using Filesystem.filecopy or FileSystem.CopyFile

I'm trying to copy a file from a local computer to a remote share but I get an exception saying "Can't find the specified file".
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("C:\filename.jpg", "\\focserver2\consultoria\teste\filename.jpg")
The remote shared folder has full control permissions on "Everyone".
What am I doing wrong? Or it's not possible to copy to network paths using FileSystem.CopyFile ?
The issue does not appear to be the destination but the source. I assume that the sample you showed above is NOT the real code and in the real code, you combine a couple values together to define the source. To help prevent issues, get in the habit of using the Path.Combine() method when concatenating strings for a file path. It's a life-saver.
The next most important thing is to learn how to debug your code by setting break-points and seeing what the values of your combined strings are before posting to websites. This is a good one to get you started. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/debugging-tips-with-visual-studio-2010
Most likely the problem is that you are trying to access the root folder of the C:\ drive. This folder is generally locked down by the operating system, and even simple file operations don't work easily there.
Try copying the file from a subfolder e.g.
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("C:\Temp\filename.jpg", "\\focserver2\consultoria\teste\filename.jpg")

Moving subproject files and updating links in master project

I am working in MS Project and frequently move schedules from a share drive to my computer, manipulate and run macros on them, then copy them back up to the share drive.
Generally if I copy all of the subprojects with the Master project at one time the links to the subprojects will update to the destination folder (the one on my computer.) Occasionally I do this and the links do not update, so the Master Schedule is still pointing to the files on the share drive. This causes problems with the macro I then run on it. I have not been able to find anything in forums about this problem.
Has anyone come across this problem? Is there a setting somewhere that is getting changed? Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, I've come across this problem.
The most reliable way of copying a master schedule and all it's sub projects without creating the duplicate links is to:
Select all the files on the share drive
Right click and send them to a zip file
Move this zip file to your local drive
Right click on the zip file and extract all
Then do the same in reverse once you've run your macros. This should reliably copy the master/sub project files with the correct links, without creating the erroneous links you've seen.

WiX: Rename a folder during installation

I have very complex folders structure to install (dozens of folders/subfolders).
I have prepared the whole structure with heat.exe, but some folder names have "template" names instead of the real ones.
Is it possible using WiX to rename the "templated" folders during the installation?
Say I have
I can get real names for DirTemplate1 and DirTemplate2 via UI only.
Can I rename the folders after they are copied to the target?
I suppose that you familiar with WiX. And explain a few variants how it could be done.
In directory table you named needed folders with CAPITAL letters, for example DIRTEMPLATE1. Then create dialog window and set this Directory with new value. During installation directory will be created with new folder name.
(Not recommended) Create custom action which will rename needed directories at the end of installation. Not recommended because uninstallation won't delete new folders, the Repair won't work as should.
I realized that this is simply not possible to do in a right way, it contradicts the installation ideology. I would accept such answer and start thinking on a different solution. Not all problems have a solution.

Copy (or list) files of a remote folder, given the URL - using objective-c - is it possible?

I'd like to list all files from a remote folder (let's say www.mysite.com/folder, and this folder is already configured through .htaccess for directory listing).
After listing, i'll need to copy the remote files to a local folder.
For listing/copying only local files, I was using NSFileManager, but this doesn't work for the remote ones. I've been looking for some reference on it, but couldn't find so far...
While NSFileManager can in fact handle URLs, it's not going to download the apache HTML page with the directory listing and parse it to do this... you'll have to do that yourself. This sounds like a strange thing to be doing however, so you may want to explain the reasoning and we may be able to suggest better alternatives. WebDAV comes to mind.
UPDATE: Based on your comment, why not put the resources in a .zip (or similar) file and download that? Then it's a single download and you can just extract it locally. Sounds like it would save a lot of headaches and would make it much easier to do things like checksum validations on the download(s).
Maybe it's not the best way, but - instead of get directory listing - we're going to keep a list of files that should be transfered (could be a .txt or .xml).
For downloading and tracking multiple requests, we're going to use ASINetworkQueues (more details can be found on http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest).
Another good suggestion, given by d11wqt (thank you for your help), is compressing the files and just make one single request.