adobe air development ide / tools [closed] - air

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like build html5 apps for desktop in Adobe Air. Unfortunately the Aptana studio 3 doesn't support Adobe air I think, only the Aptana studio 2.
So what is the best development ide for Adobe air?
Thank you for your help!

Flashdevelop is best IDE for developing actionscript based project.
It is free, lightweighted.
Has lots of helpers bat files for build process.
Also building adobe air projects with actionscript runs faster than html/js based hybrid applications that runs on browser.

Okay, so I think the Adobe Air platform is dead, but I found the TideSDK which allows you development native desktop apps in HTML5/css3/js
I think, this is one of the best solution.


Qt5: Qt Linguist redistributable [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm writing a manual for translators and can't find an easy and official way of Qt Linguist editor distribution. It looks like you can get it for Linux by downloading qttools5-dev-tools package. But for other systems?
Qt5 online installer doesn't seems to provide a separate Linguist component to download and I'm not sure if it's a part of QtCreator component. It's not feasible to force translators to install whole Qt framework bundle or even IDE to get it. I expected to find some Qt5 libraries redistributable+ Qt Linguist app + manuals in one package, but don't see any on
Any recommendations?
This site has standalone Qt Linguist installers for Windows & macOS

How to install Webbsy plugin in Photoshop CS6 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This may be a very easy question, but I can't find it's solution.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6. I am trying to install Webbsy.
It is a 3rd party Adobe Photoshop Plugin. I have downloaded it and get a .zxp file (webbsy-cc-1.2.3.zxp). I have downloaded it for CS6 (Adobe CC is also available).
But I don't know how to install a 3rd party plugin in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
So, I can't use it. I am using win 8.1 OS and I want to use 14 day trial or this plugin.
Can anyone help me please to install it?
Thanks in advance for helping.
It say:
Please Note
You must have Adobe Extension Manager installed in order to use this plugin.
Use Adobe Extension Manager to install plugins
First Open Below link.
Then click on Download for Adobe CC or Download for Adobe CS6

Would contributing to Apache Flex Compiler improve Adobe Flex Compiler? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Adobe has done some confusing things with Flash/Flex, one of them being donating some part of it to Apache Foundation, creating the Apache Flex (mirror?) project. The latest Flash AS3 compiler being codenamed "Falcon", is supposed to build better and faster code. Falcon is OSS on github under the Apache Flex project. Would contributing to this repo help the main Adobe Flex build? Is there even an Adobe Flex compiler (mxmlc.exe) or is it just Apache Flex from here onwards?
On the Flex roadmap Adobe states that :
Falcon compiler contribution to Apache
Falcon 1.0 is the next generation compiler for ActionScript and is
currently in development. Upon completion of the ActionScript portion
of the compiler, Adobe will contribute Falcon 1.0 to the Apache Flex
Project, which we expect will be in Q4 2012.
The Flex SDK is fully donated to Apache and is now under very active development there.
Flash Builder is still maintained by Adobe, but I don't think they will ever release a new version. The Apache Flex SDK is fully compatible to Flash Builder.
Falcon is also under the wings of Apache, but there is no official release yet, because it has still some limitations.
So the simple answer to your question would be:
Yes, contributing to the Falcon project would help - not to Adobe, but to Apache and finally to you and the Flex development community!
For more informations take a look at the Apache Flex website:
Falcon Overview
Falcon GIT repository
Bug tracker for Apache Falcon 1.0
Search for Falcon in the Users Mailing List
Development Forum

how to test generated iphone application on windows [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing a shopping project using worklight on windows eclipse Juno.
i'm able to run the generated android project by installing android sdk,ADT.
my question is how to run my generated iphone environment application on windows.?
Like Idan Adar already said, Xcode runs only on Mac OS X.
Due to the fact that you need it just for testing purposes, you could use services like macincloud so that you can use Xcode without buying hardware. They host Mac OS X machines with preinstalled Xcode environment and Dropbox so you could move your Xcode project to this machine and test your app. There is also an offer to try this service out so maybe that trial period is sufficient for you.
Worklight Studio only generates the Xcode project. In order to run this project, you must use Xcode. Xcode is an IDE developed by Apple and it runs ONLY on Apple's Mac machines. You cannot use Windows to run the Xcode project.
Please do not skip training modules:
IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules
Get a Mac. Create an Apple ID, login to the Mac App Store and download & install Xcode.
Only then can you open the generated Xcode project to test your application.
Other services will not help if you intend on moving to Production as you will still need to get a Mac in order to produce the .ipa file that you are required to upload to the iOS App Store.

Can I generate Eclipse / Xcode Projects Using Mono for Android or MonoTouch repectively? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am planning to buy MonoTouch and Mono for Android, but before I do I just want to know whether I can generate complete Xcode/Eclipse Projects from Mono the way we can do it in Titanium Studio. When we build the Titanium project it generates Java Projects for Ecplise and Objective-C code for Xcode.
Is the same process available in Mono? So that when I run into any limitations I can continue working on the project as a native project.
There are no supported ways of generating Eclipse / Xcode projects with Mono for Android / MonoTouch.
In any case it's not something you'd want to do:
An Eclipse project for Mono for Android would be very little Java code, just a bunch of binary files compiled / bundled together by build commands in project file.
MonoTouch would spit out code, but it would be assembly, not ObjectiveC (and quite a few binary files too). I can hardly see how that would be interesting...