Different search views for same model - odoo

I have 2 actions (sort of "screens") for 2 subtypes of account.invoices, they are:
customer invoices
supplier invoices
A different search view is loaded in each of them, I did that specifying the search view when you click in the menu.
Then I do the search, and everything is ok, but then when I click the "clean" button, the search view changes to the most priority view of account.invoice model.
I think I'm doing wrong and overpassing it with forcing view-rendering from the menu link, but when I click clean button, or whatever up-right button (to choose search-view,form-view...) openerp renders the most priority view of account.invoice
Thanks in advance


xamarin forms master detail page with dynamic menu list

I need the menu items on the master page to change dynamically, i.e. different menu items on master page on different detail pages ? How can we achieve this .
Say on login page I have two menu items , after login I get a master page with four menu items.
If you mean listing the items with different template you can use ListView with TemplateSelector. If you want to use different page template you can use ContentPage or TemplatedPage for both Master and Detail side with setting te property ControlTemplate

Add global button in CRM

Is there a way to add a new button to ALL PAGES in CRM?
I have tried different ways but in some views, the new button is shown at the end. Im trying to found a way to create a button and place it as first button, to any view, entity and page in CRM. Is this accomplisable?
I'm afraid that out-of-the-box buttons will often take precedence over custom buttons, and the only way to change that would be to hide the out-of-the-box buttons.
I'm assuming you are adding the button via the Application Ribbon, correct? (not every single form and grid)
You can add items to the "Jewel", (the dropdown from "File" in the top left). It's not exactly the same as putting it in the ribbon because you have to make an extra click, but it should show up globally.

How can I make a navigation bar that navigates between pages in VB.NET?

I want to make a program that has a couple of categories on the top that you can navigate through. for instance: 'Home' 'Patients' 'Appointments' 'History' etc..
Every category you click shows its own buttons and labels on the screen.
(Just like the categories you see when you go to the Properties of any file on the desktop: 'General' 'Sharing' 'Security' 'Previous Versions' ...)
How do I do that?
If I put all the buttons and labels on the screen and just change their .Visible from True/False based on what category I click, you can see the controls appear and disappear in runtime which is not the correct way to do this obviously.
Any suggestions? is there a Tool that I can use?
Not sure what you meant, but you should consider using the MDI Application design.
Basically it allows you to create a program in which multiple forms can appear, and each form has its own controls. Most of the time, these type of application use a menu bar, for an easy navigation throughout the program.

How do I implement this type of dynamic UI in a Razor view?

I will start by saying that I am an absolute newbie to web development and to MVC as well.
I want to implement a view for a Subscriber page (part of an MVC4 application dealing with Email marketing). What I want to implement is:
1) When the user clicks the "+ Add a List" button, a new Category should appear on the left and the cursor should blink, meaning it should be ready to receive the name for the category from the user. I also want that whenever the user hovers over any category name on the left, a small bar containing two buttons (edit and delete) should appear which should let the user edit the category name or delete that category. The thing I want is that all of these must happen without reloading the page.
2) When the user clicks the "+ Add Contact" button, a pop up dialog box containing two tabs should appear which lets the user either manually enter the details or upload a CSV to capture the details. Whenever the user clicks the "Add Contact" button or "Upload and Add Contacts" in the pop up dialog box, I want the new contacts to display in the contact list region shown in the picture (once again, without reloading the page). I also want the same hover bar for the contacts too (same as categories).
I am confused as to how to implement this in a Razor view? What do I use - JavaScript/jQuery/AJAX?
I am pretty much lost. Can someone please guide me a little bit so that I can continue and finish my first MVC4 project?
You need some javascript libraries like jQuery UI or maybe Kendo UI, I'd recommend to use jQuery UI at this time. they have many widgets but look at these. and keep in mind that a cshtml view can be look upon like a html page, you can have all tags, css and javascript you want there:

Is it possible to add one2many inside one2many field in openerp?

For example I need to add bom lines inside sale order lines. I have created an on_change function to load the bom lines if the product have bom. It is working fine in GTK, but when I try to add in web client, its not working..
Look at the product screen's Suppliers tab. One product can have many suppliers and each supplier can have many prices. To see the price list, you must enable the extended view for your user account.
Here's a screen shot of the GTK client with the suppliers switched from tree view to form view so you can see both levels.
The web client can't display both levels at the same time. You have to open the supplier in a dialog box, and it shows you the list of prices there.
is it possible to trigger control to another form based on th onchange of a selection field? the new form is to be linked to the new button of the existing form.