sql to select first n unique lines on sorted result - sql

I have query resulting me 1 column of strings, result example:
I want to be able to get SOF, OTP, VIL - the first 3 unique top,
I tried using DISTINCT and GROUP BY, but it is not working, the sorting is damaged..
The query building this result is :
FROM (SELECT a.date adate,
b.date bdate,
a.price + b.price total,
( b.date - a.date ) days,
a.dst adst
FROM flights a
JOIN flights b
ON a.dst = b.dst
ORDER BY total) d
I have "flights" table with details, and I need to get the 3 (=n) cheapest destinations.

This can easily be done using window functions:
select *
from (
SELECT a.date as adate,
b.date as bdate,
a.price + b.price as total,
dense_rank() over (order by a.price + b.price) as rnk,
b.date - a.date as days,
a.dst as adst
FROM flights a
JOIN flights b ON a.dst = b.dst
) t
where rnk <= 3
order by rnk;
More details on window functions can be found in the manual:

Find a way to do it.
I am selecting the DST and the PRICE, grouping by DST with MIN function on Price and limiting 3.
do I have better way to do it?
SELECT d.adst , min(d.total) mttl
FROM (SELECT a.date adate,
b.date bdate,
a.price + b.price total,
( b.date - a.date ) days,
a.dst adst
FROM flights a
JOIN flights b
ON a.dst = b.dst
ORDER BY total) d
group by adst order by mttl;

name in (
select distinct(name) from testname)
group by name order by min(ctid) limit 3

You can tweak your query to return the correct result, by adding where days > 0 and limit 3 in the outer query like this:
select *
a.date adate,
b.date bdate,
(a.price + b.price) total,
(b.date - a.date) days ,
a.dst adst
from flights a
join flights b on a.dst = b.dst
order by total
) d
where days > 0
limit 3;
SQL Fiddle Demo
This assuming that the second entry is the return flight with date greater than the first entry. So that you got positive days difference.
Note that, your query without days > 0 will give you a cross join between the table and it self, for each flight you will get 4 rows, two with it self with days = 0 and other row with negative days so I used days > 0 to get the correct row.
I recommend that you add a new column, an Id Flight_Id as a primary key, and another foreign key something like From_Flight_Id. So the primary flight would have a null From_Flight_Id, and the returning flight will have a From_Flight_Id equal to the flight_id of the primary filght, this way you can join them properly instead.

SELECT DISTINCT(`EnteredOn`) FROM `rm_pr_patients` Group By `EnteredOn`

SELECT DISTINCT ON (column_name) FROM table_name order by name LIMIT 3;


SELECT list expression references column integration_start_date which is neither grouped nor aggregated at

I'm facing an issue with the following query. It gave me this error [SELECT list expression references column integration_start_date which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [34:63]]. In particular, it points to the first 'when' in the result table, which I don't know how to fix. This is on BigQuery if that helps. I see everything is written correctly or I could be wrong. Seeking for help.
with plan_data as (
select format_date("%Y-%m-%d",last_day(date(a.basis_date))) as invoice_date,
a.sponsor_id as sponsor_id,
b.company_name as sponsor_name,
REPLACE(SUBSTR(d.meta,STRPOS(d.meta,'merchant_id')+12,13),'"','') as merchant_id,
a.state as plan_state,
date(c.start_date) as plan_start_date,
a.employee_id as square_employee_id,
(select min(date)
from glproductionview.stats_sponsors
where sponsor_id = a.sponsor_id and sponsor_payroll_provider_identifier = 'square' and date >= c.start_date) )
as integration_start_date,
count(distinct a.employee_id) as eligible_pts_count, --pts that are in active plan and have payroll activities (payroll deductions) in the reporting month
from glproductionview.payroll_activities as a
left join glproductionview.sponsors as b
on a.sponsor_id = b.id
left join glproductionview.dc_plans as c
on a.plan_id = c.id
left join glproductionview.payroll_connections as d
on a.sponsor_id = d.sponsor_id and d.provider_identifier = 'rocket' and a.company_id = d.payroll_id
where a.payroll_provider_identifier = 'rocket'
and format_date("%Y-%m",date(a.basis_date)) = '2021-07'
and a.amount_cents > 0
group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
order by 2 asc
select invoice_date,
when eligible_pts_count <= 5 and date_diff(current_date(),integration_start_date, month) <= 12 then 20
when eligible_pts_count <= 5 and date_diff(current_date(),integration_start_date, month) > 12 then 15
when eligible_pts_count > 5 and date_diff(current_date(),integration_start_date, month) <= 12 then count(distinct square_employee_id)*4
when eligible_pts_count > 5 and date_diff(current_date(),integration_start_date, month) > 12 then count(distinct square_employee_id)*3
else 0
end as fees
from plan_data
group by 1,2,3,4;

Fill in blank dates for rolling average - CTE in Snowflake

I have two tables – activity and purchase
Activity table:
user_id date videos_watched
1 2020-01-02 3
1 2020-01-04 5
1 2020-01-07 5
Purchase table:
user_id purchase_date
1 2020-01-01
2 2020-02-02
What I would like to do is to get a 30 day rolling average since purchase on how many videos has been watched.
The base query is like this:
DATEDIFF(DAY, p.purchase_date, a.date) AS day_since_purchase,
However, the Activity table only has records for each day a video has been logged. I would like to fill in the blanks for days a video has not been viewed.
I have started to look into using a CTE like this:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT date('2020-01-01') as fdate
SELECT CAST(DATEADD(day,1,fdate) as date)
FROM cte
WHERE fdate < date('2020-04-01')
) select * from cte
cross join purchases p
left outer join activity a
on p.user id = a.user_id
and a.fdate = p.purchase_date
and a.date >= p.purchase_date and a.date <= dateadd(day, 30, p.purchase_date)
The end goal is to have something like this:
days_since_purchase videos_watched
1 3
2 0 --CTE coalesce inserted value
3 0
4 5
Been trying for the last couple of hours to get it right, but still can't really get the hang of it.
If you want to fill in the gaps in the result set, then I think you should be generating integers rather than dates:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT 1 as day_since_purchase
SELECT 1 + day_since_purchase
FROM cte
WHERE day_since_purchase < 4
SELECT cte.day_since_purchase, COALESCE(avg_videos_viewed, 0)
(SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY, p.purchase_date, a.date) AS day_since_purchase,
AVG(A.VIDEOS_VIEWED) as avg_videos_viewed
FROM purchases p JOIN
activity a
ON p.user id = a.user_id AND
a.fdate = p.purchase_date AND
a.date >= p.purchase_date AND
a.date <= dateadd(day, 30, p.purchase_date)
) pa
ON pa.day_since_purchase = cte.day_since_purchase;
You can use a recursive query to generate the 30 days following each purchase, then bring the activity table:
with cte as (
0 days_since_purchase,
purchase_date dt
from purchases
union all
days_since_purchase + 1
dateadd(day, days_since_purchase + 1, purchase_date)
from cte
where days_since_purchase < 30
avg(colaesce(a. videos_watch, 0)) avg_ videos_watch
from cte c
left join activity a
on a.client_id = c.client_id
and a.fdate = c.purchase_date
and a.date = c.dt
group by c.days_since_purchase
Your question is unclear on whether you have a column in the activity table that stores the purchase date each row relates to. Your query has column fdate but not your sample data. I used that column in the query (without such column, you might end up counting the same activity in different purchases).

Find increase in history records in specific range

I want to find records in date range 1/1/19-1/7/19 which increase amount
using table HISTORY:
(Date, number, varchar2(30))
I find IDs inside range correctly
assuming increase/decrease can happens only when having two records with same Id
with suspect as
(select id
from history
where t.createddate < to_date('2019-07-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
group by id
having count(1) > 1),
ids as
(select id
from history
join suspect
on history.id = suspect.id
where history.date > to_date('2019-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
and history.date < to_date('2019-07-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
select count(distinct id)
from history a, history b
where a.id = b.id
and a.date < b.date
and a.amount < b.amount
The problem to find increase I need to find previous record which can be before time range
I can find last previous time before time range, but I failed to use it:
ids_prevtime as (
select history.*, max(t.date) over (partition by t.id) max_date
from history
join ids on history.userid = ids.id
where history.date < to_date('2019-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd' )
), ids_prev as (
select * from ids_prevtime where createdate=max_date
I see that you found solution, but maybe you could do it simpler, using lag():
select count(distinct id)
from (select id, date_, amount,
lag(amount) over (partition by id order by date_) prev_amt
from history)
where date_ between date '2019-01-01' and date '2019-07-01'
and amount > prev_amt;
Add union of last history records before range with records inside range
ids_prev as
(select ID, DATE, AMOUNT
from id_before_rangetime
where createddate = max_date),
ids_in_range as
(select history.*
from history
join ids
on history.ID = ids.ID
where history.date > to_date('2019-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
and history.date < to_date('2019-07-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')),
all_relevant as
(select * from ids_in_range union all select * from ids_prev)
and then count increases:
select count(distinct id)
from all_relevant a, all_relevant b
where a.id = b.id
and a.date < b.date
and a.amount < b.amount

how to filter data in sql based on percentile

I have 2 tables, the first one is contain customer information such as id,age, and name . the second table is contain their id, information of product they purchase, and the purchase_date (the date is from 2016 to 2018)
Table 1
my desired result is to generate the table that contain customer_name and product who made purchase in 2017 and older than 75% of customer that make purchase in 2016.
Depending on your flavor of SQL, you can get quartiles using the more general ntile analytical function. This basically adds a new column to your query.
SELECT MIN(customer_age) as min_age FROM (
SELECT customer_id, customer_age, ntile(4) OVER(ORDER BY customer_age) AS q4 FROM table1
WHERE customer_id IN (
SELECT customer_id FROM table2 WHERE purchase_date = 2016)
) q
WHERE q4=4
This returns the lowest age of the 4th-quartile customers, which can be used in a subquery against the customers who made purchases in 2017.
The argument to ntile is how many buckets you want to divide into. In this case 75%+ equals 4th quartile, so 4 buckets is OK. The OVER() clause specifies what you want to sort by (customer_age in our case), and also lets us partition (group) the data if we want to, say, create multiple rankings for different years or countries.
Age is a horrible field to include in a database. Every day it changes. You should have date-of-birth or something similar.
To get the 75% oldest value in 2016, there are several possibilities. I usually go for row_number() and count(*):
select min(customer_age)
from (select c.*,
row_number() over (order by customer_age) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from customers c join
where exists (select 1
from customer_products cp
where cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2016-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2017-01-01'
where seqnum >= 0.75 * cnt;
Then, to use this for a query for 2017:
with a2016 as (
select min(customer_age) as customer_age
from (select c.*,
row_number() over (order by customer_age) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from customers c
where exists (select 1
from customer_products cp
where cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2016-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2017-01-01'
) c
where seqnum >= 0.75 * cnt
select c.*, cp.product_id
from customers c join
customer_products cp
on cp.customer_id = c.customer_id and
cp.purchase_date >= '2017-01-01' and
cp.purchase_date < '2018-01-01' join
a2016 a
on c.customer_age >= a.customer_age;

Trying to create a SQL query

I am trying to create a query that retrieves only the ten companies with the highest number of pickups over the six-month period, this means pickup occasions, and not the number of items picked up.
I have done this
FROM customer
JOIN (SELECT manifest.pickup_customer_ref reference,
DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref ORDER BY COUNT(manifest.trip_id) DESC) rnk
FROM manifest
INNER JOIN trip ON manifest.trip_id = trip.trip_id
WHERE trip.departure_date > TRUNC(SYSDATE) - interval '6' month
GROUP BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref) cm ON customer.reference = cm.reference
WHERE cm.rnk < 11;
this uses dense_rank to determine the order or customers with the highest number of trips first
Hmm well i don't have Oracle so I can't test it 100%, but I believe your looking for something like the following:
Keep in mind that when you use group by, you have to narrow down to the same fields you group by in the select. Hope this helps at least give you an idea of what to look at.
select TOP 10
count(*) as 'count'
from customer c
inner join mainfest m on m.pickup_customer_ref = c.reference
inner join trip t on t.trip_id = m.trip_id
where t.departure_date < DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
group by c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref
order by 'count', c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref desc