Openquery statement in SQL Server - sql

I am fairly new to SQL, and I am hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having. I haven't been able to find any answers helping me figure out this exact problem.
I have two tables in two SQL Server databases on two different servers that I want to compare using the column ItemID. I want to find records from Table1 that have an ItemID that does not exist in Table2 and insert those into a table variable. I have the following code:
--Create table variable to hold query results
[itemid][NVARCHAR](20) NULL
--Query data and insert results into table variable
SELECT a.[itemid]
FROM database1.dbo.table1 a
FROM [Database2].[dbo].[table2]
WHERE a.itemid = [Database2].[dbo].[table2].[itemid])
ORDER BY itemid
This works on a test server where the two databases are on the same server, but not in real life where they are on different servers. I tried the following using OPENQUERY, but I know I haven't got it quite right.
--Create table variable to hold query results
[ItemID][nvarchar](20) NULL
--Query data and insert results into table variable
FROM Database1.dbo.Table1 a
FROM OPENQUERY([Server2], SELECT * FROM [Database2].[dbo].[Table2]')
WHERE a.ItemID = [Database2].[dbo].[Table2].[ItemID])
I'm pretty sure I need to do something in the WHERE clause, where I have the two databases on two servers, I'm just not quite sure how to structure it. Could anyone help?

You can't create an OPENQUERY that is correlated to an outer query. You could populate a temp table with the results of an OPENQUERY and do your WHERE NOT EXISTS against the temp table, or you might want to look into Synonyms.

Openquery works like this:
select *
from openquery
'select query goes here'
Note that the sql portion is single quoted. That means you might have to quote the quotes if necessary. For example:
select *
from openquery
select SomeTextField
from SomeTable
where SomeDateField = ''20141014''


Can you force SQL Server to send the WHERE clause to Linked Server?

I'm trying to determine if a table in my SQL Server 2012 database has any records that don't exist in a table that's on a linked Oracle 11g database.
I tried to do this with the following:
select 1
from my_order_table ord
where not exists (select 1
where doc_id = ord.document_id)
and document_id = 'N2324JKL3511'
The issue is that it never completes because the ORDERS table on the linked server has about 100 million rows and as per the explain plan on SQL Server, it is trying to pull back the entire ORDERS table from the linked server and then apply the WHERE clause.
As per the explain plan, it views the remote table as having an estimated 10000 rows - I assume that's some kind of default if it is unable to get statistics..?
Even running something as simple as this:
select 1 from LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].[ORDERS] where doc_id = 'N2324JKL3511'
causes SQL Server to not send the WHERE clause and the query never completes.
I tried to use OPENQUERY however it won't let me add the doc_id to concatenate into the WHERE clause of the query string.
Then I tried to build a select FROM OPENQUERY string in a function but I can't use sp_executesql in a function to run it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think this would logically work for you, but it may take too long as well.
SELECT sql_ord.*
FROM my_order_table sql_ord
LEFT JOIN LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].[ORDERS] ora_ord ON sql_ord.document_id = ora_ord.doc_id
WHERE sql_ord.document_id = 'N2324JKL3511'
AND ora_ord.doc_id IS NULL
Since you have problem with something as simple as select 1 from LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].[ORDERS] where doc_id = 'N2324JKL3511' have you try to create a table on the remote server that will hold the doc_id that you want to look at. So your SELECT will include a table that contain only 1 row. I'm just not sure about the INSERT since I can't test it for now. I'm assuming that everything will be done on the remote server.
So something like :
CREATE TABLE LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].linked_server_doc_id (
doc_id nvarchar(12));
INSERT INTO LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].linked_server_doc_id (doc_id)
SELECT doc_id
FROM LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].[ORDERS] WHERE doc_id = 'N2324JKL3511';
select 1
from my_order_table ord
where not exists (select 1
from LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].[linked_server_doc_id]
where doc_id = ord.document_id)
and document_id = 'N2324JKL3511';
DROP TABLE LINK_ORA..[SCHEMA1].linked_server_doc_id

Querying the Result set of a Previous Query

I have a query for example Query1 = Select Name from table where some Criteria.
Now this query returns a result set of course, what I want is to query the result set of this query, for example I only want the unique Names from the above query select Distinct(Name) from Query1. I should mention that I know I can just use distinct in Query1 but this is just an example my real scenario is somewhat different, what I want to know is whether it's possible to query the result set of a previous query.
I am using SQL Server 2012.
There are several ways to solve this:
1: create a view from the first query and run the second query on the view.
2: nest both queries, like this:
FROM table
WHERE some Criteria
) As InnerQuery
3: use a temporary table to store the resultset of the first query as suggested by wewesthemenace in the comments.
4: use CTE as suggested the thebreiflabb in the other answer to this post.
Personally, I would probably go with the first or second option, depending if you need to use the first query as stand alone as well.
You can use the WITH clause
WITH SomeClients AS (
FROM Clients c
WHERE c.Name LIKE '%hello%'
FROM SomeClients sc
You need WITH clause. The Syntax Is-
WITH someName AS(
//Your Db Query
SELECT * FROM someName // OR Whatever you want
you can create a table to store the results temporarily and use that table in a new query
DECLARE #resultset table (
ID int identity(1,1) not null
, name nvarchar(100)
Select top 50 application_Name
into resultset
from Applications_ASIS

sql select into subquery

I'm doing a data conversion between systems and have prepared a select statement that identifies the necessary rows to pull from table1 and joins to table2 to display a pair of supporting columns. This select statement also places blank columns into the result in order to format the result for the upload to the destination system.
Beyond this query, I will also need to update some column values which I'd like to do in a separate statement operation in a new table. Therefore, I'm interested in running the above select statement as a subquery inside a SELECT INTO that will essentially plop the results into a staging table.
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '',
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus, ...
dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
I'd like to execute the above statement so that the results are dumped into a new table. Can anyone please advise how to embed the statement into a subquery that will play nicely with a SELECT INTO?
You can simply add an INTO clause to your existing query to create a new table filled with the results of the query:
INTO MyNewStagingTable -- Creates a new table with the results of this query
FROM MyOtherTable
JOIN ...
However, you will have to make sure each column has a name, as in:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, -- Cool, already has a name
'' AS Column2, -- Given a name to create that new table with select...into
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention INNER JOIN ...
Also, you might like to use aliases for your tables, too, to make code a little more readable;
'' AS Column2,
INTO MyNewStagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention AS i
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication AS a ON i.InvId = a.InvId
One last note is that it looks odd to have named your tables dbo_tblXXX as dbo is normally the schema name and is separated from the table name with dot notation, e.g. dbo.tblXXX. I'm assuming that you already have a fully working select query before adding the into clause. Some also consider using Hungarian notation in your database (tblName) to be a type of anti-pattern to avoid.
If the staging table doesn't exist and you want to create it on insert then try the following:
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId,'', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
INTO StagingTable
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication
ON dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId;
If you want to insert them in a specific order then use try using a sub-query in the from clause:
INTO StagingTable
SELECT dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.AppId, '', dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId,
'Add', dbo_tblpatinvention.disclosurestatus .......
FROM dbo_tblPatInvention
INNER JOIN dbo_tblPatCountryApplication ON
dbo_tblPatInvention.InvId = dbo_tblPatCountryApplication.InvId
order by dbo_tblpatcountryapplication.invid
) a;
INSERT INTO stagingtable (AppId, ...)
SELECT ... --your select goes here

SQL Insert/Update Issue

I am trying to update one table from another, im able to update fine as long as the customer record exists, but there are some entries that dont.
To solve this i've tried running the following insert
INTO SalBudgetCust
FROM SalBudgetCust_temp
SELECT Customer
FROM SalBudgetCust
WHERE Customer = SalBudgetCust_temp.Customer
but im prompted with
There is already an object named 'SalBudgetCust' in the database.
Im stuck at this point... could anyone offer a little guideance?
SELECT INTO implicitly creates the table you name. You should instead use INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM ..., so that the existing table is used.
It should be INSERT INTO instead of SELECT * INTO ... like
INSERT INTO SalBudgetCust SELECT * FROM SalBudgetCust_temp
SELECT Customer FROM SalBudgetCust WHERE Customer = SalBudgetCust_temp.Customer
The general syntax to insert data of one table into another is :
INSERT INTO new_table
SELECT * FROM old_table
WHERE some_condition;
Where, new_table is the table where you want to insert data, old_table is table from where you are fetching data and some_condition is the expression / condition based upon which you want to fetch data from old table.
You may use other clauses like order by, group by, and even sub queries after where clause.
May refer this SQL INSERT INTO and it's subsequent pages.

Alternative SQL ways of looking up multiple items of known IDs?

Is there a better solution to the problem of looking up multiple known IDs in a table:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id='1001' OR id='2002' OR id='3003' OR ...
I can have several hundreds of known items. Ideas?
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE ID IN ('1001', '1002', '1003')
and if your known IDs are coming from another table
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE ID IN (
SELECT KnownID FROM some_other_table WHERE someCondition
The first (naive) option:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN ('1001', '2002', '3003' ... )
However, we should be able to do better. IN is very bad when you have a lot of items, and you mentioned hundreds of these ids. What creates them? Where do they come from? Can you write a query that returns this list? If so:
FROM some_table
INNER JOIN ( your query here) filter ON
See Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005
ORs are notoriously slow in SQL.
Your question is short on specifics, but depending on your requirements and constraints I would build a look-up table with your IDs and use the EXISTS predicate:
select from some_table t
where EXISTS (select * from lookup_table l where =
For a fixed set of IDs you can do:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN (1001, 2002, 3003);
For a set that changes each time, you might want to create a table to hold them and then query:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN
(SELECT id FROM selected_ids WHERE key=123);
Another approach is to use collections - the syntax for this will depend on your DBMS.
Finally, there is always this "kludgy" approach:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE '|1001|2002|3003|' LIKE '%|' || id || '|%';
In Oracle, I always put the id's into a TEMPORARY TABLE to perform massive SELECT's and DML operations:
FROM mytable
FROM t_temp
You can fill the temporary table in a single client-server roundtrip using Oracle collection types.
We have a similar issue in an application written for MS SQL Server 7. Although I dislike the solution used, we're not aware of anything better...
'Better' solutions exist in 2008 as far as I know, but we have Zero clients using that :)
We created a table valued user defined function that takes a comma delimited string of IDs, and returns a table of IDs. The SQL then reads reasonably well, and none of it is dynamic, but there is still the annoying double overhead:
1. Client concatenates the IDs into the string
2. SQL Server parses the string to create a table of IDs
There are lots of ways of turning '1,2,3,4,5' into a table of IDs, but the Stored Procedure which uses the function ends up looking like...
CREATE PROCEDURE my_road_to_hell #IDs AS VARCHAR(8000)
dbo.fn_split_list(#IDs) AS [IDs]
ON [IDs].id =
The fastest is to put the ids in another table and JOIN
SELECT some_table.*
FROM some_table INNER JOIN some_other_table ON =
where some_other_table would have just one field (ids) and all values would be unique