awk command to run a C++ code and input several times - awk

Say, I have a C code which I compile like:
$ gcc code.c -o f.out
$ ./f.out inputfile outputfile
Then the code asks for input
$ enter mass:
Now if I need to run this code for example 200 times and the input files have name : 0c.txt, 1c.txt, ....., 199c.txt etc and I want to use same value of mass every time (e.g. mass=6) then how do I write an "awk" command for that? Thanks for your help.

You don't specify your outputfile name. I'll assume 0c.out, 1c.out, ...
I'm also assuming that the f.out program reads the mass from stdin instead of anything more complicated.
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
mass = 6
for (i=0; i<200; i++) {
cmd = sprintf("./f.out %dc.txt %dc.out", i, i)
print mass |& cmd
close(cmd, "to")
while ((cmd |& getline out) > 0) {
do something with each line of output from ./f.out
In bash, you'd write:
for i in $(seq 0 199); do
echo 6 | ./f.out ${i}c.txt ${i}c.out


Run awk in parallel

I have the code below, which works successfully, and is used to parse, clean log files (very large in size) and output into smaller sized files. Output filename is the first 2 characters of each line. However, if there is a special character in these 2 characters, then it needs to be replaced with a '_'. This will help ensure there is no illegal character in the filename.
This would take about 12-14 mins to process 1 GB worth of logs (on my laptop). Can this be made faster?
Is it possible to run this is parallel? I am aware I could do }' "$FILE" &. However, I tested and that does not help much. Is it possible to ask awk to output in parallel - what is the equivalent of print $0 >> Fpath & ?
Any help will be appreciated.
Sample log file
" datahere2;dtat'ah'ere2;Œœ
Expected Output
# cat em'ah'ere2
# cat errorfile;Œœ
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
for FILE in *
awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
}' "$FILE"
popd > /dev/null
Look up the man page for the GNU tool named parallel if you want to run things in parallel but we can vastly improve the execution speed just by improving your script.
Your current script makes 2 mistakes that greatly impact efficiency:
Calling awk once per file instead of once for all files, and
Leaving all output files open while the script is running so awk has to manage them
You currently, essentially, do:
for file in *; do
awk '
Fpath = substr($1,1,2)
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",Fpath)
print > Fpath
' "$file"
If you do this instead it'll run much faster:
sort * |
awk '
{ curr = substr($0,1,2) }
curr != prev {
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",curr)
prev = curr
{ print > Fpath }
Having said that, you're manipulating your input lines before figuring out the output file names so - this is untested but I THINK your whole script should look like this:
#/usr/bin/env bash
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
sub(/[,|;: \t]+/, ":")
if (/^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+:[\x00-\x7F]+$/) {
else {
print > "errorfile"
' * |
sort -t':' -k1,1 |
awk '
{ curr = substr($0,1,2) }
curr != prev {
Fpath = gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"_","g",curr)
prev = curr
{ print > Fpath }
popd > /dev/null
Note the use of $0 instead of $1 in the scripts - that's another performance improvement because awk only does field splitting (which takes time of course) if you name specific fields in your script.
Assuming multiple cores are available, the simple way to run parallel is to use xargs, Depending on your config try 2, 3, 4, 5, ... until you find the optimal number. This assumes that there are multiple input files, and that there is NO single files that is much larger than all other files.
Notice added 'fflush' so that lines will not be split. This will have some negative performance impact, but is required, assuming you the individual input files to get merged into single set of output files. Possible to wrokaround this problem by splitting each file, and then merging the combined files.
#! /bin/sh
pushd "_test2" > /dev/null
ls * | xargs --max-procs=4 -L1 awk '
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
}' "$FILE"
popd > /dev/null
From practical point of view you might want to create an awk script, e.g., split.awk
#! /usr/bin/awk -f -
gsub(/^[ \t"'\'']+|[ \t"'\'']+$/, "")
$0=gensub("[,|;: \t]+",":",1,$0)
if (NF>1 && $1 ~ /^[[:alnum:]_.+-]+#[[:alnum:]_.-]+\.[[:alnum:]]+$/ && $0 ~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/)
print $0 >> Fpath
print $0 >> "errorfile"
And then the 'main' code will look like below, easier to manage.
xargs --max-procs=4 -L1 awk -f split.awk

How to rewrite a Awk script to process several files instead of one

I am writing a report tool which processes the source files of some application and produce a report table with two columns, one containing the name of the file and the other containing the word TODO if the file contains a call to some deprecated function deprecated_function and DONE otherwise.
I used awk to prepare this report and my shell script looks like
find . -type f -name '*.c' \
| xargs -n 1 awk -v deprecated="$1" '
BEGIN { status = "DONE" }
$0 ~ deprecated{ status = "TODO" }
printf("%s|%s\n", FILENAME, status)
report "deprecated_function"
The output of this script looks like
This works well but I would like to rewrite the awk script so that it supports several input files instead of just one — so that I can remove the -n 1 argument to xargs. The only solutions I could figure out involve a lot of bookkeeping, because we need to track the changes of FILENAME and the END event to catch each end of file event.
awk -v deprecated="$1" '
BEGIN { status = "DONE" }
oldfilename && (oldfilename != FILENAME) {
printf("%s|%s\n", oldfilename, status);
status = DONE;
oldfilename = FILENAME;
$0 ~ deprecated{ status = "TODO" }
printf("%s|%s\n", FILENAME, status)
Maybe there is a cleaner and shorter way to handle this.
I am using FreeBSD's awk and am looking for solutions compatible with this tool.
This will work in any modern awk:
awk -v deprecated="$1" -v OFS='|' '
$0 ~ deprecated{ dep[FILENAME] }
for (i=1;i<ARGC;i++)
print ARGV[i], (ARGV[i] in dep ? "TODO" : "DONE")
' file1 file2 ...
Any time you need to produce a report for all files and don't have GNU awk for ENDFILE, you MUST loop through ARGV[] in the END section (or loop through it in BEGIN and populate a different array for END section processing). Anything else will fail if you have empty files.
Your awk script could be something like this:
awk -v deprecated="$1" '
FNR==1 {if(file) print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE"); file=FILENAME; f=0}
$0 ~ deprecated {f=1}
END {print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE")}' file1.c file2.c # etc.
The logic is fairly similar to your program so hopefully it's all clear. FNR is the record number of the current file, which I'm using to detect the start of a new file. Admittedly there's some repetition in the END block but I don't think it's a big deal. You could always use a function if you wanted to.
Testing it out:
$ cat f1.c
int deprecated_function()
// some deprecated stuff
$ cat f2.c
int good_function()
// some good stuff
$ find -name "f?.c" -print0 | xargs -0 awk -v deprecated="deprecated" 'FNR==1 {if(file) print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE"); file=FILENAME; f=0} $0 ~ deprecated {f=1} END {print file "|" (f?"TODO":"DONE")}'
I have used -print0 and the -0 switch to xargs so that both programs with work file names separated by null bytes "\0" rather than spaces. This means that you won't run into problems with spaces in file names.

Can awk accept two arguments?

I'm new to this and a little in the dark, so if my title is off the mark please correct me. I'm trying to set a variable in awk from one file, and then invoke the script on a different file.
sqlinsert writes to fields.txt
I execute:
cat textfile | ./awkscript
awkscript pulls 'fields' var from fields.txt while running on textfile
Here is what I have. I'm using getline, and that isn't what I'm looking for. I want it to grab the value from the first line of a separate file.
\#!/opt/local/bin/gawk -f
printf "Enter field lengths: "
getline fields < "-"
print fields
{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) sub(/[ \t]*$/,"",$i) }
\# { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) sub(/^[ \t]*/,"",$i) }
What I was looking for was this:
cat textfile | generic.awk -v fields='10 1 21 21 4'
The -v option can also be used multiple times:
cat textfile | generic.awk -v field1="10" -v field2="1" -v field3="21" -v field4="21" -v field5="4"

How to "do something" for each input text files

Say that I read in the following information stored in three diffrent text files (Can be many more)
File 1
1 2 rt 45
2 3 er 44
File 2
rf r 4 5
3 er 4 t
er t yu 4
File 3
er tyu 3er 3r
der 4r 5e
edr rty tyu 4r
edr 5t yt5 45
When I read in this information I want it to print this information from these two files into separate arrays as for now they are printed out in the same time
Now I Have this script printing out all information at the same time
TESTd[NR-1] = $2; g++
for (i = 0 ; i <= g-1; i ++ ) {
print " [\"" TESTd[i] "\"]"
print " _____"
But is there a way to read in multiple files and do this for every text file?
Like instead of getting this output when doing awk -f test.awk 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt
I get this output
And reading in each file at the time is preferably not an option here since I will have like 30 text files.
I want to do this in awk if possible because I'm going to do something like this
PRINTONCE[NR-1] = $2; g++
#Do this for all arguments once
for (i = 0 ; i <= g-1; i ++ ) {
print " [\"" PRINTONCE[i] "\"] \n"
print " _____"
#Do this for loop for every .txt file that is read in as an argument
for (i = 0 ; i <= g-1; i ++ ) {
print " [\"" PRINTONEATTIME[i] "\"] \n"
print " _____"
From what i understand, you have an awk script that works and you want to run that awk script on many files and want their output to have a new line(or _) in between so you can distinguish which output is from which file.
Try this bash script :-
dir=~/*.txt #all txt files in ~(home) directory
for f in $dir
echo "File is $f"
awk 'BEGIN{print "Hello"}' $f #your awk code will take $f file as input.
echo "------------------"; echo;
Also, if you do not want to do this to all files you can write the for loop as for f in 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt.
If you don't want to do it in awk directly. You can call it like this in bash or zsh for example:
for fic in test*.txt; awk -f test.awk $fic
It's quite simple to do it directly in awk:
# define a function to print out the array
function dump(array, n) {
for (i = 0 ; i <= n-1; i ++ ) {
print " [\"" array[i] "\"]"
print " _____"
# dump and reset when starting a new file
FNR==1 && NR!=1 {
dump(TESTd, g)
delete TESTd
g = 0
# add data to the array
TESTd[FNR-1] = $2; g++
# dump at the end
dump(TESTd, g)
N.B. using delete TESTd is a non-standard gawk feature, but the question is tagged as gawk so I assumed it's OK to use it.
Alternatively you could use one or more of ARGIND, ARGV, ARGC or FILENAME to distinguish the different files.
Or as suggested by see, with gawk 4 you can use an ENDFILE group instead of END in your original:
TESTd[FNR-1] = $2; g++
for (i = 0 ; i <= g-1; i ++ ) {
print " [\"" TESTd[i] "\"]"
print " _____"
delete TESTd
g = 0
Write a bash shell script or a basic shell script. Try to put below into Then call /bin/sh or /bin/bash, see which one will work
for f in *.txt
echo "File is $f"
awk -F '\t' 'blah blah' $f >> output.txt
Or write a bash shell script to call your awk script
for f in *.txt
echo "File is $f"

Assigning system command's output to variable

I want to run the system command in an awk script and get its output stored in a variable. I've been trying to do this, but the command's output always goes to the shell and I'm not able to capture it. Any ideas on how this can be done?
$ date | awk --field-separator=! {$1 = system("strip $1"); /*more processing*/}
Should call the strip system command and instead of sending the output to the shell, should assign the output back to $1 for more processing. Rignt now, it's sending output to shell and assigning the command's retcode to $1.
Note: Coprocess is GNU awk specific.
Anyway another alternative is using getline
cmd = "strip "$1
while ( ( cmd | getline result ) > 0 ) {
print result
Calling close(cmd) will prevent awk to throw this error after a number of calls :
fatal: cannot open pipe `…' (Too many open files)
To run a system command in awk you can either use system() or cmd | getline.
I prefer cmd | getline because it allows you to catch the value into a variable:
$ awk 'BEGIN {"date" | getline mydate; close("date"); print "returns", mydate}'
returns Thu Jul 28 10:16:55 CEST 2016
More generally, you can set the command into a variable:
awk 'BEGIN {
cmd = "date -j -f %s"
cmd | getline mydate
Note it is important to use close() to prevent getting a "makes too many open files" error if you have multiple results (thanks mateuscb for pointing this out in comments).
Using system(), the command output is printed automatically and the value you can catch is its return code:
$ awk 'BEGIN {d=system("date"); print "returns", d}'
Thu Jul 28 10:16:12 CEST 2016
returns 0
$ awk 'BEGIN {d=system("ls -l asdfasdfasd"); print "returns", d}'
ls: cannot access asdfasdfasd: No such file or directory
returns 2
Figured out.
We use awk's Two-way I/O
"strip $1" |& getline $1
passes $1 to strip and the getline takes output from strip back to $1
gawk '{dt=substr($4,2,11); gsub(/\//," ",dt); "date -d \""dt"\" +%s"|getline ts; print ts}'
You can use this when you need to process a grep output:
echo "some/path/exex.c:some text" | awk -F: '{ "basename "$1"" |& getline $1; print $1 " ==> " $2}'
option -F: tell awk to use : as field separator
"basename "$1"" execute shell command basename on first field
|& getline $1 reads output of previous shell command in substream
exex.c ==> some text
I am using macOS's awk and I also needed exit status of the command. So I extended #ghostdog74's solution to get the exit status too:
Exit if non-zero exit status:
cmd = <your command goes here>
cmd = cmd" ; printf \"\n$?\""
last_res = ""
value = ""
while ( ( cmd | getline res ) > 0 ) {
if (value == "") {
value = last_res
} else {
value = value"\n"last_res
last_res = res
# Now `res` has the exit status of the command
# and `value` has the complete output of command
if (res != 0) {
exit 1
} else {
print value
So basically I just changed cmd to print exit status of the command on a new line. After the execution of the above while loop, res would contain the exit status of the command and
value would contain the complete output of the command.
Honestly not a very neat way and I myself would like to know if there is some better way.