iTunes Connect Submit for Review Always Disabled - app-store-connect

I just uploaded my app on iTunes Connect.
My Prerelease build is ACTIVE (Apparently Apple forces you to use testflight or the build stays Inactive).
In the main version screen, I clicked Submit for Review.
I clicked YES to the Content Rights Question.
I clicked NO to the Advertising Identifier Question.
The SUBMIT button always stays disabled so I can never submit my App.
I did try different answers to these questions.
I'm using Mavericks with submission on Safari.

Stephane - looks like an Apple bug.
See - "Submit" for review button grayed out - Xcode 6
And the answer by Chad Jones. Worked for me.


Apple TestFlight not showing compilations

I´m trying to test my app, but in the iOS tab, it shows me the versions but none inside it (see image). Is it normal?
I can´t find a way to test it.
If you have the email of developer account apple search emails. If you up to itunesconnect an ipa and you can´t see in 5 min Apple always send a mail with the problem some times bad missing icons on app problems with push notifications disabled ...
Is the same issue than this reply:

Link for xcode8.dmg download without Appstore login

I want to download xcode8.dmg file without Appstore login. I searched many sites but I couldn't find anything.
You can download Xcode directly from Apple's webpage if you have an Apple Developer ID:
Click on "Develop" in the top menu bar.
Click on "Downloads" in the sub menu bar.
Log in with your Apple Developer ID.
Choose the Xcode version you want to download.
If you don't have a developer ID, you can only get it on the App Store, therefor you just need a normal Apple ID.

iTunes Connect users Testflight broken?

I am trying to invite testers to my iOS app through iTunes Connect, but when they receive an invitation, nothing is working..
Seen the screenshot below:
That is what happens when clicking the link from the iTunes Connect new user e-mail:
Welcome to iTunes Connect. You have successfully created an iTunes
Connect account for To complete the process,
activate your account using the password already associated with this
Apple ID.
If you have any questions about this email, please use Contact Us.
Regards, The iTunes Store team
Am I doing something wrong?
The problem seems to be that a script in the page is referring to a non-public hostname I was able to workaround this issue by manually modifying the script in Chrome Developer Tools and re-executing the code in the Developer Console.
1) Open the activation URL in Chrome
2) Open Chrome Developer Tools (Cmd-Alt-I on OS X, Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows)
3) Go to the Sources tab
4) Find main.js (
5) Modify line 20 to replace "" with ""
6) Select the contents of the main.js file and copy to the clipboard
7) Paste into the console (you may need to tap the ">_" button to make it visible)
8) Press "Enter"
You should now see the expected iTunes Connect spinner appear and eventually you'll see a Terms and Conditions window.
Credit by apboyle from apple forums
It seems Apple fixed the issue, I don't get the white screen anymore.

Unable to sign in Sandbox gamecenter on iOS 7

Since iOS 7 I no longer get the prompt from game center to ask me to log in sandbox mode when I open my application. I searched for a while and never saw any known issues about this and there are no patch notes that says anything about sandbox mode changing. Has anyone encountered this problem?
If you've cancelled game center sign in enough times, the OS disables game center for that game. Prior to iOS7, you could manually sign in again using the game center app, and when you launch your game again it would sign in.
However, in iOS7, it appears that when the OS disables game center for your game, it's completely disabled. I've found that using Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings will restore game center functionality for games that have been disabled in this manner.
Copied answer from here: - a bit different question caused by the same issue.
This issue appears to happen in sandbox only.
Got this problem too, and here what I've figured out:
GameCenter shows prompt for login only a few times (3-5), if all prompts were canceled - GameCenter becomes disabled for this app.
In iOS 7 there is a problem: GameCenter disabled state remains even if you login into the GameCenter app itself - application will still receive kind of this error:
error: Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=2 GkErrorCanceled: the requested operation has been canceled or disabled by the user
There are two workarounds:
Log out of Game Center through the Settings app.
Reset all settings
After the device rebooted, launch app with development build. After launch the GC Login viewController pops up.
Second (this one helped me):
"Erase All Content And Settings".
Set up as a new device - do not restore from any backups.
Both workarounds are not a viable option for production - I hope there will be a fix from Apple soon.
Most of the info is from to this discussion.
I thought I was trapped in this situation as well. I constantly got the GKErrorCancelled when the game I develop tried to log me into to the Game Center sandbox.
I then went to the Game Center application, and started my game through Game Center. Then, magically, I was successfully signed in. No idea if it was just a coincidence, but maybe this can help someone else who doesn't want to reset the device.
Seems there's been some change recently to work around this. Maybe in iOS7? This answer to a similar question suggests:
- quit your app
- use the settings page for gamecenter to log into your sandbox account, then log back out
- open your app and you should now be able to log in

Spotify Play Button incompatible with Opera?

When I visit the Spotify Play Button demo page ( in Opera 11.62, clicking on the Play Button gives me the (mostly-expected) popup:
The application "Spotify" must be launched to open the link:
Do you want to proceed?
If I click yes, the Spotify app then launches (if not already running) and gets focus, but does not play anything. I suspect the link is getting broken by Opera somehow (notice that it has the spotify: protocol name but nothing after that). The Play Button on my own site produces the same behavior. Works fine in Firefox on the same machine.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Yes, sadly, that's the case. There's a similar issue in Opera's bug tracker.
I think your particular issue could be related to Opera's lack of support for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). CORS support is coming is available in Opera Next, but not Opera 11.62. If it doesn't work in Next, I encourage you to file a bug report.