report viewer hide column with external parameter - reportviewer

Need some help on this, when I list Report According to ListBox, All columns are displayed, but I just want to list according to items in ListBox so others columns has to be invisible.
I tried some code = iif(Parameters!TARIH.Value = "True", false,true) but it doesnt work.
Can anyone help me to solve this?

If TARIH is a boolean parameter then you can set column Hidden property like this:
=IIf(Parameters!TARIH.Value, False, True)
Or like this:
=Not Parameters!TARIH.Value
Please note that in rdlc you have to set an Hidden property and not a Visible property.

Related - hide column in datagridview based on its name

Is it possible to hide a column based on the column name?
I know that if I know the column ID, I can use that like so...
TechSearch.Columns(0).Visible = False
I Want to do something like this...
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
I've tried that, and the 'Details' column is still visible.
This is perfect
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
Please just make sure that the datasource is loaded first before hiding the column.
It's good practice to edit/customize your grid on the DataSourceChanged.
From what I imagined is that you are editing the grid before loading the datasource :).
So this is actually correct...
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
There was an exception just before this which was causing it not to hide this column.
Thanks all.

Assign data to an item in a list?

I've set up a list that shows all available fonts. The issue I am having is assigning the actual font "data" to the list item itself so that, when clicked, it will apply that font to the textbox.
How would I go about doing this?
(I'm entirely new to this)
You don't need to, in your case. But if I interpret your question correctly..
What you can do is something like this:
myTextBox.Font = New Font(myListBox.SelectedItem, myTextBox.Font.Size)
This way, you'll be able to assign the font to the textbox based on your listbox's selected item, provided the listbox item IS the name of the font.

Combo box's last value stays activated even if .removeitem has removed it

I have a situation where combobox's last value stays in the screen even if it has been removed via VBA.
I was using the method
cboBox.Removeitem "Drafter"
but here's what I would see
i've try cboBox.Requery afterwards, but no luck.
any help would be appreciated. thanks.
I tried changing the combo box's source type from Value list to Table/Query, and just .requery after the values are updated. The same problem presists. Access has seemed to set "Drafter" as the default value now.
The Combo Box retains its .Value even after the underlying Item has been removed from the list. That's why it still shows up in the (top) text box portion of the control even after it has been removed from the drop-down list portion. You could try this:
Dim itemToRemove As String
itemToRemove = "Drafter"
Me.cboBox.RemoveItem itemToRemove
If Me.cboBox.Value = itemToRemove Then
Me.cboBox.Value = Null
End If

Hide text box based on parameter values

Hope someone can help as I am quite new to SSRS, I am trying to hide a text box that has an expression in it. When multiple values from a drop down parameter are selected I want to hide the box but when only one option is selected I want to show just the one option.
I currently have a text box with the following expression in it
=First(Fields!Name.Value, "ABC")
The above currently shows the first Value from a field which is correct, but when as I said there are more values selected, I want to hide this, I am not sure if I need to wrap the above expression in something or change this in the Text Box properties under visibility
I have been trying to add the following expression under the Text Box Properties/Visibility option, but not having much luck
=Iif(Parameters!Supplier.IsMultiValue > 1, True, False)
I am using SSRS 2012 though I am sure what I am trying to do is quite easily done in every other version.
Hope someone can help, P
As a multi value parameter is an array, you need to use a formula like this:
=Iif(Parameters!Supplier.Value.Length > 1, True, False)
or as suggested by the OP
=Iif(Parameters!Supplier.Count > 1, True, False)

Can we hide VB.NET first selection column?

I hope I state my problem correctly. Kindly please look at the screenclip below :'
I prefer that the first column shown above is not displayed. Is there any design/programmatic way of achieving this?
Thank you!
Edited :
Using this link, I am able to remove the triangle from the selection column
This is using a DataGridView I assume? Just use the visible property for the row headers.
dgv.RowHeadersVisible = false;
Alternatively, you can set it to false using the Properties window.