Can we hide VB.NET first selection column? -

I hope I state my problem correctly. Kindly please look at the screenclip below :'
I prefer that the first column shown above is not displayed. Is there any design/programmatic way of achieving this?
Thank you!
Edited :
Using this link, I am able to remove the triangle from the selection column

This is using a DataGridView I assume? Just use the visible property for the row headers.
dgv.RowHeadersVisible = false;
Alternatively, you can set it to false using the Properties window.

Related - hide column in datagridview based on its name

Is it possible to hide a column based on the column name?
I know that if I know the column ID, I can use that like so...
TechSearch.Columns(0).Visible = False
I Want to do something like this...
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
I've tried that, and the 'Details' column is still visible.
This is perfect
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
Please just make sure that the datasource is loaded first before hiding the column.
It's good practice to edit/customize your grid on the DataSourceChanged.
From what I imagined is that you are editing the grid before loading the datasource :).
So this is actually correct...
TechSearch.Columns("Details").Visible = False
There was an exception just before this which was causing it not to hide this column.
Thanks all.

report viewer hide column with external parameter

Need some help on this, when I list Report According to ListBox, All columns are displayed, but I just want to list according to items in ListBox so others columns has to be invisible.
I tried some code = iif(Parameters!TARIH.Value = "True", false,true) but it doesnt work.
Can anyone help me to solve this?
If TARIH is a boolean parameter then you can set column Hidden property like this:
=IIf(Parameters!TARIH.Value, False, True)
Or like this:
=Not Parameters!TARIH.Value
Please note that in rdlc you have to set an Hidden property and not a Visible property.

Searching for specific data in datagridview

I have to work on a project that has a datagridview without a datasource. Also it's done in I want to loop through each row on a specific column to find specific data and set my focus on that record.
For Each item As C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Row In myDataGrid.Rows
' something like searchFor/contains
' (no idea, can't find the right way to search) for mySpecificData
Help is appreciated, best regards
I assume that you are using component One FlexGrid, so I had a look at the documentation at the according site. Each row has an Item Property so this example might work
For Each row As C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Row In myDataGrid.Rows
if row.Item("COLUMNNAME") = YOUR_VALUE then
' select range
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Select(row.Index, COLUMN_INDEX);
end if
If you'd like to directly access a cell you may use Select method instead.

Hide row if it is not on the first page

I want to hide a row of a table if it is not rendered on the first page of a report. The table (tablix) is in the header nor in the footer area.
I have tried to set an expression for the RowVisibility-property, something like:
(hidden) =Globals!PageNumber<>1
however, this leads to an exception saying that the PageNumber can only be used from within the header or the footer area.
Is there a possibility to check (in an expression) if an element is located on the first page of a report?
Not a precise answer to my question, but maybe it helps someone with a similar issue:
For the tablix activate the repeat row header option
In the advance row group options, activate the option RepeatOnNewPage
For the rows that should not be shown on the next page, disable the option KeepWithGroup
I don't understand why I can not set RepeatOnNewPage only for some but not for all rows, but with the KeepWithGroup option, it seems to work like I desired.
If someone has a more precise answer to my original question, please post it. I will the change the accept to your answer!
Set this in the visibility property and the row will rendered or not depeding of the YourDatasetField value.
=IIF(True = Fields!YourDatasetField.Value, False, True)

DataGridView and Combobox Column?

when DataGridView has a combobox column, how can I get the text it displays as oppose to the value it represents? When I do DGV.Item("cbo",i).Value I get the value but it won't take DGV.Item("cbo",i).Text. I trying Ctype(DGV.Item("cbo",i),ComboBox).Text and this does not work either.
Umm are you talking about Win Forms?
If so, Value is the property you want, and is what is to be displayed on the screen and held behind the scenes.
If you want something different not shown to the user, I've often used the property Tag for that.
I found this, and the answers didn't work for me. In case someone else finds this, here is what I did.
Hope if someone finds this through Google it will help them.
Dim dgvcmbcell As DataGridViewComboBoxCell = DgvItemsUnits.Item("UNIT_SER", 0)
Dim SelectedText As String = dgvcmbcell.EditedFormattedValue.ToString()