XAMPP installation on Win 8.1 with UAC Warning - apache

I am trying to install Xampp win32-1.8.2 on Windows 8.1. I get a message saying" Because an activated user account User Account on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted." I've tried to change the user account control settings but still the warning is there. And the APACHE does not start. I've also disabled my IIS but still, its not working. What should I do? Thanks.

There are two things you need to check:
Ensure that your user account has administrator privilege.
Disable UAC (User Account Control) as it restricts certain administrative function needed to run a web server.
To ensure that your user account has administrator privilege, run lusrmgr.msc from the Windows Start > Run menu to bring up the Local Users and Groups Windows. Double-click on your user account that appears under Users, and verifies that it is a member of Administrators.
To disable UAC (as an administrator), from Control Panel:
Type UAC in the search field in the upper right corner.
Click Change User Account Control settings in the search results.
Drag the slider down to Never notifyand click OK.
open up the User Accounts window from Control Panel. Click on the Turn User Account Control on or off option, and un-check the checkbox.
Alternately, if you don't want to disable UAC, you will have to install XAMPP in a different folder, outside of C:\Program Files (x86), such as C:\xampp.

You can solve the issue by
Ignore the warning and Install XAMPP directly under C:/ folder. It will solve your issue
You can deactivate the UAC which i don't recommend. It's makes your PC less secure.

As ivan.sim writes in his answer
Ensure that your user account has administrator privilege.
Disable UAC(User Account Control) as it restricts certain administrative function needed to run a web server.
Install in C://xampp.
Problem with the correct answer is in the explanation of point 2., and magicandre1981 writes more about it
Moving the slider down doesn't completely disable UAC since Windows 8.
This is changed compared to Windows 7, because the new Store apps
require an active UAC. With UAC off, they no longer run.
How can we then disable UAC and install XAMPP?
Easy. Go to Registry Editor and navigate to
Right click EnableLUA and modify the Value data to 0.
Then restart your computer and you're ready to install XAMPP.

To disable UAC (as an administrator), from Control Panel:
Type UAC in the search button in your windows the upper right corner.
Click the (Change User Account Control settings) in the search results.
Drag the slider down and select Never notify and click OK.it will work.

There's nothing to be worried upon for this. Like other servers, install xampp somewhere outside of the default Program Files folder of Windows. It shall work fine.
I previously had wamp server installed on my machine and i never understood why wamp server installs itself outside of the default directory. Xampp cleared this, now i have both the servers lying outside the Program Files folder and are running fine.

I don't know if you are still having this problem, but I had the same problem and had a different fix than what was listed in the other answer. I did install XAMPP under C:\xampp\, and my user is an admin, but there was also something else.
I had to manually go give my user full access to the C:\Users\XAMPP\ directory. By default (at least on my machine) Windows did not give my admin user rights to this new user's directory, but this is where XAMPP stores all of it's config files. Once I gave myself full access to this, everything worked perfectly.
Hope this helps!
In retrospect, I think that I must have accidentally typed in "C:\Users\XAMPP\" as the install folder during the installation process. So I think the most important thing is to make sure that the user you are actually signed into Windows as when you start XAMPP has full access to the folder that it was actually installed to.

I have faced the same issue when I tried to install xampp on windows 8.1. The problem in my system was there was no password for the current logged in user account. After creating the password then I tried to install xampp. It installed without any issue. Hope it helps someone in the feature.

You can solve this problem by installing xampp in different Drive .Instead of C Drive .

Run win+R and type msconfig
Then at tools box launch UAC
Then set it on the lowest level
Then press ok and continue your setup

change User Account Control setting via control panel
step 1 -: Go to control panel
step 2-: select 'user Accounts'
step 3-: select 'User Accounts' (Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts)
step 4 -: select 'Change User Account Control settings'
step 5 -: Drag the slider down to Never notify and after click ok.


Onlyoffice shows file access error when I try to save new document to my desktop (Windows 10)

I have a problem with Onlyoffice showing an error when I try to save any document.
The issue says that the file I try to save is already accessed by another program, I have no permissions to the folder or there's no space on my drive. The document is new, just getting created now via Onlyoffice so it can't be locked by another all. I have 230GB free on this c:\ partition and I try to save to a desktop of my user. And I have an admin role. So none of these 3 reasons is right.
It's a fresh install on Windows 10 x64 logged in as a user belonging to the Administrators group. So really not sure why it would have any problems with the permissions... Could anyone from the Onlyoffice possibly assist?
I want to use Onlyoffice as it's a great alternative to the other main office-suite products that I find overpriced.
It's a fresh install on Windows 10 x64 logged in as a user belonging
to the Administrators group.
Do you have any AV software installed? If yes, please try saving the file with the antivirus disabled.

Can't change document root in MAMP Pro

I have version 3.3 of MAMP Pro. When I click the icon to change the document root for one of my virtual hosts, it shows all of the blue folders in my Finder as grayed out. There is one exception, I am able to go into Applications/MAMP/htdocs and successfully select that directory.
Why are all the rest of my directories grayed out?
Seems a permission rights issue.
Check who is the runner of your Mamp services in settings (usually you or www/sql).
Check the permissions applied for folders you want to use as document root.
Change permissions to allow the "services runner" to read and write in this folder.
If necessary add this user in Get info window of this folder by clicking Alt and + button at the bottom left of window.
It works for me by adding _www (# World Wide Web Server) group to read and write.
Hope this helps.

Registry permissions problem

I need to install an application (SQL Server Denali, but this is irrelevant) and during the installation, I have a lot of problems with registry... a lot of pop-ups appear telling that i dont have permissions to modify that key of the registry.
I'm administration but seems that with some keys i dont have permission and i have to modify permissions manually. The problem is that there is a lot of registers giving problems.
What can I do? How can i add full control to all the keys of the registry?
I have Windows 7 64bits
What's your OS on which you are trying to install?
I have seen security features on Windows 2008 and Windows 7 (which is good but can be annoying as seen by you on popups for permissions). Even though the local user is as administrator with which you are trying to install, on these systems its best to right click and choose "Run as Administrator"
Also you can choose to lower the security level on "user account control settings" (click on start menu button in Windows 7 / 2008) and in the search bar type uac, and lower the security to never notify and bring it back up after the installation.
Hope this helps...

Integrated Windows Authentication showing wrong loggedin user

I have an asp.net 2.0 application running on IIS 6.0. I am using Integrated Windows Authentication. Some users have two network accounts, a personal account and an administrative account. The problem I am facing is that sometimes when they are logged in on the client side using their personal accounts, the logged in user appears at the server side as the admin account. I am retrieving the logged in user network id using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.
I suspect that their admin credentials are being cached somewhere and passed instead.
I had exactly this same problem. The web site was seeing me authenticate as my admin account even though I was logged in as my personal account.
It turns out that in Windows you can associate specific user names and passwords with particular sites. Once that is done, the integrated authentication through IE (and Chrome!) always uses those credentials. And, to make things easy, there is no obvious way to get to those settings through Internet Explorer's settings or options.
To fix your issue on Windows XP:
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, User Accounts.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click Manage Passwords.
Find the entry in the list the corresponds to the site(s) where you're seeing this behavior. Remove it.
Credit where credit is due: This answer was taken almost word-for-word from an unnamed "Junior Member" at ObjectMix.
For Windows 7, use "Control Panel/Credential Manager" (also available via "Control Panel/User Accounts/Manage Your Credentials"). This lists all cached credentials, and lets you easily delete the ones which are causing problems.
When you use Remote Desktop to connect to a server and save your login credentials, it doesn't only save them for remote desktop, it also uses them for connecting through IE and, apparently, Chrome.
This is an old issue, and still valid. I just found if you save credentials while using mstsc (Remote Desktop), and try to use Integrated Windows Auth against any site that is CNAMEd to that server, it will use the saved credentials. Those will be the ones you need to delete.
My PC is locked down at work and IT have removed Credential Manager from the menu in Control Panel.
I was able to get around this by running cmdkey /list from the command line. In the list of "Currently stored credentials" I located the offending hostname and ran cmdkey /delete:[hostname] (no sq. brackets and replace hostname with your host), which fixed the issue for me.
According to this site, rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr will bring up the dialog to do this as well.
Some background info: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows7/what-is-credential-manager

How to allow to allow admins to edit my app's config files without UAC elevation?

My company produces a cross-platform server application which loads its configuration from user-editable configuration files. On Windows, config file ACLs are locked down by our Setup program to allow reading by all users but restrict editing to Administrators and Local System only.
Unfortunately, on Windows Server 2008, even local administrators no longer have admin privileges (because of UAC) unless they're running an elevated app. This has caused complaints from users who cannot use their favorite text editor to open and save config files changes-- they can open the files (since anyone can read) but can't save.
Anyone have recommendations for what we can do (if anything) in our app's Setup to make editing easier for admins on Windows Server 2008?
Related questions: if a Windows Server 2008 admin wants to edit an admins-only config file, how does he normally do it? Is he forced to use a text editor which is smart enough to auto-elevate when elevation is needed, like Windows Explorer does in response to access denied errors? Does he launch the editor from an elevated command-prompt window? Something else?
In my opinion an administrator that doesn't manage to right-click notepad and select "run as administrator" shouldn't be an administrator, but well... in real life there are such administrators around.
UAC works by disabling the administrator group SID from the user's security token, until you run a program with elevated priviliges. When running in non-elevated mode there is unfortunately no way to utilize the administrative rights.
One workaround, which unfortunately requires a non-trivial amount of work could be to:
Create a custom file name suffix for your config file.
Create a small application which is registered as the handler for that config file.
Mark the small application as requiring elevated priviliges (you can do this as you are creating a new application).
The only thing that the small application should do is to locate the registered handler for .txt file in the registry and then use it to open the file - with elevated priviliges.
This isn't complicated for admins worth their salt. Open the text editor elevated, open file, save, done. Most people who edit configuration files are used to the ritual now. Unix people do this reflexively (with sudo); it's only difficult on Windows because it's still slightly unfamiliar territory for some users.
Realistically, they'd have the same problem if it were an HKLM registry setting, except they'd have to elevate regedit or Powershell or whatever they normally use to edit registry settings.
If they can't figure it out, they could choose to disable UAC entirely, or turn it down a notch or two, but I suspect if they can't figure out how to open an editor elevated this will create more problems than it will solve.
You should have to think before making big changes to system-wide config files. The UAC elevation is just enough thinking that it should give you pause if you didn't mean to make a system-wide change.
If it weren't a service, you could use %USERPROFILE% to store configuration settings, but generally, services run under a different user credential than the sysadmin's normal account.
Dotnet applications could choose to store information to the folder returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); people may need elevation to write to that folder outside your service, but if they don't like your admin UI and they do like their text editor, it's the same as the original problem: they just need to learn how to use UAC.
For the second question: for a quick solution i add notepad to the windows shortcut bar, right click, run as administrator, open the file, make the changes and save it.
We moved all of our app setting to the database.
See my blog post here. You can easily see how you can create a web page to edit that and have all of the permissions live in the web application.