Passing different parameter und value in TestNG without xml file - testing

I have test methods which should be started after TestData are set up. As the method for the set up is always the same I wanted to pass parameters to run different SQL Scripts.
#Test #Parameters("sqlScript") (groups = "insert_data")
public void testInsertData(String sqlScript) throws Exception {
final String methodName = "testInsertData";
scriptService.runSQL( sqlScript +".sql");
How can I do that without using testng.xml . I know there is an option called #Optional("CREATE TABLE T1 ....") , but with this I just can use one parameter. What if I want to pass the method SQL for Create table for T2, T3,....

You can use #DataProvider for this instead of #Parameters. Read more # Dataproviders


How to make a # test annotation out of data provider loop?

I have a data provider with name "name" and to the #Test I am passing this.
#DataProvider(name = "TC_001")
#Test(dataProvider = "TC_001")
before this #Test I want to run another #Test which need to run only once .
I have given the priority like
#DataProvider(name = "TC_001")
#Test(dataProvider = "TC_001",priority=1)
But Still the control goes to the second priority instead of first one
Is there any solution for this ?
I set the priority 1 and 2. #Test(priority=1) #DataProvider(name = "TC_001") #Test(dataProvider = "TC_001",priority=2) But Still the control goes to the second priority instead of first one.
Setting a value of priority=0 is as good as you not setting any priority at all.
TestNG honors priorities only when they are non negative positive numbers.
To fix your problem you have two options.
Start with a priority of 1 and have your data driven test method use a priority of 2 (or)
Have your data driven test method depend on the other test method using dependsOnMethod attributes.

NHibernate - How to log Named Parameterised Query with parameter values?

I have a parameterised named Query like this :
Query moveOutQuery = session.createSQLQuery(moveOutQueryStr.toString())
.setParameter("assignmentStatus", Constants.CHECKED_OUT)
I want to see the actual SQL query with parameters filled in. However while debugging I only get the following query:
Select * from my_assignment WHERE assignment_status in ( :assignmentStatus )
Why isn't the assignmentStatus being substituted for its real value?
Why isn't the assignmentStatus being substituted for its real value?
This is because NHibernate use query parameters to input values. This is efficient in many cases and also helpful against SQL Injection attack. Parameters are sent separately. You can find them at the bottom if SQL is logged as explained below.
You may log each SQL to file as explained below.
This is implemented through log4net.dll; you need to add reference.
Add namespaces as below:
using log4net;
using log4net.Appender;
using log4net.Core;
using log4net.Layout;
using log4net.Repository.Hierarchy;
Configure log4net in NHibernate as below:
Hierarchy hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
FileAppender fileAppender = new FileAppender();
fileAppender.Name = "NHFileAppender";
fileAppender.File = logFilePath;
fileAppender.AppendToFile = true;
fileAppender.LockingModel = new FileAppender.MinimalLock();
fileAppender.Layout = new PatternLayout("%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}:%m%n%n");
Logger logger = hierarchy.GetLogger("NHibernate.SQL") as Logger;
logger.Additivity = false;
logger.Level = Level.Debug;
hierarchy.Configured = true;
You also need to set ShowSql while configuration as below:
configuration.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.ShowSql, "true");
configuration.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.FormatSql, "true");
You need to call this code once at startup of your application. Output log includes values of parameters as well.
Following is the code:
session.CreateSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM MyEntity WHERE MyProperty = :MyProperty")
.SetParameter("MyProperty", "filterValue")
Following is the logged query:
2020-01-09 14:25:39:
MyProperty = #p0;
#p0 = 'filterValue' [Type: String (4000:0:0)]
As you can see, parameter value filterValue is listed at the bottom.
This works for all query APIs like IQueryOver, IQuery, ISQLQuery etc.
This logs both success and failed statements. You can play with FileAppender and Logger class to meet your additional requirements.
Also refer PatternLayout from documentation. More details can also be found here, here and here. This Q/A discusses the same.
Following Q/A may also help:
Get executed SQL from nHibernate
Using log4net to write to different loggers
How to log SQL calls with NHibernate to the console of Visual Studio?
As you see, this logs the parameter values at bottom of the query. If you want those logged embedded in the query, please refer to this article.

Groovy SQL Multiple ResultSets

I am calling a stored procedure from my Groovy code. The stored proc looks like this
SELECT * FROM blahblahblah
SELECT * FROM suchAndsuch
So basically, two SELECT statements and therefore two ResultSets.
sql.eachRow("dbo.testing 'param1'"){ rs ->
println rs
This works fine for a single ResultSet. How can I get the second one (or an arbitrary number of ResultSets for that matter).
You would need callWithAllRows() or its variant.
The return type of this method is List<List<GroovyRowResult>>.
Use this when calling a stored procedure that utilizes both output
parameters and returns multiple ResultSets.
This question is kind of old, but I will answer since I came across the same requirement recently and it maybe useful for future reference for me and others.
I'm working on a Spring application with SphinxSearch. When you run a query in sphinx, you get results, you need to run a second query to get the metadata for number of records etc...
// the query
String query = """
SHOW META LIKE 'total_found';
// create an instance of our groovy sql (sphinx doesn't use a username or password, jdbc url is all we need)
// connection can be created from java, don't have to use groovy for it
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:mysql://','sphinx','sphinx123','com.mysql.jdbc.Driver')
// create a prepared statement so we can execute multiple resultsets
PreparedStatement ps = sql.getConnection().prepareStatement(query)
// execute the prepared statement
// get the first result set and pass to GroovyResultSetExtension
GroovyResultSetExtension rs1 = new GroovyResultSetExtension(ps.getResultSet())
rs1.eachRow {
println it
// call getMoreResults on the prepared statement to activate the 2nd set of results
// get the second result set and pass to GroovyResultSetExtension
GroovyResultSetExtension rs2 = new GroovyResultSetExtension(ps.getResultSet())
rs2.eachRow {
println it
Just some test code, this needs some improving on. You can loop the result sets and do whatever processing...
Comments should be self-explanatory, hope it helps others in the future!

How to evaluate parameter variable stored in a file in jMeter?

Say, I have a jMeter variable var equals 123.
I also have a query stored in a sql file:
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = ${var}
All I need is to read that query from the file and evaluate ${var} into actual value, and then execute it in JDBC Sampler. So I need to combine these two pieces into
and pass the query to JDBC sampler.
Though, jMeter doesn't evaluate the ${var} parameter stored in that sql file and all I can pass to JDBC sampler is (obvious one):
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = ${var}.
Does anyone know how to make jMeter evaluate the stored variable into actual value?
I had a similar requirement.
You need to use Beanshell Preprocessor for the JDBC sampler. Copy the below script and put it in a .bsh file and call it. I assumed you have the query stored in 'SQLQuery' variable.
I tested the below script and it works.
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
String regex = "\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}";
SQLQuery = vars.get("SQLQuery");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(SQLQuery);
String token =; //${var}
String tokenKey =; // var
SQLQuery = SQLQuery.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(token), Matcher.quoteReplacement(vars.get(tokenKey)));
vars.put("SQLQuery", SQLQuery);
You need to use a "Prepared Select Statement" as Query Type. Prepared Statements
Then replace your ${var} with ?
And add the 2 parameters at the bottom.
Parameter values: ${var}
Parameter types: INT

Use arguments value in sql statements

I am using jsp-jdbc and I want to use the value of a argument in sql statements.
For eg: http://localhost:3232/file.jsp?name="as"
In the jsp file containing jsp I want:
select * from books where name= (the value of argument 'name' in the url)
How will it do?
You can use HttpServletRequest#getParameter() to get the request parameter.
String name = request.getParameter("name");
// ...
You can use PreparedStatement#setXxx() to set an user-definied variable in a SQL string.
preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM books WHERE name=?");
preparedStatement.setString(1, name);
resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
// ...
Note that this job doesn't belong in a JSP, but in a Servlet (with a service/DAO class).
See also:
Advanced Servlets/JSP tutorial
JDBC tutorial - Prepared statements