I have a data provider with name "name" and to the #Test I am passing this.
#DataProvider(name = "TC_001")
#Test(dataProvider = "TC_001")
before this #Test I want to run another #Test which need to run only once .
I have given the priority like
#DataProvider(name = "TC_001")
#Test(dataProvider = "TC_001",priority=1)
But Still the control goes to the second priority instead of first one
Is there any solution for this ?
I set the priority 1 and 2. #Test(priority=1) #DataProvider(name = "TC_001") #Test(dataProvider = "TC_001",priority=2) But Still the control goes to the second priority instead of first one.
Setting a value of priority=0 is as good as you not setting any priority at all.
TestNG honors priorities only when they are non negative positive numbers.
To fix your problem you have two options.
Start with a priority of 1 and have your data driven test method use a priority of 2 (or)
Have your data driven test method depend on the other test method using dependsOnMethod attributes.
So here is what I want as a module in Pseudo Code:
IF UseCustom, Create AWS Launch Config With One Custom EBS Device and One Generic EBS Device
ELSE Create AWS Launch Config With One Generic EBS Device
I am aware that I can use the 'count' function within a resource to decide whether it is created or not... So I currently have:
resource aws_launch_configuration "basic_launch_config" {
count = var.boolean ? 0 : 1
resource aws_launch_configuration "custom_launch_config" {
count = var.boolean ? 1 : 0
Which is great, now it creates the right Launch configuration based on my 'boolean' variable... But in order to then create the AutoScalingGroup using that Launch Configuration, I need the Launch Configuration Name. I know what you're thinking, just output it and grab it, you moron! Well of course I'm outputting it:
output "name" {
description = "The Name of the Default Launch Configuration"
value = aws_launch_configuration.basic_launch_config.*.name
output "name" {
description = "The Name of the Custom Launch Configuration"
value = aws_launch_configuration.custom_launch_config.*.name
But how the heck do I know from the higher area that I'm calling the module that creates the Launch Configuration and Then the Auto Scaling Group which output to use for passing into the ASG???
Is there a different way to grab the value I want that I'm overlooking? I'm new to Terraform and the whole no real conditional thing is really throwing me for a loop.
Terraform: How to conditionally assign an EBS volume to an ECS Cluster
This seemed to be the cleanest way I could find, using a ternary operator:
output "name {
description = "The Name of the Launch Configuration"
value = "${(var.booleanVar) == 0 ? aws_launch_configuration.default_launch_config.*.name : aws_launch_configuration.custom_launch_config.*.name}
Let me know if there is a better way!
You can use the same variable you used to decide which resource to enable to select the appropriate result:
output "name" {
value = var.boolean ? aws_launch_configuration.custom_launch_config[0].name : aws_launch_configuration.basic_launch_config[0].name
Another option, which is a little more terse but arguably also a little less clear to a future reader, is to exploit the fact that you will always have one list of zero elements and one list with one elements, like this:
output "name" {
value = concat(
Concatenating these two lists will always produce a single-item list due to how the count expressions are written, and so we can use [0] to take that single item and return it.
Please forgive me if my question does not make sense.
What im trying to do is to inject in values for query parameters
GET1 File
Given path 'search'
And param filter[id] = id (default value or variable from another feature file)
POST1 File
def newid = new id made by a post call
def checkid = read call(GET1) {id : newid}
like if one of my feature files creates a new id then i want to do a get call with the above scenario. therefore i need a parameter there which takes in the new id.
On the other hand if i do not have an id newly created or the test creating it is not part of the suite. i want to still be able to run the above mentioned scenario but this time it has a default value to it.
Instead of param use params. It is designed so that any keys with null values are ignored.
After the null is set on the first line below, you can make a call to another feature, and overwrite the value of criteria. If it still is null, no params will be set.
* def criteria = null
Given path 'search'
And params { filter: '#(criteria)' }
There are multiple other ways to do this, also refer to this set of examples for data-driven search params: dynamic-params.feature
The doc on conditional logic may also give you some ideas.
I have test methods which should be started after TestData are set up. As the method for the set up is always the same I wanted to pass parameters to run different SQL Scripts.
#Test #Parameters("sqlScript") (groups = "insert_data")
public void testInsertData(String sqlScript) throws Exception {
final String methodName = "testInsertData";
scriptService.runSQL( sqlScript +".sql");
How can I do that without using testng.xml . I know there is an option called #Optional("CREATE TABLE T1 ....") , but with this I just can use one parameter. What if I want to pass the method SQL for Create table for T2, T3,....
You can use #DataProvider for this instead of #Parameters. Read more # Dataproviders
The application I test has some areas where it requires unique data. Specifically, the application will generate a request number that can only be used once. After my test runs I must manually update my datapool reference for this number. Is there any way using java, that I can get the information stored in my datapool, increase the value by one, and then save the data back to the datapool. This way I can keep rft in sync with my application in regard to this number.
Here is an example how to read a value from the datapool, increment it by 1, and save it back to the datapool. It is an adapted example from the book Software Test Engineering with IBM Rational Functional Tester. The original source code is from chapter 5 (and can be downloaded from the book's homepage).
// some imports
import org.eclipse.hyades.edit.datapool.IDatapoolCell;
import org.eclipse.hyades.edit.datapool.IDatapoolEquivalenceClass;
import org.eclipse.hyades.execution.runtime.datapool.IDatapool;
import org.eclipse.hyades.execution.runtime.datapool.IDatapoolRecord;
int value = dpInt("value");
java.io.File dpFile = new java.io.File((String) getOption(IOptionName.DATASTORE), "SomeDatapool.rftdp");
IDatapool dp = dpFactory().load(dpFile, true);
IDatapoolEquivalenceClass equivalenceClass = (IDatapoolEquivalenceClass) dp.getEquivalenceClass(dp
IDatapoolRecord record = equivalenceClass.getRecord(0);
IDatapoolCell cell = (IDatapoolCell) record.getCell(0);
DatapoolFactory factory = DatapoolFactory.get();
factory.save((org.eclipse.hyades.edit.datapool.IDatapool) dp);
I think it is quite a lot of code to simply change one value—maybe it is easier to use some other method like writing the value to a normal text file.
I recorded one script using Selenium IDE which contain clicking on a link and now i want to add loop to run same script multiple time, for this i am converting script to python but unable to add loop.Please help me in this regards.
Heres some text direct from selenium docs:
Data Driven Testing:
Data Driven Testing refers to using the same test (or tests) multiple times with varying data. These data sets are often from external files i.e. .csv file, text file, or perhaps loaded from a database. Data driven testing is a commonly used test automation technique used to validate an application against many varying input. When the test is designed for varying data, the input data can expand, essentially creating additional tests, without requiring changes to the test code.
# Collection of String values
source = open("input_file.txt", "r")
values = source.readlines()
# Execute For loop for each String in the values array
for search in values:
sel.type("q", search)
self.failUnless(sel.is_text_present("Results * for " + search))
Hope it helps. More info at: Selenium Documentation
Best Regards,
Paulo Bueno.
Try a loop similar to this example using "for x in range (0,5):" to set the number of times you wish it to iterate.
def test_py2webdriverselenium(self):
for x in range(0,5):
driver = self.driver
driver.find_element_by_id("sb_form_q").send_keys("testing software")
I tried this for some situations that I have little information:
list = [''' list containing all items ''']
index = 0
while True:
# do what you want with list[index]
index += 1
# index exception occured
In java you can do this as below:
# import packages or classes
public class testClassName(){
before test Methods(){
public void testMethod(){
for(int i =0, i<=5, i++){
WebElement element = driver.findElementById("link_ID");
after Test Method(){