Is there any Video Rental VOD (video-on-demand) API's out there? [closed] - api

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have been searching for this for a while and I can't find. I am searching for a video on demand APi but I can't find any. Please help.
Let me clarify one thing, I want to rent the movie THE MATRIX via API so I can show it to the user. That is what I pretend?

need to look into UltraViolet or Locker Access Streaming Provider Role (LASP).
check out UltraViolet for Business,
to connect your service to UltraViolet or to Develop Services or components you need a licence.
Download the licence package here:
hope this helps.

You need to look at solutions called "paywall" or "pay-per-view" for the media server which you decide to pick up.

There was a site called Popcorn Time which is similar to Netflix in number of ways. They made their source code available for every one by making the project open source after attracting huge media attention.


Intershop Enfinity Suite 6 API specs / docs / info [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we're working with a client who's parent company is using intershop enfinity 6 as a shopping platform with each sub-brand using their own shops, but they are connected to the "mothership" via some form of api.
now i am facing several problems:
i have no influence on what software is used whatsoever, so i know enfinity is probably a pain in the ass but i have to live with that
i will be old and grey until they manage to get me some contact or documentation from the parent company's it department
apparently there is no chance of acquiring documentation from intershop without being a registered customer. at least i found nothing on their site but the brief mention of "modularity"...
all i want to do is to look up what kind of api (or whatever they use to implement shopping functionality on other sites) this is and if it is in some way standardized, etc... any info helps.
is there anyone with experience on this? i'm sure to get some specs someday but it would be nice to come a bit prepared.
thanks in advance,
You get detailed information only if you have a support / customer account with Intershop. Or you get your hands on an install DVD provided by your client - there you can find a whole set of documents and API documentation. The best information until then would be visiting - but it just talk about features, not technology.
(Disclaimer: I work for Intershop)

Looking for a replacement for Instamapper [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been searching the net for a couple days now and haven't turned up anything that solves my issue.
The current client I'm working for currently embeds Instamapper into thier site which allows them to track thier drivers in real-time.
now my search has produced a good number of GPS tracking solutions but none that meet all the requirements the client is looking for, so I decided to post the question on here and see if anyone knows anything that I may have missed.
Must be able to embed a map into the clients site.
Must be compatible with Blackberry, Android, and iPhone mobile Phones.
Doesn't have to be free, the Client is willing to pay for the service.
If anyone knows of a solution I would greatly appreciate any help.
Thank you,
I searched and searched, and there really isn't anything out there that solved my problem so I ended up writing my own.

Does (vehicle marketplace) offer an API for posting vehicles? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anybody know if offers an API or something that would help with mass postings of vehicles?
Or does anybody have any idea of what to use to create something like this? I was thinking of maybe a mouse location and click over a browser window type of thing.
AutoTrader provides a bulk upload feature through a file feed process. The file runs through a set of processes to associate it with the proper listing tier (Premium, Feature or Standard) and in addition normalizes the information across vehicle make and models. This process runs several times daily and is being migrated to a near real-time solution for quicker add or updates.
I can find no documentation on it but I've come across this link which seems to provide a json response.

Where can i find "Pay by Facebook" API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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facebook has the facebook credit and I knew that they are testing on pay by facebook.
anyone know where can I find the API for that? I search in the facebook developer wiki and cannot find anything. Thanks. :)
I don't belive you can use those features as of yet ...
The last I've read about this was here ...
“The payments methods have been
available since we started looking at
extending our virtual currency —
Facebook Credits — via a very small
alpha test with a handful of
developers in May. The gifts methods
have been available since we started a
similar alpha test in August that
allows third party developers to offer
virtual gifts in the Facebook Gift
Shop. Both methods can only being used
by developers that are part of these
You might want to keep an eye on this site
You can check Facebook Credits

Are there any good movie/film APIs out there? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Working on a movie website and would love to find an API that I could use to get information about different movies. I code in PHP but I'm assuming this would probably return XML.
I can recommend We have been using their API in an open source movie managing application with great success.
Quick google search returned this: Internet Video Archive Movie API. It seems to return XML data, so it could work for you.
EDIT: The link is down (thanks #Mutant), Wayback Machine has a backup.
For getting straight-up information about movies (for instance, basic genre and title information) the Amazon associates data works pretty good. There is the condition that the data be used primarily to drive traffic to Amazon, which is something to keep in mind.
There should be a PHP library already written that you can use:
Rotten Tomatoes has a free REST API ( The access keys are restricted to 10000 calls/day.