Substring from right by character SQL - sql

I have a string(s)-
I need to get the asset name associated with the campaign which is in the campaign name.
So for example "Balancing Cost Risk and Complexity in Your DR Strat"
would be the asset associated with the first campaign-
That is my goal. I want to get just that from the string ("Balancing Cost Risk and Complexity in Your DR Strat".
But I don't see how to strip out the asset from the campaign name. It is not consistent on position or anything else???
I think I can go from the right and and find the second "_"
But I don't know the syntax. I get as far as -
,Right (, charindex('_', REVERSE( as Test
from campaign
which gives me -
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated

You could create a scalar function that accept the string, like the following:
#str varchar(300)
RETURNS varchar(300)
declare #reverse varchar(200),#idx1 int,#idx2 int
set #reverse = reverse(#str)
set #idx1 = CHARINDEX('_',#reverse)
set #idx2 = CHARINDEX('_',#reverse,#idx1+1)
return reverse(substring(#reverse,#idx1+1,#idx2-#idx1-1))
You can try with the following example:
select dbo.myFunction('CO_CS_SV_Integrate_WP_BalancingCostRiskandComplexityinYourDRStrat_Apr-Jun');


Replace the multiple values between 2 characters in azure sql

In Azure SQL, I'm attempting to delete any text that is present between the < and > characters to my column in my table
Sample text:
The best part is that. < br >Note:< br >< u> reading
:< /u> < span style="font-family: calibri,sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;"> moral stories from an early age
< b>not only helps your child.< /b>< br>< u>in
learning important: < /u>< /span>< span style="font-family: calibri;
">life lessons but it also helps, in language development.< /span>< ./span>
The best part is that. reading: moral stories from an early age not only helps your child in learning important: life lessons but it also helps in language development.
I tried below query its working only for small comments text:
SELECT [Comments],REPLACE([Comments], SUBSTRING([Comments], CHARINDEX('<', [Comments]), CHARINDEX('>', [Comments]) - CHARINDEX('<', [Comments]) + 1),'') AS result
FROM table
I have taken input table named check_1 and sample data is inserted into that table.
This query removes only the first occurring pattern.
SELECT [Comments],REPLACE([Comments], SUBSTRING([Comments], CHARINDEX('<', [Comments]), CHARINDEX('>', [Comments]) - CHARINDEX('<', [Comments]) + 1),'') AS result
FROM check_1
In order to remove all string patterns beginning with '<' and ending with '>' in the text, a user defined function with a while loop is created.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_removetags] (#input_text VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX)
SET #pos_1 = CHARINDEX('<',#input_text)
SET #pos_n = CHARINDEX('>',#input_text,CHARINDEX('<',#input_text))
SET #Length = (#pos_n - #pos_1) + 1
WHILE #pos_1 > 0 AND #pos_n > 0 AND #Length > 0
SET #input_text = replace(#input_text,substring(#input_text,#pos_1,#Length),'')
SET #pos_1 = CHARINDEX('<',#input_text)
SET #pos_n = CHARINDEX('>',#input_text,CHARINDEX('<',#input_text))
SET #Length = (#pos_n - #pos_1) + 1
RETURN #input_text
select [dbo].[udf_removetags](comments) as result from check_1
Output String:
The best part is that. Note: reading : moral stories from an early age not only helps your learning important: life lessons but it also helps, in language development.
You can also use Stuff [Refer Microsoft document on STUFF] in place of replace+substring function.
Replace this SET #input_text = replace(#input_text,substring(#input_text,#pos_1,#Length),'')
line with the line
SET #input_text = STUFF(#input_text,#pos_1,#Length,'')
in the user defined function.
Result will be same.
According to Azure supports REGEXP_REPLACE.
This means it should be possible to replace all '<...>' by '' via
select regexp_replace(comments, '<[^>]*>', '') from mytable;

Update(Replace partcial value) XML Column in SQL

I have an XML column in my Table and i wanted to replace particular text wherever it appear in that column with a new text. Here is the xml structure,
In the above XML I wanted to replace all the <Src> values having to Please guide me how i can do this!
You can use Replace() function as below:
Update TableName
ColumnName=replace(CAST(ColumnName AS VARCHAR(8000)),'<Src>','<Src>')
With a little help from a couple of XML functions you can do this in a loop.
The loop is necessary since replace value of can only replace one value at a time. This code assumes the URL is located first in the node and not embedded in text anywhere.
declare #T table(X xml);
insert into #T(X) values('<Story>
</Story> ');
declare #FromURL nvarchar(100);
declare #ToURL nvarchar(100);
set #FromURL = '';
set #ToURL = '';
while 1 = 1
update #T
set X.modify('replace value of (//*/text()[contains(., sql:variable("#FromURL"))])[1]
with concat(sql:variable("#ToURL"), substring((//*/text()[contains(., sql:variable("#FromURL"))])[1], string-length(sql:variable("#FromURL"))+1))')
where X.exist('//*/text()[contains(., sql:variable("#FromURL"))]') = 1;
if ##rowcount = 0
select *
from #T
replace value of (XML DML)
concat Function (XQuery)
contains Function (XQuery)
string-length Function (XQuery)
sql:variable() Function (XQuery)
There are many ways to do that.
The first way is to add a WHILE loop. Inside a loop, you search (CHARINDEX) for a position of first tag and first tag. Then, knowing the start and end positions, replace the value. Then on the next iteration you search again, but change starting position in CHARINDEX() function
The second way is to use SELECT ... FROM OPENXML + EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument

Parse SQL Column into separate columns

I'm looking to parse a sql column result into separate columns. Here is an example of the column...
Detail - Column name
'TaxID changed from "111" to "333". Address1 changed from "542 Test St." to "333 Test St". State changed from "FL" to "DF". Zip changed from "11111" to "22222". Country changed from "US" to "MX". CurrencyCode changed from "usd" to "mxn". RFC Number changed from "" to "test". WarehouseID changed from "6" to "1". '
I need to take the old TAXID, new TAXID, old country, and new country and put them in separate columns.
The Detail column will always have TAXID and Country, however the challenging part is that they don't always have the rest of data that I listed above. Sometimes it will contain city and other times it won't. This means the order is always different.
I would create a tsql proc, use a case statement.
Do a count of the double quotes. If there are 8 oairs, you know that you old and new values, only 4 pairs you only have new values.
Then using the double quotes as indexes for your substring, you can put the vales into the table.
Good luck!
I was able to come up with something that worked.
In case anyone else gets a situation like this again perhaps posting my code will help.
DECLARE #document varchar(350);
set #document = 'TaxID changed from "111" to "222"'
declare #FIRSTQUOTE int
declare #SECONDQUOTE int
declare #OLDTAXID nvarchar(40)
declare #firstlength int
declare #ThirdQuote int
declare #FourthQuote int
declare #secondlength int
declare #NewTAXID nvarchar(40)
declare #oneplussecondquote int
declare #oneplusthirdquote int
select #FirstQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document)
set #firstlength = #SECONDQUOTE - #FIRSTQUOTE
select #OLDTAXID = SUBSTRING(#document,#FIRSTQUOTE,#firstlength)
set #oneplussecondquote = #SECONDQUOTE + 1
select #ThirdQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document,#oneplussecondquote)
set #oneplusthirdquote = #ThirdQuote + 1
select #FourthQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document,#oneplusthirdquote)
select #secondlength = #FourthQuote - #oneplusthirdquote
select #NewTAXID = SUBSTRING(#document,#oneplusthirdquote,#secondlength)
You can switch out the string for this: 'Country changed from "US" to "MX"'
And it would grab the old country and new country

How to use Replace with %

I need exclude text from the "<==#" to the end (like %)
"TestDescription <==# info "dynamic text" ==>"
I tried use Replace with % but it does not work
select replace ( testfield, '<==# %', '') from table
The following will do what you want:
select left(testfield, charindex('<==#', testfield) - 1)
There is no reason to use wildcards for this. You only want the left part of the string before that substring.
If you want to replace <==# to %, then use
replace(testfield,'<==#','%') as ColName
Your question, which is not clear at the moment to me, tells me that you want to exclude all text that is between "<==" and "==>"
The code snippet below should work.
Declare #testfield NVARCHAR(100),
#newfield NVARCHAR(100), #beginloc INT, #endloc INT;
SET #testfield = 'TestDescription <==# info "dynamic text" ==>'
PRINT #testfield
SET #beginloc = PATINDEX('%<==%',#testfield)
SET #endloc = PATINDEX('%==>%',#testfield)
PRINT #beginloc
PRINT #endloc
SET #newfield = SUBSTRING(#testfield,0,18)
PRINT #newfield

MS-SQL - Extracting numerical portion of a string

I have an MS-SQL table, with a column titled 'ImportCount'.
Data in this column follows the below format:
[Schedules] 1376 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERA\AA\XX...
[Schedules] 10201 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERZZ\PERS\YY...
[Schedules] 999 schedule items imported from location R:\PERS\FOLDERA\AA\XX...
[Schedules] 21 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERA\MM\2014ZZ...
What I would like to do is extract that numerical portion of the data (which varies in length), but am struggling to get the right result. Would appreciate any help on this!
select left(ImportCount, patindex('%[^0-9]%', ImportCount+'.') - 1)
select SUBSTRING(ImportCount,13,patindex('% schedule items%',ImportCount)-13) from table name
Try this..You can declare it as a SQL function also.
DECLARE #textAplhaNumeric varchar(100)
set #textAplhaNumeric = '1376 schedule items imported from location'
SET #intText = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #textAplhaNumeric)
WHILE #intText > 0
SET #textAplhaNumeric = STUFF(#textAplhaNumeric, #intText, 1, '' )
SET #intText = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #textAplhaNumeric)
Select #textAplhaNumeric //output is 1376
It will work in case of NULL or empty values.
Please try:
SELECT LEFT(Val,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', Val+'a')-1) from(
STUFF(ImportCount, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ImportCount)-1, '') Val
FROM YourTable