How to stop (kill) a build in drone -

Is there a way to kill a build in drone before it finishes or times out?
The default timeout in drone is 6 hours (
And if you have a mistake in your makefile that just get's stuck then you need to wait for 6 hours.
This is specially annoying if you have limited number of simultaneous builds.
My question is about the self hosted, open source version, not the hosted version if it makes any difference.

You can stop drone build using CLI:
drone build stop <repo/name> <build>
If build cannot be stopped/canceled, you can kill it:
drone build kill <repo/name> <build>
See more commands in drone CLI docs.

I just pushed a new commit and it automatically stopped the stuck build and started a new one. No need to wait for 6 hours. ;)

This is possible from the UI in Drone 0.4.

To stop the build using the drone cli, use the following command:
drone build stop <root/name> <DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER>
Make sure the following are exported:
export DRONE_TOKEN=<secret_drone_token>
It is also possible to stop the build using API:
DELETE /api/repos/{owner}/{repo}/builds/{build}


How to interrupt triggered gitlab pipelines

I'm using a webhook to trigger my Gitlab pipeline. Sometimes, this trigger is triggered a bunch of times, but my pipelines only has to run the last one (static site generation). Right now, it will run as many pipelines as I have triggered. My pipelines takes 20 minutes so sometimes it's running the rest of the day, which is completely unnecessary. and only work on pushed commits, not on triggers
A similar problem is discussed in gitlab-org/gitlab-foss issue 41560
Example of a use-case:
I want to always push the same Docker "image:tag", for example: "myapp:dev-CI". The idea is that "myapp:dev-CI" should always be the latest Docker image of the application that matches the HEAD of the develop branch.
However if 2 commits are pushed, then 2 pipelines are triggered and executed in paralell. Then the latest triggered pipeline often finishes before the oldest one.
As a consequence the pushed Docker image is not the latest one.
As a workaround for *nix you can get running pipelines from API and wait until they finished or cancel them with the same API.
In the example below script checks for running pipelines with lower id's for the same branch and sleeps.
jq package is required for this code to work.
Create a new runner instance
Configure it to run jobs marked as deploy with concurrency 1
Add the deploy tag to your CD job.
It's now impossible for two deploy jobs to run concurrently.
To guard against a situation where an older pipeline may run after a new one, add a check in your deploy job to exit if the current pipeline ID is less than the current deployment.
Slight modification:
For me, one slight change: I kept the global concurrency setting the same (8 runners on my machine so concurrency: 8).
But, I tagged one of the runners with deploy and added limit: 1 to its config.
I then updated my .gitlab-ci.yml to use the deploy tag in my deploy job.
Works perfectly: my code_tests job can run simultaneously on 7 runners but deploy is "single threaded" and any other deploy jobs go into pending state until that runner is freed up.

Call script after gitlab ci

I have started to work with gitlab ci and I am still new to CI in general. I currently want to call a script after a successful test build of my master branch. This script will notify my server to do a pull, build and restart.
I can not use kubernetes or docker, as the project lead doesn't want to use them.
I can do the scipt and such, but the gitlab ci config documentation is confusing and I cant seem to find an option on how to call the script after it finished.
Stupid of me asking. Its as simple as defining a new stage after the last stage and call the script there.
If you want to do a simple task at the end of a pipeline, try the after_script directive. There is also a before_script counterpart.
Docs at:

can't trigger a test of some appllication via Jenkins job

I am a beginner at the field of Devops.
I have created a simple web application (jsp), using 3 Jenkins jobs to store the code in GIT, to deploy the this app into Tomcat, and also to site-monitor this app (respectively).
Now, I have been trying - with no success -to automate a simple test with 2 verifications of my app functionality, using Selenium IDE and triggering it via Jenkins job (the fourth one in my project).
In order to perform it , I created the following job on Jenkins, with the needed plugin added (which is SeleniumHQ htmlsuite Run).
Here is the job:
The job running has failed,giving the following error which I cant handle.
When I run it, I get the following error :
Any help would be very appreciated
Just tick Delete workspace before build starts box under Build Environment stanza
If you don't have the option in your Jenkins job configuration - make sure that Workspace Cleanup Plugin is installed
If you're running your Selenium tests via Jenkins Pipeline - all you need to do is to put cleanWS() directive somewhere in your pipeline code or Jenkinsfile

How to disable simultaneous build on drone io?

I use drone as CI and want to know how I can disable simultaneous build. What's happening is that when I submit two commits to git repo, drone will trigger two build on each of the submit. How can I let the second build wait until the first one finish?
Regarding the open source version of Drone: set the DOCKER_MAX_PROCS environment variable of your drone agent to 1, i.e. docker run -e DOCKER_MAX_PROCS=1 [...] drone/drone:0.5 agent. The agent will run one build concurrently, other builds will queue up.
See the Installation Reference section in the readme for more info.

Whether Drone support configuring timeout value for build

I setup a local drone server for our CI. And our project is a java project managed by maven. When run the mvn clean install command, maven will download all dependencies into ~/.m2 directory. The first time run this command will download a huge of data from maven remote repository which may take a very long time. In this case, I got below error on drone CI.
ERROR: terminal inactive for 15m0s, build cancelled
I understand that this message means there is no output on the console for 15 minutes. But it is a normal case in my build environment. I wander whether I can configure the 15m to be a larger value so I can build our project.
My previous answer is outdated. You can now change the default timeout for each individual repository from the repository settings screen. This setting is only available to system administrators.
You can increase the terminal inactive timeout by passing DRONE_TIMEOUT=<duration> to each of your agents.
docker run -e DRONE_TIMEOUT=15m drone/drone:0.5 agent
The timeout value may be any valid Go duration string [1].
# 30 minute timeout
# 1 hour timeout
# 1 hour, 30 minute timeout
Looking at the drone source code, it looks like they have environment variables DRONE_TIMEOUT and DRONE_TIMEOUT_INACTIVITY that you can use to configure the inactivity timeout. I tried putting it in my .drone.yml file and it didn't seem to do anything, so this may only be available at a higher level.
Here is the reference to the environment variable DRONE_TIMEOUT_INACTIVITY:
Here is the reference to the environment variable DRONE_TIMEOUT:
Here is where the error is thrown: