Mutex violations using ServiceStack Redis for distributed locking - redis

I'm attempting to implement DLM using the locking mechanisms provided by the ServiceStack-Redis library and described here, but I'm finding that the API seems to present a race condition which will sometimes grant the same lock to multiple clients.
BasicRedisClientManager mgr = new BasicRedisClientManager(redisConnStr);
using(var client = mgr.GetClient())
client.Increment("touchcount", 0);
Random rng = new Random();
Action<object> simulatedDistributedClientCode = (clientId) => {
using(var redisClient = mgr.GetClient())
using(var mylock = redisClient.AcquireLock("mutex", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))
long touches = redisClient.Get<long>("touchcount");
Debug.WriteLine("client{0}: I acquired the lock! (touched: {1}x)", clientId, touches);
if(touches > 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("client{0}: Oh, but I see you've already been here. I'll release it.", clientId);
int arbitraryDurationOfExecutingCode = rng.Next(100, 2500);
Thread.Sleep(arbitraryDurationOfExecutingCode); // do some work of arbitrary duration
redisClient.Increment("touchcount", 1);
Debug.WriteLine("client{0}: Okay, I released my lock, your turn now.", clientId);
Action<Task> exceptionWriter = (t) => {if(t.IsFaulted) Debug.WriteLine(t.Exception.InnerExceptions.First());};
int arbitraryDelayBetweenClients = rng.Next(5, 500);
var clientWorker1 = new Task(simulatedDistributedClientCode, 1);
var clientWorker2 = new Task(simulatedDistributedClientCode, 2);
using(var client = mgr.GetClient())
var finaltouch = client.Get<long>("touchcount");
Console.WriteLine("Touched a total of {0}x.", finaltouch);
When running the above code to simulate two clients attempting the same operation within short succession of one another, there are three possible outputs. The first one is the optimal case where the Mutex works properly and the clients proceed in the proper order. The second case is when the 2nd client times out waiting to acquire a lock; also an acceptable outcome. The problem, however, is that as arbitraryDurationOfExecutingCode approaches or exceeds the timeout for acquiring a lock, it is quite easy to reproduce a situation where the 2nd client is granted the lock BEFORE the 1st client releases it, producing output like this:
client1: I acquired the lock! (touched: 0x)
client2: I acquired the lock! (touched: 0x)
client1: Okay, I released my lock, your turn now.
client2: Okay, I released my lock, your turn now.
Touched a total of 2x.
My understanding of the API and its documentation is that the timeOut argument when acquiring a lock is meant to be just that -- the timeout for getting the lock. If I have to guess at a timeOut value that is high enough to always be longer than the duration of my executing code just to prevent this condition, that seems pretty error prone. Does anyone have a work around other than passing null to wait on locks forever? I definitely don't want to do that or I know I'll end up with ghost locks from crashed workers.

The answer from mythz (thanks for the prompt response!) confirms that the built-in AcquireLock method in ServiceStack.Redis doesn't draw a distinction between the lock acquisition period versus the lock expiration period. For our purposes, we have existing code that expected the distributed locking mechanism to fail quickly if the lock was taken, but allow for long-running processes within the lock scope. To accommodate these requirements, I derived this variation on the ServiceStack RedisLock that allows a distinction between the two.
// based on ServiceStack.Redis.RedisLock
internal class RedisDlmLock : IDisposable
public static readonly TimeSpan DefaultLockAcquisitionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
public static readonly TimeSpan DefaultLockMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);
public const string LockPrefix = ""; // namespace lock keys if desired
private readonly IRedisClient _client; // note that the held reference to client means lock scope should always be within client scope
private readonly string _lockKey;
private string _lockValue;
/// <summary>
/// Acquires a distributed lock on the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="redisClient">The client to use to acquire the lock.</param>
/// <param name="key">The key to acquire the lock on.</param>
/// <param name="acquisitionTimeOut">The amount of time to wait while trying to acquire the lock. Defaults to <see cref="DefaultLockAcquisitionTimeout"/>.</param>
/// <param name="lockMaxAge">After this amount of time expires, the lock will be invalidated and other clients will be allowed to establish a new lock on the same key. Deafults to <see cref="DefaultLockMaxAge"/>.</param>
public RedisDlmLock(IRedisClient redisClient, string key, TimeSpan? acquisitionTimeOut = null, TimeSpan? lockMaxAge = null)
_client = redisClient;
_lockKey = LockPrefix + key;
() =>
//Modified from ServiceStack.Redis.RedisLock
//This pattern is taken from the redis command for SETNX
//Calculate a unix time for when the lock should expire
lockMaxAge = lockMaxAge ?? DefaultLockMaxAge; // hold the lock for the default amount of time if not specified.
DateTime expireTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(lockMaxAge.Value);
_lockValue = (expireTime.ToUnixTimeMs() + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//Try to set the lock, if it does not exist this will succeed and the lock is obtained
var nx = redisClient.SetEntryIfNotExists(_lockKey, _lockValue);
if (nx)
return true;
//If we've gotten here then a key for the lock is present. This could be because the lock is
//correctly acquired or it could be because a client that had acquired the lock crashed (or didn't release it properly).
//Therefore we need to get the value of the lock to see when it should expire
string existingLockValue = redisClient.Get<string>(_lockKey);
long lockExpireTime;
if (!long.TryParse(existingLockValue, out lockExpireTime))
return false;
//If the expire time is greater than the current time then we can't let the lock go yet
if (lockExpireTime > DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMs())
return false;
//If the expire time is less than the current time then it wasn't released properly and we can attempt to
//acquire the lock. This is done by setting the lock to our timeout string AND checking to make sure
//that what is returned is the old timeout string in order to account for a possible race condition.
return redisClient.GetAndSetEntry(_lockKey, _lockValue) == existingLockValue;
acquisitionTimeOut ?? DefaultLockAcquisitionTimeout // loop attempting to get the lock for this amount of time.
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("RedisDlmLock:{0}:{1}", _lockKey, _lockValue);
public void Dispose()
// only remove the entry if it still contains OUR value
var currentValue = _client.Get<string>(_lockKey);
if (currentValue != _lockValue)
using (var tx = _client.CreateTransaction())
tx.QueueCommand(r => r.Remove(_lockKey));
catch (Exception ex)
// log but don't throw
To simplify use as much as possible, I also expose some extension methods for IRedisClient to parallel the AcquireLock method, along these lines:
internal static class RedisClientLockExtensions
public static IDisposable AcquireDlmLock(this IRedisClient client, string key, TimeSpan timeOut, TimeSpan maxAge)
return new RedisDlmLock(client, key, timeOut, maxAge);

Your question highlights the behavior of Distributed Locking in ServiceStack.Redis, if the timeout specified is exceeded, the timed-out clients treats it as an invalid lock and will attempt to auto-recover the lock. If there was no auto-recovery behavior a crashed client would never release the lock and no further operations waiting on that lock would be allowed through.
The locking behavior for AcquireLock is encapsulated in the RedisLock class:
public IDisposable AcquireLock(string key, TimeSpan timeOut)
return new RedisLock(this, key, timeOut);
Which you can take a copy of and modify to suit the behavior you'd prefer:
using (new MyRedisLock(client, key, timeout))


Why ServiceStack.Redis does not use SET Timeout for acquiring lock?

if you look at the code of RedisLock.cs class you can see that it is reading the lock value to validate timeout itself outside Redis and it is also using Watch and Unwatch to overwrite timeout value if nobody touched it.
In another words, what are the exact points of using watch and unwatch and commit while we can use Redis internal set timeouts which are even more reliable?
ExecUtils.RetryUntilTrue(() =>{
//This pattern is taken from the redis command for SETNX
//Calculate a unix time for when the lock should expire
var realSpan = timeOut ?? new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0); //if nothing is passed in the timeout hold for a year
var expireTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(realSpan);
var lockString = (expireTime.ToUnixTimeMs() + 1).ToString();
//Try to set the lock, if it does not exist this will succeed and the lock is obtained
var nx = redisClient.SetValueIfNotExists(key, lockString);
if (nx)
return true;
//If we've gotten here then a key for the lock is present. This could be because the lock is
//correctly acquired or it could be because a client that had acquired the lock crashed (or didn't release it properly).
//Therefore we need to get the value of the lock to see when it should expire
var lockExpireString = redisClient.Get<string>(key);
if (!long.TryParse(lockExpireString, out var lockExpireTime))
redisClient.UnWatch(); // since the client is scoped externally
return false;
//If the expire time is greater than the current time then we can't let the lock go yet
if (lockExpireTime > DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMs())
redisClient.UnWatch(); // since the client is scoped externally
return false;
//If the expire time is less than the current time then it wasn't released properly and we can attempt to
//acquire the lock. The above call to Watch(_lockKey) enrolled the key in monitoring, so if it changes
//before we call Commit() below, the Commit will fail and return false, which means that another thread
//was able to acquire the lock before we finished processing.
using (var trans = redisClient.CreateTransaction()) // we started the "Watch" above; this tx will succeed if the value has not moved
trans.QueueCommand(r => r.Set(key, lockString));
return trans.Commit(); //returns false if Transaction failed
Because StackExchange.Redis Library equivalent only use string.set capabilities. despite the fact that that ServiceStackRedis locking mechanism is more advanced and will wait and retry until get a lock but still not using timeouts of REDIS SET command itself is not justified.
public bool LockTake(RedisKey key, RedisValue value, TimeSpan expiry, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None) {
if (value.IsNull) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
return StringSet(key, value, expiry, When.NotExists, flags);

StackExchange.Redis transaction methods freezes

I have this code to add object and index field in Stackexchange.Redis.
All methods in transaction freeze thread. Why ?
var transaction = Database.CreateTransaction();
//this line freeze thread. WHY ?
await transaction.StringSetAsync(KeyProvider.GetForID(obj.ID), PreSaveObject(obj));
await transaction.HashSetAsync(emailKey, new[] { new HashEntry(obj.Email, Convert.ToString(obj.ID)) });
return await transaction.ExecuteAsync();
Commands executed inside a transaction do not return results until after you execute the transaction. This is simply a feature of how transactions work in Redis. At the moment you are awaiting something that hasn't even been sent yet (transactions are buffered locally until executed) - but even if it had been sent: results simply aren't available until the transaction completes.
If you want the result, you should store (not await) the task, and await it after the execute:
var fooTask = tran.SomeCommandAsync(...);
if(await tran.ExecuteAsync()) {
var foo = await fooTask;
Note that this is cheaper than it looks: when the transaction executes, the nested tasks get their results at the same time - and await handles that scenario efficiently.
Marc's answer works, but in my case it caused a decent amount of code bloat (and it's easy to forget to do it this way), so I came up with an abstraction that sort of enforces the pattern.
Here's how you use it:
await db.TransactAsync(commands => commands
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...))
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...))
.Enqueue(tran => tran.SomeCommandAsync(...)));
Here's the implementation:
public static class RedisExtensions
public static async Task TransactAsync(this IDatabase db, Action<RedisCommandQueue> addCommands)
var tran = db.CreateTransaction();
var q = new RedisCommandQueue(tran);
if (await tran.ExecuteAsync())
await q.CompleteAsync();
public class RedisCommandQueue
private readonly ITransaction _tran;
private readonly IList<Task> _tasks = new List<Task>();
public RedisCommandQueue Enqueue(Func<ITransaction, Task> cmd)
return this;
internal RedisCommandQueue(ITransaction tran) => _tran = tran;
internal Task CompleteAsync() => Task.WhenAll(_tasks);
One caveat: This doesn't provide an easy way to get at the result of any of the commands. In my case (and the OP's) that's ok - I'm always using transactions for a series of writes. I found this really helped trim down my code, and by only exposing tran inside Enqueue (which requires you to return a Task), I'm less likely to "forget" that I shouldn't be awaiting those commands at the time I call them.
I and our team were bitten by this issue several times, so I created a simple Roslyn analyzer to spot such problems.

Have multiple calls wait on the same internal async task

(Note: this is an over-simplified scenario to demonstrate my coding issue.)
I have the following class interface:
public class CustomerService
Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> FindCustomersInArea(String areaName);
Task<Customer> GetCustomerByName(String name);
This is the client-side of a RESTful API which loads a list of Customer objects from the server then exposes methods that allows client code to consume and work against that list.
Both of these methods work against the internal list of Customers retrieved from the server as follows:
private Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> LoadCustomersAsync()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// GetAsync returns Task<HttpResponseMessage>
Client.GetAsync(uri).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsCanceled)
else if (task.IsFaulted)
// Convert HttpResponseMessage to desired return type
var response = task.Result;
var list = response.Content.ReadAs<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
catch (Exception ex)
The Client class is a custom version of the HttpClient class from the WCF Web API (now ASP.NET Web API) because I am working in Silverlight and they don't have an SL version of their client assemblies.
After all that background, here's my problem:
All of the methods in the CustomerService class use the list returned by the asynchronous LoadCustomersAsync method; therefore, any calls to these methods should wait (asynchronously) until the LoadCustomers method has returned and the appopriate logic executed on the returned list.
I also only want one call made from the client (in LoadCustomers) at a time. So, I need all of the calls to the public methods to wait on the same internal task.
To review, here's what I need to figure out how to accomplish:
Any call to FindCustomersInArea and GetCustomerByName should return a Task that waits for the LoadCustomersAsync method to complete. If LoadCustomersAsync has already returned (and the cached list still valid), then the method may continue immediately.
After LoadCustomersAsync returns, each method has additional logic required to convert the list into the desired return value for the method.
There must only ever be one active call to LoadCustomersAsync (of the GetAsync method within).
If the cached list expires, then subsequent calls will trigger a reload (via LoadCustomersAsync).
Let me know if you need further clarification, but I'm hoping this is a common enough use case that someone can help me work out the logic to get the client working as desired.
Disclaimer: I'm going to assume you're using a singleton instance of your HttpClient subclass. If that's not the case we need only modify slightly what I'm about to tell you.
Yes, this is totally doable. The mechanism we're going to rely on for subsequent calls to LoadCustomersAsync is that if you attach a continuation to a Task, even if that Task completed eons ago, you're continuation will be signaled "immediately" with the task's final state.
Instead of creating/returning a new TaskCompletionSource<T> (TCS) every time from the LoadCustomerAsync method, you would instead have a field on the class that represents the TCS. This will allow your instance to remember the TCS that last represented the call that represented a cache-miss. This TCS's state will be signaled exactly the same as your existing code. You'll add the knowledge of whether or not the data has expired as another field which, combined with whether the TCS is currently null or not, will be the trigger for whether or not you actually go out and load the data again.
Ok, enough talk, it'll probably make a lot more sense if you see it.
The Code
public class CustomerService
// Your cache timeout (using 15mins as example, can load from config or wherever)
private static readonly TimeSpan CustomersCacheTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0);
// A lock object used to provide thread safety
private object loadCustomersLock = new object();
private TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>> loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource;
private DateTime loadCustomersLastCacheTime = DateTime.MinValue;
private Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> LoadCustomersAsync()
bool needToLoadCustomers = this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource == null
(this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task.IsFaulted || this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task.IsCanceled)
DateTime.Now - this.loadCustomersLastCacheTime.Value > CustomersService.CustomersCacheTimeout;
this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// GetAsync returns Task<HttpResponseMessage>
Client.GetAsync(uri).ContinueWith(antecedent =>
else if(antecedent.IsFaulted)
// Convert HttpResponseMessage to desired return type
var response = antecedent.Result;
var list = response.Content.ReadAs<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
// Record the last cache time
this.loadCustomersLastCacheTime = DateTime.Now;
catch(Exception ex)
return this.loadCustomersTaskCompletionSource.Task;
Scenarios where the customers aren't loaded:
If it's the first call, the TCS will be null so the TCS will be created and customers fetched.
If the previous call faulted or was canceled, a new TCS will be created and the customers fetched.
If the cache timeout has expired, a new TCS will be created and the customers fetched.
Scenarios where the customers are loading/loaded:
If the customers are in the process of loading, the existing TCS's Task will be returned and any continuations added to the task using ContinueWith will be executed once the TCS has been signaled.
If the customers are already loaded, the existing TCS's Task will be returned and any continuations added to the task using ContinueWith will be executed as soon as the scheduler sees fit.
NOTE: I used a coarse grained locking approach here and you could theoretically improve performance with a reader/writer implementation, but it would probably be a micro-optimization in your case.
I think you should change the way you call Client.GetAsync(uri). Do it roughly like this:
Lazy<Task> getAsyncLazy = new Lazy<Task>(() => Client.GetAsync(uri));
And in your LoadCustomersAsync method you write:
getAsyncLazy.Value.ContinueWith(task => ...
This will ensure that GetAsync only gets called once and that everyone interested in its result will receive the same task.

Why isn't this transaction isolated?

I have a few methods - a couple of calls to SQL Server and some business logic to generate a unique value. These methods are all contained inside a parent method:
//1. Call to db for last value
//2. Business logic to create new value
//3. Update db with new value created
I want the call to GenerateUniqueValue to be isolated, i.e - when two clients call it simultaneously, the second client must wait for the first one to finish.
Originally, I made my service a singleton; however, I have to anticipate future changes that may include load balancing, so I believe a singleton approach is out. Next I decided to try the transaction approach by decorating my service:
[ServiceBehavior(TransactionIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable, TransactionTimeout = "00:00:30")]
And my GenerateUniqueValue with:
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
The problem is that a test of simultaneous hits to the service method results in an error:
"System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: The transaction under which this method call was executing was asynchronously aborted."
Here is my client test code:
private static void Main(string[] args)
List<Client> clients = new List<Client>();
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
clients.Add(new Client());
foreach (var client in clients)
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(client.GenerateUniqueValue));
If the transaction is suppose to be isolated, why are multiple threads calling out to the method clashing?
Transaction is for treating multiple actions as a single atomic action. So if you want to make the second thread to wait for the first thread's completion, you have to deal with concurrency not transaction.
Try using System.ServiceModel.ServiceBehaviorAttribute.ConcurrencyMode attribute with Single or Reentrant concurrency modes. I guess that's what you are expecting.
I guess you got the exception because the IsolationLevel.Serializable would enable the second thread to access the volatile data, but wouldn't let it to change it. You perhapse be doing some change operation which is not permitted with this isolation level.

NHibernate FlushMode Auto Not Flushing Before Find

All right, I've seen some posts asking almost the same thing but the points were a little bit different.
This is a classic case: I'm saving/updating an entity and, within the SAME SESSION, I'm trying to get them from the database (using criteria/find/enumerable/etc) with FlushMode = Auto. The matter is: NHibernate isn't flushing the updates before querying, so I'm getting inconsistent data from the database.
"Fair enough", some people will say, as the documentation states:
This process, flush, occurs by default at the following points:
from some invocations of Find() or Enumerable()
from NHibernate.ITransaction.Commit()
from ISession.Flush()
The bold "some invocations" clearly says that NH has no responsibility at all. IMO, though, we have a consistency problem here because the doc also states that:
Except when you explicity Flush(), there are absolutely no guarantees about when the Session executes the ADO.NET calls, only the order in which they are executed. However, NHibernate does guarantee that the ISession.Find(..) methods will never return stale data; nor will they return the wrong data.
So, if I'm using CreateQuery (Find replacement) and filtering for entities with property Value = 20, NH may NOT return entities with Value = 30, right? But that's what happens in fact, because the Flush is not happening automatically when it should.
public void FlushModeAutoTest()
ISession session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Auto;
MappedEntity entity = new MappedEntity() { Name = "Entity", Value = 20 };
entity.Value = 30;
var list = session.CreateQuery("from MappedEntity where Value = 20").List<MappedEntity>();
After all: am I getting it wrong, is it a bug or simply a non predictable feature so everybody have to call Flush to assure its work?
Thank you.
I'm not very familiar with the NHibernate source code but this method from the ISession implementation in the 2.1.2.GA release may answer the question:
/// <summary>
/// detect in-memory changes, determine if the changes are to tables
/// named in the query and, if so, complete execution the flush
/// </summary>
/// <param name="querySpaces"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool AutoFlushIfRequired(ISet<string> querySpaces)
using (new SessionIdLoggingContext(SessionId))
if (!TransactionInProgress)
// do not auto-flush while outside a transaction
return false;
AutoFlushEvent autoFlushEvent = new AutoFlushEvent(querySpaces, this);
IAutoFlushEventListener[] autoFlushEventListener = listeners.AutoFlushEventListeners;
for (int i = 0; i < autoFlushEventListener.Length; i++)
return autoFlushEvent.FlushRequired;
I take this to mean that auto flush will only guarantee consistency inside a transaction, which makes some sense. Try rewriting your test using a transaction, I'm very curious if that will fix the problem.
If you think about it, the query in your example must always go to the db. The session is not a complete cache of all records in the db. So there could be other entities with the value of 20 on disk. And since you didn't commit() a transaction or flush() the session NH has no way to know which "view" you want to query (DB | Session).
It seems like the "Best Practice" is to do everything (gets & sets) inside of explicit transactions:
using(var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using(var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
// execute code that uses the session
See here for a bunch of details.
managing and tuning hibernate is an artform.
why do you set an initial value of 20, save, then change it to 30?
As a matter of practice, if you are going modify the session, then query the session, you might want to explicitly flush between those operations. You might have a slight performance hit (after all, you then don't let hibernate optimize session flushing), but you can revisit if it becomes a problem.
You quoted that "session.find methods will never return stale data". I would modify your code to use a find instead of createQuery to see if it works.