UIScrollView is not passing touches to subviews in iOS8 - objective-c

I've tested the same code I'm using now in iOS7 and it works fine, but in iOS8 my scrollview appears to not be passing touch events to subviews. I have a view structure like this:
- UIScrollView
- UIView
- buttonView
I've subclassed each of the above views and added the touchesBegan:, touchesCancelled:, touchesShouldCancelInContentView, touchesShouldBegin: methods to each and the only view that ever registers anything is the UIScrollView. Also the only method that executes on the UIScrollView subclass is touchesBegan:. No other delegate methods are fired. This didn't happen in iOS7 with the same code, but it's happening now in iOS8. Can anyone tell me what may have changed that would cause this behavior or even better a fix. I've looked at many posts on this topic, but the standard answers have not done anything.
I've tried changing delaysContentTouches and CancellableContentTouches to no avail.
Thanks for any help.


Poor UITableView performance when in UIPopoverController with custom background

I have a following situation (testing on iPad, iOS 5.1):
There is a UIPopoverController with UINavigationController inside and custom popover background view (subclass of UIPopoverBackgroundView).
There is a generic UIViewController (let's call it VC1) as the root VC in the Navigation Controller.
I push another UIViewController (VC2) with UITableView on the Navigation Controller stack.
Table scrolling is choppy (looks like 10-15 fps). For testing purposes I use a simplest possible UITableView, without images etc. so it's NOT caused by bad UITableView implementation.
Scrolling is not choppy if the VC2 is the root view controller of
Navigation Controller, even with the custom Popover background.
It's also not choppy if pushed as the second VC but I don't use custom bg view class for UIPopoverController.
I log each of the overriden methods inside my UIPopoverBackgroundView subclass, and they aren't called constantly or anything, which could theoretically cause performance hit. I'm going to debug the problem further but maybe someone has already solved it before?
Or maybe someone has good suggestions on how to find the culprit? I tried looking into time profiler for offending function calls, but I didn't find much there...

UIWebView redraw on rotate

I have implemented a UIWebView object into a custom UIView (TSAlertView). My UIWebView sits in the middle of the UIView, as a subview.
When I rotate the iOS device screen, the UIWebView object redraws right on top of the old one, without deleting the old one. All the other elements of this custom UIView are destroyed and redrawn when the screen is rotated.
I imagine I must have missed some sort of procedure for deallocating resources or removing the UIWebView from view. I have tried adding 'autorelease' to the declaration of the UIWebView, but to no avail. I wonder if this is a common symptom of a simple oversight I have made in the way the UIWebView is created?
This seems to be a simple case of not telling the UIWebView object it should destroy itself before it is redrawn on each rotate - but I don't know how I can go about this...
Any wisdom gratefully received.
Ideally while rotating you should not create the views again. Instead you can rearrange the frame in delegates appropriately. In your case you might be creating a UIWebView again, which should be avoided. Instead of that, you can keep it as a class level param(Declare in .h file) and adjust the frame in delegate methods for rotation. Also please note that release/autorelease wont remove your view from superview. You need to call removeFromSuperview method to achieve that.
Check this for view resizing and layout handling

Subview of Scrollview doesn't register touch events

I'm struggling with this problem, and although there are quite some threads on this issue I've not figured it out yet.
I want to load a button into a subview of a scrollview. If I test this subview alone, the button works fine. Also, when I add the button to the scrollview directly, it works fine. But the two combined I don't get any touch event on the button.
My view hierarchy:
UIButton (A)
UIButton (B)
So button B works fine, A doesn't.
I've tried messing around with the attributes like Cancellable Content Touches, but so far no luck. I'm loading the subview from the storyboard with:
ViewVC *viewVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ViewVC"];
From the posts I've read, this should just work, so either I'm missing something vital, or I've messed up some attributes along the way. Should I use a delegate to pass the events, or should this be done automatically?
Give your views some colours, and check if one of them is obscuring the other preventing it from being touched. Maybe you UIView is overlapping your UIButton(B), preventing it from being touched.
How are you sure you're adding it?
Make sure you're calling addSubview: on your UIScrollView with your subview as the parameter?

touchesBegan method is not being called

I am trying to detect touches, but the touchesBegan method is not being called.
In my ViewController, I have added the touchesBegan method. My Nib files owner is set to the correct V.C. The Nib itself consists of the view, with a scroll view and a tab bar. Nested in the scroll view is an image view, which has user interaction enabled. What is precluding touches from being registered, or preventing my implementation of touchesBegan from being called?
I've scoured the Internet and Apple docs, and I can't see what I am doing wrong. Also, I'm not really sure what code I can post here to help with my query. Thanks.
Okay, after a lot more reading, I've now got a scrollview and a imageview, both of which are created programatically. The imageview is a sub view of the scrollview, and scrollview has been subclassed so that the touches ended method can decide whether it was a single touch, in which case call the touches ended method from the view controller, otherwise call its supers method. This works just fine, however, why is it that this cannot be done without subclassing scrollview? Is it my lack of understanding of how scrollview works, or is it just a limitation of it?

UIViewControllers not receiving orientation notifications

I've spent the last hour or so trying to work out why not all my UIViewControllers are receiving orientation change notifications.
I've got a subclassed UIViewController attached to the window, that internally creates a few other UIViewControllers to manage smaller portions of the screen which are re-used elsewhere in the application I'm building.
The problem is, only the UIViewController attached to the window is receiving the orientation change notifications.
The other UIViewControllers aren't firing their - (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration methods.
I'm assuming it's expected behaviour, and I can't seem to find anything mentioning it in the docs.
Is there a way to make sure all active UIViewControllers are getting orientation changes? Or does the parent view controller have to tell it's children when changes are occurring?
Are all your view controllers returning YES to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: ? If so, I suggest to pass the interface orientation messages from the parent to the children viewControllers, as you suggested.
I have been doing so before and had no problems with that approach so far.