Syntax error near the keyword order [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When I perform this query
SELECT, orders.order - time,,,, orders.quantity,
permit ON =
([username] = #username)
I get an error
Syntax error near the keyword order
Any ideas how to solve this?

Since you have no order by clause and the error message is complaining about your statement near the order keyword, I surmise that there are two possibilities.
The first is that you've left the s of one of your table specifiers, using order instead of orders, despite your transcription.
The second is that orders.order-time is incorrect, being treated as orders.order - time. In fact, I'd be a little worried by many of your names, including those that have two periods (.) in them. You may want to check if the - and the subsequent . characters should be underscores (_) instead.
You also have a trailing comma after the last column selection (before the from), which is not valid SQL.

Assuming SQL-Server
SELECT, orders.[order-time], orders.[], orders.[pizza.type], orders.[pizza-size], orders.quantity,
FROM orders INNER JOIN permit ON =
WHERE ([username] = #username)

Remove the comma after the final column before FROM.
Also could you explain what the "> on the end is for, was this pasted in error?


Access SQL Syntax error - Unable to find the error [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 9 days ago.
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SELECT AgentData.AgentLoginID,AgentData.KPIName,Minimum.Indicator,Minimum.PMonth,Minimum.PYear,Minimum.Min,
IIf(InStr([AgentData].[Goal],'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].[Goal],Len([AgentData].[Goal])-1)/100),[AgentData].[Goal]) AS Goal,
Round(IIf(InStr([AgentData].GoalValue,'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].GoalValue,Len([AgentData].GoalValue)-1)/100),[AgentData].GoalValue),2) AS GoalValue,
Round(IIf([Minimum].[Indicator]='P',(IIf([Goal]=0,Null,[GoalValue]/[Goal]),IIf(([Minimum].[Indicator]='N' And ([Minimum].[Min]=0 Or [Minimum].[Min]=(format(0,"Percent")),Null,([Minimum].[Min]-[GoalValue]/[Minimum].[Min]),4) AS [Value],
Round([AgentData].Weightage*Value,4) AS Product FROM Minimum INNER JOIN AgentData ON Minimum.KPIName = AgentData.KPIName;
I have been trying to execute this code in access, but no success, i keep getting a syntax error, missing operator in expression, but unable to figure out what the issue is, so wondering if anyone could help, i get an error with the SQL statement marked in bold
SELECT AgentData.AgentLoginID, AgentData.KPIName, Minimum.Indicator, Minimum.PMonth, Minimum.PYear, Minimum.Min,
IIf(InStr([AgentData].[Goal],'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].[Goal],Len([AgentData].[Goal])-1)/100),[AgentData].[Goal]) AS Goal,
Round(IIf(InStr([AgentData].GoalValue,'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].GoalValue,Len([AgentData].GoalValue)-1)/100),[AgentData].GoalValue),2) AS GoalValue, Round(IIf([Minimum].[Indicator]='P',IIf([Goal]=0,Null,[GoalValue]/[Goal]),
IIf(([Minimum].[Indicator]='N' And [Minimum].[Min]=0),Null,([Minimum].[Min]-[GoalValue])/[Minimum].[Min])),4) AS [Value],
Round([AgentData].Weightage*Value,4) AS Product
FROM Minimum INNER JOIN AgentData ON Minimum.KPIName = AgentData.KPIName;
The above query runs perfectly fine, but i get a snytax errors when i add the OR operator for Minimum.Min as i want it to exectue in two scenarios , one is when Minmum.min is 0 or when minimum.min = 0%

ORA-00923 from keyword not found when trying to do a join [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 1 year ago.
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When I previously ran this code for a join:
Outlet.Address, Outlet.ManagerNumber,
Department.DepartmentName, Department.FloorArea
Department ON Outlet.OutletNumber = Department.OutletNumber;
It worked. However, I am trying to run a similar join it simply does not work:
Product.Description Product.Price,
ProductAtOutlet ON Product.ProductNumber = ProductAtOutlet.ProductNumber;
And I keep getting the error message
ORA-00923 from keyword not found
missing comma, after description?
INNER JOIN ProductAtOutlet ON Product.ProductNumber = ProductAtOutlet.ProductNumber;
The problem is that you are missing a comma after Product.Description. This causes the parser to see Product.Price as a column alias. Having a . in an unquoted alias results in a parser error.

SQL Join operation error [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to write an SQL code in MS Access 2010 as follows:-
select WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style,
PrintPromotions.[Type of Offer],
from WOWPerformanceData_tbl
right join PrintPromtions
on WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=PrintPromotions.Style
where (WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=[Enter Style nr:]);
Upon running the code, Access returns an error in the join operation pointing to the fourth line and selects PrintPromotions
Any feedback will be appreciated..
Thank you.
Should that be PrintPromotions and not PrintPromtions ?
This is fine as the where clause is an evaluation on the entire set.
SELECT WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style,
PrintPromotions.[Type of Offer],
from WOWPerformanceData_tbl
LEFT join PrintPromtions
on WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=PrintPromotions.Style
where (WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=[Enter Style nr:]);
This would exclude records from printPromotions that were not in wowPerformanceData_tbl, which negates the right join.:
SELECT WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style,
PrintPromotions.[Type of Offer],
from WOWPerformanceData_tbl
right join PrintPromtions
on WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=PrintPromotions.Style
where (WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=[Enter Style nr:]);
This is how you would do it to keep all records from PrintPromotions and those that matched in wowperofrmanceData_tbl.
SELECT WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style,
PrintPromotions.[Type of Offer],
from WOWPerformanceData_tbl
right join PrintPromtions
on WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=PrintPromotions.Style
AND (WOWPerformanceData_tbl.Style=[Enter Style nr:]);

Is something wrong with my SQL Query? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
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SELECT * FROM iveflownthat.messages WHERE from=1 OR to=1
Its keeps giving me errors. I checked to make sure that the fields, table, and database name are correct.
FROM and TO are keywords. You should use them like this: [FROM], [TO]
SELECT * FROM iveflownthat.messages WHERE [from]=1 OR [to]=1
"from" is a keyword in SQL. ENclose it in square brackets... " WHERE [from] = 1 OR [to] = 1 "
edit" What Alireza said...
You named your column 'from' which is a reserved word, so you're getting this error due to bad syntax.

Overcoming the reserved word "IN" in sql server [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Just for reference I am using SQL Azure.
I noticed when I am trying to select data from a table based on a license plate and the state of that plate I get no results back if the state is "IN". I realize the word "IN" is reserved in SQL server; however, I am containing that within quotes in my query. I currently am in testing phase and have only one record in the table which has a lisence plate 287YGB and state IN.
If I write my query as follows I get nothing back.
SELECT MakeModel, CitizenID, VehicleID FROM tblVehicles WHERE tblVehicles.Lisence = '287YGB' AND tblVehicles.PlateState = 'IN'
If I write my query this way I get back my result. But this is not good enough.
SELECT MakeModel, CitizenID, VehicleID FROM tblVehicles WHERE tblVehicles.Lisence = '287YGB'
And finally, if I write my query this way I get the only row in the table.
SELECT MakeModel, CitizenID, VehicleID FROM tblVehicles
From these tests I can see that the last where parameter is causing the problem. I am assuming it is due to the fact that the word "IN" is reserved. Is there a way around this?
Reserved words usually only cause problems if you're using them as field names, and in that case you need to wrap them with brackets ("[]") to eliminate the problem. I will amost guarantee you that your PlateState has some garbage in it, so you need to either trim it first (LTRIM(RTRIM(PlateState)) = 'IN') or use Like '%IN%' instead, and this will return the results you expect.
try this
SELECT MakeModel, CitizenID, VehicleID FROM tblVehicles WHERE tblVehicles.Lisence = '287YGB' AND LTRIM(RTRIM(tblVehicles.PlateState)) = 'IN'