Edit sketch after extrusion - dimensions

Is there a way to do some minor changes in sketches after you have already done extrusion or any other stuff?
For example: I made a part and in the end I found that there are some unnecessary dimensions or centerlines that I want to delete(they appear in the drawing later, it annoys).
If I just try to edit it and save, it then refuses to re-do all the stuff like extrusion and icons for these things become grayed-out in the feature manager tree.

You delete sketch entities if the extrude feature depends on them. Just hide the sketch.


How to draw a colored circle around a part of an image with gimp?

The question is very simple. I just want to draw a simple circle around some part of an image with mouse. Not a fancy circle. It can be not at all a complete circle. I just want to circle around some part of an image to make it stand out inside the image.
As simple as this task is, I did not find any solution on google as it always proposes me very complex tasks like how to draw a circle and the like, which are not at all what I want. The problem is that Gimp is very powerful and so non-intuitive for very simple use cases. Any help will be appreciated as it will free me of doing all these changes under windows on another computer and sending the images via email and etc.
Make a circle selection with the Ellipse select tool (you can constrain it to a circle by depressing the Shift key after you start dragging).
Edit > Stroke selection (use preferably "Line" mode, that will also allow you to make a dotted line).
This said, to annotate images there are better alternatives.

Improve perfomance of my threejs

I have some issues about my model. Is is an easy model buy I can not make It work well...
I upload my project here: http://webgl.drapps.info
I have a car model with some pieces that change material when mouse is over them. I use threex.domevent.js library with "on" function. My model is loaded by json files.
Issue 1
when mouse is out of canvas, threejs detects that mouse is over a piece of my model, but this is not true, and that piece change its material (triggering mouseOver event).
Furthermore, I tried to get better mouseover event because even when mouse is really over a piece, that event doesn't trigger.
Issue 2
This is about TrackballControls. Is there any way to control rotation of my world? I mean: rotation only in one axis, rotation only for 180 degrees, etc... Is there any tutorial or article to learn how to rotate and translate camera?
Thanks for everything, I will so please to anybody who wants answer this... because I am a little lost
Sorry, but you are out of luck.
Question 1. Yikes! You are using threex.js which is a third-party app that hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I can't help you with that.
You are also using an older version of three.js. Please update to the current version.
If you still have problems, post a new question with a simple demo -- not your entire project. Better yet, Google your question first.
Question 2. TrackballControls is not part of the library -- it is part of the examples -- so it is not officially supported. If you are not happy with it, you will have to hack the code yourself.
This question has come up a lot. Google it. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a good solution.
Personally, I would use OrbitControls in your case -- it keeps the scene right-side-up, and you can constrain the maximum polar angle, keeping the camera "above ground".
The best examples/tutorials are the official three.js examples, which will work with the current version of the library.
I can't help with issue 1.
I am also working on a project to visualize vehicles and needed to be able to rotate. I also tried Trackballcontrolls but it did not suit my needs.
What I ended up doing was creating a a master Object3d and then instead of adding objects/models to the scene, I added them to the master Object3d. That way to rotate everything in the scene, I just had to rotate the master object.
To actually do the rotation I just used the code from one of the cube examples.

OpenglES - Transparent texture blocking objects behind

I have some quads that have a texture with transparency and some objects behind these quads. However, these don't seem to be shown. I know it's something about GL_BLEND but I can't manage to make the objects behind show.
I've tried with:
but still not working. What I basically have is:
// I paint the object
draw_ac3d_file([actualObject getCurrentObject3d]);
// I paint the quad
There are two common scenarios that create this situation, and it is difficult to tell which one your program is doing, if either at all.
Draw Order
First, make sure you are drawing your objects in the correct order. You must draw from back-to-front or else the models will not be blended properly.
note as Arne Bergene Fossaa pointed out, front-to-back is the proper way to render objects that are not transparent from a performance stand point. Because of this, most renderers first draw all the models that have no transparency front-to-back, and then they go back and render all models that have transparency back-to-front. This is covered in most 3D-graphic texts out there.
image credit to Geoff Leach at RMIT University
The second most common issue is improper use of lighting. Normally in this case if you were using the fixed-function pipeline, people would advise you to simply call glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
Now this should work (if it is the cause at all) but what if you want lighting? Then you would either have to employ custom shaders or set up proper material settings for the models.
A discussion of using the material properties can be found at http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=285889

Simple, but dynamically generated flow chart or process chart view for iOS

Perhaps "flow chart" or "process chart" isn't even the correct terminology for what I'm looking for, but it's the best analog I can come up with. Basically, I'm trying to find a library or class that allows for the dynamic creation (in code) of connected cells/UIViews within a given space. In code, you could add/delete ordered cells from the view and it will arrange accordingly. Normally, if the superview size permits (i.e. iPad), it would arrange these connected cells horizontally. If it's space constrained (iPhone), it would arrange as many cells as possible on one line horizontally, then continue the rest of the cells horizontally below ... akin to a graphical "word wrap".
Granted, I doubt there's a magical library that does all of this, but if the SO community can point me to some better terminology and/or some potential candidates to fork, I would be incredibly appreciative.
I've looked at AQGridView and it is such a vast library, I believe it's overkill with a compiled size of +700 Kb. SSCollectionView is really close, but you have to manually center cells and it doesn't yet support variable cell height/width.
To give you a better sense of what I'm imagining, here's a pic:
Done. I had to write my own, but it works just like I wanted it to. Feel free to fork my AppendingFlowView repository at GitHub.
It's dynamic (add stages on demand).
It responds to changes in the master view by reorienting and resizing the cells as necessary with animation!
It handles multiple rows automatically, depending on the desired cell size and number of cells.
I created this open-source ios-lib to easily create a graph or tree and draw it in a view.
Please feel free to make pull requests :)

Cocoa: How to morph a drag image while dragging

In Interface Builder.app (and some other cocoa apps), image dragging has a very nice/sexy effect of morphing the drag image while you drag a draggable item out of its window.
For example in Interface Buildler.app:
Show the Library Palette (⇧⌘L, or Tools Menu -> Library)
Drag an item out of the Library palette
NOTE: as you drag the item out of the Library Palette window, it morphs from an image of the original list item to an image of the icon of the dragged item.
I have fully implemented drag and drop in my Application using the normal Cocoa NSDragSource/NSDragDestination facilities.
However, I can't find a hook for doing this image morph while dragging. I'm returning the initial drag image by overriding
-[NSView dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:]
But this is only called at the beginning of the drag.
How do you signal that you would like to replace the current drag image (ideally using the sexy morph effect).
You guys beat me to it. :-)
Yes, JLNDragEffectManager is open source (with attribution in your apps, please) and available on my blog. It should work fine as-is with no modification back to 10.5, but I'm not sure back any further. Others linked to it (and it's easily googleable), so to avoid self-congratulatory blog linking, I'll leave it at that.
Issues: One developer commented on (and submitted code to fix) the lack of dragging offset support. I've just not gotten around to posting the update. That's the only outstanding issue I'm aware of.
Improvements: I'd like to add multiple "zones" (say, one per document, so dragging from doc to doc keeps table rows looking like table rows, but anywhere outside doc windows turns them into a file icon a la HFS Promise Drag). Some day ...
Design: The post itself details the reasoning behind the design and the relatively simple morphing effect (cross-fade plus size are animated using basic NSAnimation, etc.). The code (the class as well as the demo app) is thoroughly blocked out and commented.
Won't link to my own post but would love the karma of upvotes for my effort. ;-)
UPDATE: Similar (but better-integrated) functionality is available as of 10.7. If you are targeting 10.7 or higher, it's best to use the new API. JLNDragEffectManager works fine on 10.7, so it can be used for earlier-targeted versions.
JNLDragEffectManager does exactly that. :)
The API does not support this well. Joshua Nozzi gives a method that looks reasonable in this weblog post.
IB's effect isn't that fancy. It's a crossfade and scale. Hold down shift to see it more clearly.
As of 10.7+ the current approach is to use the
API on NSDraggingInfo. The documentation is really poor but the ADC samples like MultiPhotoFrame or TableViewPlayground can give a good idea on how to use the new mechanism.