Synchronizing clock time in host and guest under KVM - clock

I have a relatively simple requirement: I want the clock on the CentOS guests that I create under KVM to be synchronized with their CentOS host from the very first boot of the VMs.
It's easy enough to synchronize them with NTP after they are up and running. However, if the host's clock and the VM's clock are widely different when NTP starts, it can cause a large jump in the VM's time. Many of our applications running under the VMs do not handle this time jump well, so we want to prevent this from happening.
So my question is how can I configure my VMs to start with the same time as their host? In the test I just ran, my host's time was 14:00 PDT. A VM I created under that host came up with an initial time of 21:00 PDT. This was adjusted by NTP to 14:00 PDT shortly after it started to 14:00 PDT, matching the host's time, and subsequent reboots of the VM always had the correct time. The problem only occurs on the first boot. I want the VM to come up with 14:00 PDT one the very first boot to avoid the NTP time jump.

Okay, I've answered my own question. The combination of settings that I used to give me the results I need are:
Set the hwclock on the host and to use UTC time. This is done with the --utc option of the hwclock command. I run the following command on my host OS:
hwclock --utc --set --date="time-string"
Tell CentOS that the hwclock is using UTC via the file /etc/adjtime. For example, you could initialize this file using
echo -e "0.0 0 0.0\n0\n\nUTC" >/etc/adjtime
Create this file on both the host and your guest VMs. I create the file on my guests before I boot them for the first time by directly accessing the guest file system from the host.
Set the time zone you want for your system time. Again, do this on both your host and your guests:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/time-zone /etc/localtime
echo "ZONE=time-zone" >/etc/sysconfig/clock
export TZ=time-zone
where time-zone is a standard CentOS time zone string, for example "US/Pacific".
Set the system time on your host based on the hwclock. The --utc option is needed to tell CentOS that the hwclock is in UTC time. It will take the UTC time and set your system time based on the TZ environment variable:
hwclock --utc --hctosys
The steps above are all done once, when you are configuring your host and guests. To keep time synced on all your servers after they are up and running you'll want to configure NTP on your host and guests.


How to print GPS location to stdout (Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04)?

I'm a complete newbie with GPS devices on Linux.
I have a GlobalSat G-STAR IV USB device and I would just like to get the GPS location (lat, long) printed to stdout. How can I achieve that? I'm reading about gpsd, but not sure how to get the actual location. The documentation seems old.
Any common tools etc for this?
It seems that with
$ sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 4800
$ sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0
I can read some NMEA(?) data from the device:
I still don't see $GPGLL that should contain the location..?
Edit: I also get this:
$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 -N
gpsd:ERROR: can't bind to IPv4 port gpsd, Address already in use
gpsd:ERROR: maybe gpsd is already running!
gpsd:ERROR: can't bind to IPv6 port gpsd, Address already in use
gpsd:ERROR: maybe gpsd is already running!
I have killed all gpsd instances and deleted the socket, but still getting that..
The output you posted from sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0 is what you would expect for a GPS module, which does not (yet) have a fix, i.e. it does not have enough information to calculate its current position (+other information).
The only information provided by the messages is the current time of day, 11h39m35s, etc. Out of the messages you receive from your GPS module, not only the $GPGLL message can tell you about your location, but also the $GPGGA and $GPRMC messages that you do receive. If your module had a fix, you would not see several commas in a row but actual values in between.
More details about the format of the different messages can be found in this overview.
What is the likely root cause for the missing GPS fix (assuming your hardware + antenna are fine)?
You have just started using this module fresh from the factory and it needs some time to get ahold of its coordinates. The time to first fix for such a brand new device can be up to 15 minutes.
The GPS signal strength is not strong enough at the location of your module.
Therefore my advice:
Make sure that at your location, the GPS signal from the satellites is strong enough. Ideally by moving outdoors.
When your module has never had a fix before, give your module some time. Wait for up to 20 minutes.
GPSD, if installed, is normally started automatically, when you plug in a GPS module. You can check the current status with
systemctl status gpsd.service
systemctl status gpsd.socket
If active, the gpsd deamon reads out the GPS-data coming via the serial interface and provides it to other applications via a socket on a specific port (default: port 2947). In that case the serial port is not accessible anymore by serial monitors.
Steps to make this device work were:
# Switch the device to NMEA mode
sudo gpsctl -f -n /dev/ttyUSB0
# Set baudrate to 4800
sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 4800
# Start gpsd
gpsd -S 4000 /dev/ttyUSB0
Now create a TCP/IP socket connection to localhost:4000 and say ?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true}; or use libgps etc:

Stop High Sierra's httpd/apache and use Homebrews?

I want to use Homebrew's version of Apache on my Mac so I can start/stop it as I please, so I've been trying all afternoon to stop and unload several httpd processes that are run by user _www on macOS 10.13.3 High Sierra without any luck.
See the screenshot attached, there are 6 httpd processes run by _www and the single process run under root (Homebrew service)
I've tried
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
which gives me an error:
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist: Could not find specified service
I've also tried tracking the process starting them down, switching user to _www (a no no) so I can see where it's being started and so far I'm having no luck.
I want to kill them all, and have them stay dead as right now they're conflicting with the server I'm actually trying to run. Anyone cleverer than me out there that knows how to kill this literal http demon?
Try this:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
This will stop a running instance of Apache, and record that it should not be restarted. It records your preference in /private/var/db/launchd.db/
For a single session (meaning, between reboots), you can use sudo apachectl stop.

How to sync time on host wake-up within VirtualBox?

I am running an Ubuntu 12.04-based box inside of Vagrant using VirtualBox. So far, everything is fine - except for one thing:
Let's assume that the VM is running. Then, the host goes to standby-mode. After waking it up again, the VM is still running, but its internal clock continues where it stopped when the host went down. So this basically means: Put the host to sleep for 15 minutes, wake it up again, then the VM's internal clock is 15 minutes late.
How can I fix this (setting the time manually is not an option for obvious reasons ;-))? Is there a way to run a script inside of a Vagrant VM whenever the host system changes its state?
I've read in the documentation that by default the VirtualBox Guest Additions sync the time with the host every 10 seconds. Apparently this is not happening, but I can not find any place where it is disabled. So any ideas?
PS: The Guest Additions are installed and match the version of VirtualBox being used.
The documentation lacks some details here.
What VirtualBox does every 10 seconds is just slight adjustement (something like 0.005 seconds). Only when the time difference reaches a threshold (20 minutes by default) a "real" resync is done.
You can reduce the thresold (i.e. to 10 seconds) with the following command:
VBoxManage guestproperty set <vm-name> "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold" 10000
Summarizing answers of #zilupe and #Slobodan Kovacevic, solution is to add following to Vagrantfile:
config.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |vb|
vb.customize [ "guestproperty", "set", :id, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold", 1000 ]
This will synchronize clocks each time when desync becomes > 1s (1000ms)
I give an other solution to sync time between guest & host without installing Virtualbox guest addition:
install ntp on your guest, and de-comment these lines in /etc/ntp.conf:
disable auth
Then, restart ntp with service ntp restart
Active broadcast on your host:
For Linux users, edit your /etc/ntp.conf file and configure broadcast (you must adapt IP):
For Windows users, activate the "Windows Time" service. You can then read this page to configure it to broadcast time
Then, restart time service on host.
For me to get timesync working I had to do this:
vboxmanage setextradata «machine-name» "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" 0
It turns the timesync on. It was, for some reason, off.
I found a solution:
install ntpdate
add "s" permission for ntpdate, this allows non-root users to run ntpdate as root: sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/ntpdate
add one line in ~/.bashrc: ntpdate -u
After that, each time you login to the linux system, the time will be sync once.
you can install the VirtualBox Guest Additions in the VM to sync the time automatically by VB.

Causing SSH to Time Out (client side)

I have a little Raspberry Pi that I'm playing with. I've got it running headless, and I need to make it forward one of its ports to a remote server when certain conditions are satisfied.
However, I don't want the connection to sit indefinitely until the server closes it. Is there a way to close an SSH connection (from the client, I have no root to the server) after a certain amount of time? Ideally I'd do it directly via the ssh command, but I'm writing in Python 3, so if there's a way to do this in Python, then I'm all ears.
In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
ClientAliveInterval <time interval in seconds>
ClientAliveCountMax 0
So using 300 in the first directive will kick the connection after 5 minutes idle. You'll need to restart sshd to make it take effect.
try ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=10
Unless you run ssh with the "-N" option, it normally launches some kind of command or shell on the remote system (the Pi in this case). Ssh disconnects when this remote command exits.
If you're running ssh just to create some port forwards, you may be running with "-N", or you may be letting the ssh session sit at a command prompt. Instead, you could launch a command on the Pi which exits after the desired period of time. You could use the sleep command, for example:
ssh -Lwhatever -Rwhatever user#pi "sleep 3600"

S3 Error: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large

I have error The difference between the request time and the current time is too large when call method amazons3.ListObjects
ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest() {
BucketName = BucketName, Prefix = fullKey
using (ListObjectsResponse response = s3Client.ListObjects(request))
bool result = response.S3Objects.Count > 0;
return result;
What it could be?
The time on your local box is out of sync with the current time. Sync up your system clock and the problem will go away.
For those using Vagrant, a vagrant halt followed by vagrant up worked for me.
The clock is out of sync.
I followed the steps in this post to get it working again, but also had to run the following command.
sudo ntpdate
sudo apt-get install ntp
If at any time you get a message saying the NTP socket is still in use, stop it with sudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop and re-run your command.
I had the same error and I'm using Docker for Mac. Simply restarting Docker worked for me.
On WSL 2 or any Deb-based Linux (Ubuntu, Mint ...):
Check date:
Now run:
sudo apt install ntpdate
sudo ntpdate
Output example:
18 Feb 14:27:36 ntpdate[24008]: step time server offset 1009.140848 sec
Check date again:
Alternatively look for correctClockSkew option in AWS CLI/SDK config, and set it to true
For those using Docker in Windows try restarting the Docker Engine in Setting->Reset->Restart Docker.
In case anyone finds this using Laravel and Homestead, simply running
homestead halt
followed by
homestead up
And you're good to go again.
2021 answer:
accessKeyId: 'xxx',
secretAccessKey: 'xxxx',
correctClockSkew: true
As other's have said, your local clock is out of sync with AWS. You can keep it synced to Amazon's servers directly using NTP so you won't have to worry about clock drift now or in the future.
Note: The below instructions are for *nix users. I've added a comment with how you might do it in Windows, but as a non-Windows user I can't verify their accuracy.
To install NTP, simply choose one of the following, depending on your distribution:
apt-get install ntp
yum install ntp
Configure NTP to use Amazon servers, like so:
vim /etc/ntp.conf
And in it, comment out the default servers and add these:
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
Restart ntp service:
sudo service ntp restart
And a more general article on keeping your time synchronized with NTP:
This can also be caused by using async/await with the construction of the request object outside the task and the actual call to AWS inside the task. If there are lots of tasks running and the task isn't scheduled in time, or there is some other operation delaying the actual call to AWS, this exception may be thrown. This is more common than you might guess because the default task scheduler does not process tasks in FIFO order, resulting in starvation for some tasks, especially under heavy load.
This reset my system clock correctly on OSX. S3 uploads using the JS SDK works for me now in local dev
Read more about this here
if this problem in you localhost for windows 10
set time automatically ON and set time zone automatically ON
this solve my problem.
If you get this error in windows follow these steps to solve your problem.. Change your local time setting:
step 1: click on change date and time settings
step 2: from the popup Date and Time window click on Internet Time Tab
step 3: next Click on Change Settings
step 4: from the Server drop down select or check this website
step 5: click on OK
Restart your console and check. It works...
For those facing same problem on Microsoft WLS2 Ubuntu, the only workarounds right now are:
sudo hwclock -s
wsl --shutdown
Clock offset is occurring after waking up Windows from sleep. Keep an eye on for fix from microsoft.
If you're working with a VM, restarting the VM just works on mine
If you are using a virtualbox, the time into virtual machine is sync with the time of the real machine. Just fix the time into the virtual machine will not fix the problem.
I had this error because my local machine's time and timezone were set incorrectly. Changing them to the correct time and timezone worked for me.
I had same problem in Windows 10 with Docker. You should run this commands step for step
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
and last command , don't forget to set your username and password and your timezone, to run minIO while Docker is
docker run -p 9000:9000 -e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=yourUserName" -e "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=YourPassword" -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro minio/minio server /data
It is a little crude but this worked for me
Did a curl to s3 server
curl -v
Then got this
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
< x-amz-id-2: q2wUOf5ZC7iu2ymbRWUpZaM6GpPLLf/irrntuw/JNB7QYxDzQvcLHQbsbF2dp5zT8rBrGwqnOz0=
< x-amz-request-id: T4H1W4WKBE3F39RM
< Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2021 19:21:24 GMT
< Location:
< Server: AmazonS3
< Content-Length: 0
* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection 0
Got this date
Sat, 09 Oct 2021 19:21:24 GMT
Set the date in ubuntu
sudo date --set "Sat, 09 Oct 2021 19:21:24 GMT"
My code stopped throwing exceptions
Now I have a script that does this periodically every month
To get rid of this problem, you have to adjust the client's timing so that there is a maximum time stamp difference of up to 15 minutes. Also set the standard time and zone for your system.
Check the full details here.
I have the exact same error message but it's not the same cause as any of the others above.
In my case I have a React browser app doing something like this:
import { Storage } from '#aws-amplify/storage'
await Promise.all( => Storage.put(...)))
I am uploading a lot of files over a slow network connection.
With this code, the promises are all started at once, so the request time for all the requests is the same, but because the browser (or amplify?) is throttling the number of concurrent connections, the later requests don't actually hit the server until more than 15 minutes after they were created.
The solution is to limit the concurrency of the promise creation - e.g. use something like bluebird with the concurrency option
Using ntp may not work on all version of your Linux based server (e.g. an out of date Ubuntu server version that is no longer supported which will block you from downloading ntp if it is not already installed).
If this is your situation, you can set independent time zones for your Linux VM:
After you do this you may need to reset the time/date. Instructions for doing this are in this article:
If u are in 2016 and in Istanbul here is a weird situation that Turkey decided not to switch to winter time standards anyway set your local timezone to Moscow then restart your machine.
I ran into this issue running Jet (Codeship) and Terraform on MacOS using Docker for Mac Beta channel 1.13.1-beta42.
Failed to read state: Error reloading remote state: RequestTimeTooSkewed: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
status code: 403, request id: 9D32BA2A5360FC18
This was resolved by restarting Docker.
I've just started getting this error, and syncing my clock doesn't help. (I've spent 2 hours syncing it to every timeserver I can find, including the AWS servers, but nothing makes a difference.)
Exactly the same thing started happening a year ago on Dec 31 2017. In that case, rebooting my system, and rebuilding my server (that uses the aws java sdk) fixed it. I don't know why. I assumed that AWS had some end-of-year timezone peculiarity. It's also possible that while I was doing these things, AWS timeservers fixed themselves. I have no way to test that hypothesis.
Now, the same thing has suddenly started to happen on Dec 30, 2018. It's not right at year-end, but close enough to seem suspicious. (Never got this error except on these dates.) Rebooting and rebuilding isn't helping this time.
My dev environment on this box is Windows 10 under Parallels. Nothing else on my system has changed - as I've double-checked by rolling back to prior Parallels snapshots. The clocks on both my host MacOS and the virtual Windows 10 are correct.
I'm suspecting an AWS bug.
Rebooting my windows server fixed it for me
The time was identical to ~1 second to the site, so it wasn't off.
I was running into the same issue on my Mac. When I moved to a different timezone(PST to IST), somehow OSX was not picking timezone and time change automatically. So I had to set the two manually and that caused a lag of some 15-20 seconds on my laptop. After setting the automatic sync, the time got synched and the S3 copy command started working: For reference
You can use this tool for organizing your time with AWS and local system.
To synchronize time:
sudo yum -y install chrony
sudo systemctl enable chronyd
sudo systemctl start chronyd
This issue generally occurs when s3cmd client machine time is not synced with server.
Check time of both machine.
either sync time between them using date command
Client# sudo date --set="string"
Client# sudo date --set="15 MAY 2011 1:40 PM"
install chrony and restart its service on both machine
Client# sudo apt-get install chrony
Client# vi /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
pool ntp-server iburst
Client# sudo systemctl restart chronyd