I have a table of data that goes quite some time back, but I only want to results in my query for the last 13 weeks. There is a date column in that table.
I can use
to get the date of 13 weeks back as a separate query - but I am having trouble linking that into the initial select to only return me the last 13 weeks of data. I have used that query as the data should refresh every day to go back 13 weeks to that date.
Is there any way I can do that?
Thanks in advance
This should be what you are looking for:
WHERE date_field >
I'm a bit confused on what your issue is. You should be able to use the dateadd() in your where clause:
I'm trying to figure out how to look for data in the last six months in the where statement of a SQL query in Databricks, but I'm having a lot of issues with the syntax.
Right now I have:
Select * from table
where datediff(add_months(date_column, -6), date_column) = 1
The query doesn't throw an error, but returns no results.
I think you're expecting the wrong thing from datediff. Datediff tells you the number of days between two dates. In your case, you're comparing your date_column to your date_column - 6 months. That's always going to be 6 months or ~180 days.
Try this.
AKA, where your date column is greater than the current date minus 6 months.
How can I return all customers whose last appointment_date was 11 months ago from the date today? Or 12 months ago from the date in a month from today?
The first statement is working where I get the appointment from_date and compare it to the current date and return all the appointments that are happening tomorrow:
SELECT appointment.id,
WHERE (julianday('now') - julianday(appointment.from_date)) = 1
But for the second statement I cant figure out how to return all customers whose last appointment date was 11 months ago from the current date?
SELECT customer.id,
FROM customer
WHERE datediff(month, customer.last_appointment_date, DATEADD(month, getDate())) = 12
datediff() doesn't work because I am using SQLite and it is not a recognised function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I am running these query's in my code in netbeans i am using the sqllitejdbc driver to run them through prepared statements
I have edited, its because i am running through netbeans, everytime i use datediff(month, customer.last_appointment_date, DATEADD(month, getDate())) = 12 it returns month not a valid column - it doesnt recognise it as a valid date part?
returned: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such column: month)
Calculate the date to compare your field with, instead of calculating the difference and comparing to a constant, that way the database can make use of an index to locate records.
Use the date function instead of dateadd (see SQLite equivalent of SQL Server DateAdd function):
SELECT customer.id,
FROM customer
WHERE customer.last_appointment_date = date('now', '-11 month')
How do I make a query run for current month and current day of that month?
For example :
sum(Price) as daily_price
Group By
I want this query to always return current month's data so in this case from 1st Dec 2013 till 3rd Dec 2013.
select installed_date,cust_no,sum(Price) as daily_price
from table1
where installed_date >= dateadd(month, datediff(month,0, current_timestamp), 0)
group by installed_date,cust_no
Click on this link
Check above link.
I have created a table with three column. Schema of same is added to this link.
Also wrote a query which will resolve your problem. Have a look. I am not mysql developer but tried to convert mssql query to mysql. If you want MSSQL query then revert.
OK, so I have a load of records in a table and they have many different dates.
I want to retern only those records whose date falls on the last day of whatever quarter it's in.
I.e. I basically need the equivalent of a lastDayOfQuarter(date) function that calculates the date that is the last day in the quarter for the date passed to it.
e.g. lastDayOfQuarter(#16/05/2013#) = #30/06/2013#
My query might look like:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.rdate = lastDayOfQuarter(mytable.rdate);
This query will be run over PDO so no VBA allowed. Native MS Access only.
I would also prefer to not use string manipulation as there is a difference between US and EU dates which might cause issues down the line.
I'm answering myself as, with the help of HansUp answering a previous question of mine for finding month-end records, I found out quite an easy way to acheive this:
WHERE DateValue(m.rdate) = DateSerial(Year(m.rdate), Month(m.rdate) + 1, 0)
AND Month(m.rdate) IN(3,6,9,12)
the "last day of the quarter" could be different for different users. You may be best to build a table of "lastdays" based on your business rules, then use that table in your query.
And here as short answer...Try
Select DateAdd(day, -1, dateadd(qq, DATEDIFF(qq, 0, 'year-month-day'), 0))
For today it should give you
2013-06-30 00:00:00.000
SO for your Table you should use :
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.rdate = DateAdd(day, -1, dateadd(qq, DATEDIFF(qq, 0, mytable.rdate), 0));
Hi how do I get the data by current week?
Select * from Transaction where transactionDate ....
In SQL Server based on week of year. Please see DATEPART for ##DATEFIRST etc. for example, this is all trades since Sunday in US/UK settigs:
WHERE DATEPART(week, transactionDate) = DATEPART(week, GETDATE())
For Access, use this DatePart and use "ww" for the part of date you want.
In answer to the comment, "week" is not a variable; it's the bit of the date you want
WHERE DatePart("ww", transactionDate) = DatePart("ww", GETDATE())
In Microsoft Access
Last n days:
FROM Transaction
WHERE transactionDate >=Date()-7
If you have indexes and this type of difference suits, it will be faster because it is sargable
This week by week difference:
FROM Transaction
WHERE DateDiff("w",[transactionDate],Date())=0
BTW It is considered bad practice to use *
DateDiff: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/ha012288111033.aspx
Simple but portable:
FROM Transaction
WHERE transactionDate >= ?
AND transactionDate <= ?
Calculate the two parameters in your server-side code to whatever definition of 'week' you need.
FROM Transaction
In Access, if you want to run a query to find records that fall in the current week, use
FROM table
WHERE table.DateField Between (Date()-Weekday(Date())+1) And (Date()-Weekday(Date())+7);
That runs Sunday through Saturday. Use +2 and +6 instead if you want the workweek.
mySQL (standard date stamp)
FROM Transaction
WHERE WEEK(NOW())=WEEK(transactionDate);
mySQL (unix timestamp stamp)
FROM Transaction
Bit of a unoptimized query. Could be a more efficient way.
Note: This isn't a rolling 7 days. Just the current week of the year.
EDIT: Sorry I didn't see the ms-access tag. ignore all of this :|