Find position of a word in a string -

I have to implement a search in following method,
Let :
Dim checkin As String = "This is the base string, i have to find a word here"
Dim valueSearch As String="to find a word"
Now the algorithm to be implemented is:
Dim str() As String = Split(checkin , " ")
Dim Position As Integer
Position=Find Position of str(0) in the string
Check str(1) with the next word after positionth word in checkin
if not equal continue the second step with str(1)
if Dim valueSearch As String="to find a game" then
i have to display a message that "to find a" is present
My question is that is it possible to find the position of a word in a string using
string.Contains() operation. or any other possibility to implement this algorithm?

Try Like this
Create recursive Method. Use String.Contains. Its true then return else continue the method.
private Sub Recursive(ByVal xStr As String, ByVal xSearch As String)
If xStr.Contains(xSearch) Then
ElseIf xSearch.Contains(" ") Then
Recursive(xStr, xSearch.Substring(0, xSearch.LastIndexOf(" ")))
MsgBox("Not Founded")
End If
End Sub
Call Recursive("This is the base string, i have to find a word here",
"to find a game")

String.Contains(), INSTR or IndexOf should all do what you want


Get a specific value from the line in brackets (Visual Studio 2019)

I would like to ask for your help regarding my problem. I want to create a module for my program where it would read .txt file, find a specific value and insert it to the text box.
As an example I have a text file called system.txt which contains single line text. The text is something like this:
[Name=John][Last Name=xxx_xxx][Address=xxxx][Age=22][Phone Number=8454845]
What i want to do is to get only the last name value "xxx_xxx" which every time can be different and insert it to my form's text box
Im totally new in programming, was looking for the other examples but couldnt find anything what would fit exactly to my situation.
Here is what i could write so far but i dont have any idea if there is any logic in my code:
Dim field As New List(Of String)
Private Sub readcrnFile()
For Each line In File.ReadAllLines(C:\test\test_1\db\update\network\system.txt)
For i = 1 To 3
If line.Contains("Last Name=" & i) Then
field.Add(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2))
End If
End Sub
You can get this down to a function with a single line of code:
Private Function readcrnFile(fileName As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Return File.ReadLines(fileName).Where(Function(line) RegEx.IsMatch(line, "[[[]Last Name=(?<LastName>[^]]+)]").Select(Function(line) RegEx.Match(line, exp).Groups("LastName").Value)
End Function
But for readability/maintainability and to avoid repeating the expression evaluation on each line I'd spread it out a bit:
Private Function readcrnFile(fileName As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Dim exp As New RegEx("[[[]Last Name=(?<LastName>[^]]+)]")
Return File.ReadLines(fileName).
Select(Function(line) exp.Match(line)).
Where(Function(m) m.Success).
Select(Function(m) m.Groups("LastName").Value)
End Function
See a simple example of the expression here:
Dim strval As String = " [Name=John][Last Name=xxx_xxx][Address=xxxx][Age=22][Phone Number=8454845]"
Dim strline() As String = strval.Split(New String() {"[", "]"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) _
.Where(Function(s) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) _
Dim lastnameArray() = strline(1).Split("=")
Dim lastname = lastnameArray(1).ToString()
Using your sample data...
I read the file and trim off the first and last bracket symbol. The small c following the the 2 strings tell the compiler that this is a Char. The braces enclosed an array of Char which is what the Trim method expects.
Next we split the file text into an array of strings with the .Split method. We need to use the overload that accepts a String. Although the docs show Split(String, StringSplitOptions), I could only get it to work with a string array with a single element. Split(String(), StringSplitOptions)
Then I looped through the string array called splits, checking for and element that starts with "Last Name=". As soon as we find it we return a substring that starts at position 10 (starts at zero).
If no match is found, an empty string is returned.
Private Function readcrnFile() As String
Dim LineInput = File.ReadAllText("system.txt").Trim({"["c, "]"c})
Dim splits = LineInput.Split({"]["}, StringSplitOptions.None)
For Each s In splits
If s.StartsWith("Last Name=") Then
Return s.Substring(10)
End If
Return ""
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = readcrnFile()
End Sub
You can easily split that line in an array of strings using as separators the [ and ] brackets and removing any empty string from the result.
Dim input As String = "[Name=John][Last Name=xxx_xxx][Address=xxxx][Age=22][Phone Number=8454845]"
Dim parts = input.Split(New Char() {"["c, "]"c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
At this point you have an array of strings and you can loop over it to find the entry that starts with the last name key, when you find it you can split at the = character and get the second element of the array
For Each p As String In parts
If p.StartsWith("Last Name") Then
Dim data = p.Split("="c)
Exit For
End If
Of course, if you are sure that the second entry in each line is the Last Name entry then you can remove the loop and go directly for the entry
Dim data = parts(1).Split("="c)
A more sophisticated way to remove the for each loop with a single line is using some of the IEnumerable extensions available in the Linq namespace.
So, for example, the loop above could be replaced with
field.Add((parts.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.StartsWith("Last Name"))).Split("="c)(1))
As you can see, it is a lot more obscure and probably not a good way to do it anyway because there is no check on the eventuality that if the Last Name key is missing in the input string
You should first know the difference between ReadAllLines() and ReadLines().
Then, here's an example using only two simple string manipulation functions, String.IndexOf() and String.Substring():
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim entryMarker As String = "[Last Name="
Dim closingMarker As String = "]"
Dim FileName As String = "C:\test\test_1\db\update\network\system.txt"
Dim value As String = readcrnFile(entryMarker, closingMarker, FileName)
If Not IsNothing(value) Then
Console.WriteLine("value = " & value)
Console.WriteLine("Entry not found")
End If
Console.Write("Press Enter to Quit...")
End Sub
Private Function readcrnFile(ByVal entry As String, ByVal closingMarker As String, ByVal fileName As String) As String
Dim entryIndex As Integer
Dim closingIndex As Integer
For Each line In File.ReadLines(fileName)
entryIndex = line.IndexOf(entry) ' see if the marker is in our line
If entryIndex <> -1 Then
closingIndex = line.IndexOf(closingMarker, entryIndex + entry.Length) ' find first "]" AFTER our entry marker
If closingIndex <> -1 Then
' calculate the starting position and length of the value after the entry marker
Dim startAt As Integer = entryIndex + entry.Length
Dim length As Integer = closingIndex - startAt
Return line.Substring(startAt, length)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function

VB.NET Index Of, finding word position

I have a basic piece of code.
Sub Main()
Dim Test As String = "test example"
End Sub
The output would be "5" as the position of the start of the specified string is 5. I would still like to use indexof but how can i make it find the word location of the specified string such as it would output "2" as the word location is the 2nd word.
Use Array.IndexOf method
Dim str As [String] = "First Second Third Forth"
Dim arr As String() = str.Split(" "C)
Console.WriteLine(Array.IndexOf(arr, "Second") + 1)

CountWord and CountVowel into Function in VB.NET

Hi I need to change WordCount and CountVowel procedures to functions and create a function to count number of consonants in a string.
I have done these two procedures but I cannot figure out how to do the last part. I am fairly new to programming.
My current code is given below:
Sub Main()
Dim Sentence As String
Console.WriteLine("Sentence Analysis" + vbNewLine + "")
Console.WriteLine("Enter a sentence, then press 'Enter'" + vbNewLine + "")
Sentence = Console.ReadLine()
Call WordCount(Sentence)
Call VowelCount(Sentence)
End Sub
Sub WordCount(ByVal UserInput As String)
Dim Space As String() = UserInput.Split(" ")
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} words", Space.Length)
End Sub
Sub VowelCount(ByVal UserInput As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim VowelNumber As Integer
Dim Vowels As String = "aeiou"
For i = 1 To Len(UserInput)
If InStr(Vowels, Mid(UserInput, i, 1)) Then
VowelNumber = VowelNumber + 1
End If
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} vowels", VowelNumber)
End Sub
Thanks for your time
I would use the following three functions. Note that WordCount uses RemoveEmptyEntries avoids counting empty words when there are multiple spaces between words.
The other two functions count upper case vowels as vowels, rather than just lower case. They take advantage of the fact that strings can be treated as arrays of Char, and use the Count method to count how many of those Chars meet certain criteria.
Note that the designation of "AEIOU" as vowels may not be correct in all languages, and even in English "Y" is sometimes considered a vowel. You might also need to consider the possibility of accented letters such as "É".
Function WordCount(UserInput As String) As Integer
Return UserInput.Split({" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length
End Function
Function VowelCount(UserInput As String) As Integer
Return UserInput.Count(Function(c) "aeiouAEIOU".Contains(c))
End Function
Function ConsonantCount(UserInput As String) As Integer
Return UserInput.Count(Function(c) Char.IsLetter(c) And Not "aeiouAEIOU".Contains(c))
End Function
To turn each of your Sub routines into a Function, you need to do three things. First, you need to change the Sub and End Sub keywords to Function and End Function, respectively. So:
Sub MyMethod(input As String)
' ...
End Sub
Function MyMethod(input As String)
' ...
End Function
Next, since it's a function, it needs to return a value, so your Function declaration needs to specify the type of the return value. So, the above example would become:
Function MyMethod(input As String) As Integer
' ...
End Function
Finally, the code in the function must actually specify what the return value will be. In VB.NET, that is accomplished by using the Return keyword, like this:
Function MyMethod(input As String) As Integer
Dim result As Integer
' ...
Return result
End Function
So, to apply that to your example:
Sub WordCount(ByVal UserInput As String)
Dim Space As String() = UserInput.Split(" ")
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} words", Space.Length)
End Sub
Would become:
Function WordCount(userInput As String) As Integer
Dim Space As String() = UserInput.Split(" ")
Return Space.Length
End Sub
Note, ByVal is the default, so you don't need to specify it, and parameter variables, by standard convention in .NET are supposed to be camelCase rather than PascalCase. Then, when you call the method, you can use the return value of the function like this:
Dim count As Integer = WordCount(Sentence)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} words", count)
As far as counting consonants goes, that will be very similar to your VowelCount method, except that you would give it the list of consonants to look for instead of vowels.
You could use the Regex class. It's designed to search for substrings using patterns, and it's rather fast at it too.
Sub VowelCount(ByVal UserInput As String)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} vowels", System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(UserInput, "[aeiou]", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Count.ToString())
End Sub
[aeiou] is the pattern used when performing the search. It matches any of the characters you've written inside the brackets.
Read more about Regex:
MSDN - .NET Framework Regular Expressions
MSDN - Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference
VB is no longer a language I use frequently but I don't think I'm going to steer you wrong even without testing this out.
Sub Main()
Dim Sentence As String
Console.WriteLine("Sentence Analysis" + vbNewLine + "")
Console.WriteLine("Enter a sentence, then press 'Enter'" + vbNewLine + "")
Sentence = Console.ReadLine()
'usually it's better just let the function calculate a value and do output elsewhere
'so I've commented your original calls so you can see where they used to be
'Call WordCount(Sentence)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} words", WordCount(Sentence))
'Call VowelCount(Sentence)
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} vowels", VowelCount(Sentence))
End Sub
Function WordCount(ByVal UserInput As String) As Integer
Dim Space As String() = UserInput.Split(" ")
WordCount = Space.Length
'or just shorten it to one line...
'Return UserInput.Split(" ").Length
End Function
Function VowelCount(ByVal UserInput As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim VowelNumber As Integer
Dim Vowels As String = "aeiou"
For i = 1 To Len(UserInput)
If InStr(Vowels, Mid(UserInput, i, 1)) Then
VowelNumber = VowelNumber + 1
End If
VowelCount = VowelNumber
End Function
The most obvious change between a sub and a function is changing the keywords that wrap up the procedure. For this conversation let's just say that's one good word to use for encompassing both concepts since they're very similar and many languages don't really draw such a big distinction.
For Visual Basic's purposes a function needs to return something and that's indicated by the As Integer that I added to the end of both of the function declarations (can't remember if that's the right VB terminology.) Also in VB you return a value to the caller by assigning to the name of the function (also see edit below.) So I replaced those lines that were WriteLines with appropriate assignments. Last I moved those WriteLine statements up into Main. The arguments needed to be changed to use the function return values rather than the variables they originally referenced.
Hopefully I'm not doing your homework for you!
EDIT: Visual Basic underwent a lot of changes to the language during the move to .Net back in the early 2000's. I had forgotten (or possibly not even realized) that the new preferred choice for returning a value is now more in line with languages like C#. So rather than assigning values to WordCount and VowelCount you can just use Return. One difference between the two is that a Return will cause the sub/function to exit at that point even if there is other code afterward. This might be useful inside an if...end if for example. I'm hoping this helps you learn something rather than just being confusing.
EDIT #2: Now that I see the accepted answer and re-read the question it seems there was a small part about counting consonants that got overlooked. At this point I assume this was indeed a classroom exercise and the intended answer was possibly even to derive the consonant count by using the other functions.
Here you go.
Function WordCount(ByVal UserInput As String) As Integer
Dim Space As String() = UserInput.Split(" ")
Return Space.Length
End Function
Function VowelCount(ByVal UserInput As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim VowelNumber As Integer
Dim Vowels As String = "aeiou"
For i = 1 To Len(UserInput)
If InStr(Vowels, Mid(UserInput, i, 1)) Then
VowelNumber = VowelNumber + 1
End If
Return VowelNumber
End Function
Function ConsonantCount(ByVal UserInput As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ConsonantNumber As Integer
Dim Consonants As String = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
For i = 1 To Len(UserInput)
If InStr(Consonants, Mid(UserInput, i, 1)) Then
ConsonantNumber = ConsonantNumber + 1
End If
Return ConsonantNumber
End Function

How to find indexes for certain character in a string VB.NET

I'm beginner with
How do I read indexes for certain character in a string? I read an barcode and I get string like this one:
From that code I should read indexes for character "-" so I can cut the string in parts later in the code.
For example code above:
The length of the string can change (+/- 3 characters). Also the places and count of the hyphens may vary.
So, I'm looking for code which gives me count and position of the hyphens.
Thanks in advance!
Use the String.Splt method.
'a test string
Dim BCstring As String = "3XXX123456-C-AA123456TY-667"
'split the string, removing the hyphens
Dim BCflds() As String = BCstring.Split({"-"c}, StringSplitOptions.None)
'number of hyphens in the string
Dim hyphCT As Integer = BCflds.Length - 1
'look in the debuggers immediate window
'show each field
For Each s As String In BCflds
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5} {1}", s.Length, s))
For idx As Integer = 0 To hyphCT
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5} {1}", BCflds(idx).Length, BCflds(idx)))
If all you need are the parts between hyphens then as suggested by dbasnett use the split method for strings. If by chance you need to know the index positions of the hyphens you can use the first example using Lambda to get the positions which in turn the count give you how many hyphens were located in the string.
When first starting out with .NET it's a good idea to explore the various classes for strings and numerics as there are so many things that some might not expect to find that makes coding easier.
Dim barCode As String = "3XXX123456-C-AA123456TY-667"
Dim items = barCode _
.Select(Function(c, i) New With {.Character = c, .Index = i}) _
.Where(Function(item) item.Character = "-"c) _
Dim hyphenCount As Integer = items.Count
Console.WriteLine("hyphen count is {0}", hyphenCount)
For Each item In items
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", item.Index)
Console.WriteLine("Using split")
Dim barCodeParts As String() = barCode.Split("-"c)
For Each code As String In barCodeParts
Here is an example that'll split your string and allow you to parse through the values.
Private Sub TestSplits2Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TestSplits2Button.Click
Dim testString As String = "3XXX123456-C-AA123456TY-667"
Dim vals() As String = testString.Split(Convert.ToChar("-"))
Dim numberOfValues As Integer = vals.GetUpperBound(0)
For Each testVal As String In vals
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("An error occurred: ", ex.Message))
End Try
End Sub

How to find a phrase in a string based on a character

Let's say I have the following string:
What's the best way of extracting the email from that string? I thought of maybe split(string, "#") but then I'm not sure where to go from there.
Note: the email will always be flanked by ^ on either side, but the position in the string will be different depending on the string.
You can use Regex to find your string. Try something like:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("\^[^\^]+#[^\^]+\^", myString)
I would split over ^ and then loop through all items to find something containing a #
'1 form with:
' 1 command button: name=Command1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lngItem As Long
Dim strString As String
Dim strItem() As String
strString = "sdfhahsdfu^asdhfhasdf^asd7f8asdfh^asdfhasdf^^asdhfausdf^asodfuasdufh^alsdfhasdh"
strItem = Split(strString, "^")
For lngItem = 0 To UBound(strItem)
If InStr(strItem(lngItem), "#") > 0 Then
DoEmail strItem(lngItem)
End If
Next lngItem
End Sub
Private Sub DoEmail(strEmail As String)
Print strEmail
End Sub