Getting a list of attachments from RavenDB 2.5 - ravendb

I'm storing several attachments in ravenDB 2.5 and I would like to retrieve not only one attachment by some specific keyname but I want to get a list of all attachments. What I tried to do is to get attachments by the following code sample:
dbCommands.GetAttachmentHeadersStartingWith("keyname/", 0, 100);
But as expected this will return only the attachment headers (metadata) and no attachment data.
Is there a solution to achieve this task?
I know ravenDB 3.0 is coming with a blob store, but as it is unstable at the moment, I dont want to use it.
thanks in advance

You have to download each attachment individually.


Download Multiple Attachments from Salesforce using Jitterbit

I am able to create a query for attachments and download 1 individual file like this:
SELECT Body, Id FROM Attachment WHERE Id = '00P4M00000q8ChI'
Code on Body:
<trans>$content = root$transaction.response$body$queryResponse$result$records.Attachment$Body$;
WriteFile("<TAG>Targets/Files/FMLA _Extract</TAG>",$decoded_content);
But when the multiple attachments are pulled, it creates 1 large file. This large file sometimes shows the first page, but most of the time Adobe is not able to read it. Instead, I would like to have multiple files listed on my target directory.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Target file:
What does your file target look like? (Targets/File/FMLA_Extract). I'm guessing it's configured to append to existing files and you're not changing the file name, so they all get glommed on top of each other.

How to $filter attachments list endpoint by isInline?

I'm developing OWA add-in using OWA REST API
I'm not able to get the filtered result when fetch the attachment list with $filter=inlinImage eq true for example:{id}/attachments?$filter=IsInline%20eq%20true
knowing that is says in the resource reference that isInline is Filterable, and I got the response 200 when doing the requests above but the without filtering the data by that query params
Is this an expected behaviour? how can I get this data otherwise?
this may be of help to someone looking for help filtering attachments from ms graph endpoint.
/attachments endpoint does not support filters. If present, the $filter parameter is ignored.

How to remove inbound attachments from message property?

I m using a html form which allows user to enter the details and choose a file to be sent as an attachment with an email via smtp connector in mule. I m using encoding type as- enctype="multipart/form-data" in my html form with method as "post". So all my html fields are coming as inbound attachments and they are being sent as separate 8 attachments in the mail.
Out of the 8 inbound attachments i want to drop 7 attachments and send only one attachment that is the file (highlighted with green) via email. How can i achieve this? Which transformer i should use?
[mule message structure image][1]
I had similar problem and I found solution. First, you need to copy interesting attachment from inbound to outbound (use copy-attachment tag) and after that you should use transformer email:object-to-mime-transformer with attribute useInboundAttachments set to false. Works for me.
According to me you can drag and drop Attachment transformer after you receive all the attachments and then select Copy Attachment and give value as #[message.inboundAttachments.'file'].
Same to remove you can drag and drop Attachment Transformer and then select RemoveAttchment and then using MEL give attachment name.
Hope this helps you !

How to get mail attachment name while reading mail using mule imap inbound?

currently i am working on one of mule use case where i need create a mule flow which reads mail from gmail account which has an attachment.
Currently i am able to retrieve the attachment data from mail, but i couldn't able to get the mail attachment name.
Can some one help me out to get the attachment name from mail.
Attachments are instances of javax.activation.DataHandler -
SO you should be able to call .getName() or .name on each attachment using MEL. i.e #[]
The object you're apply MEL to is an instance of InboundAttachmentMapContext, which is a Map.
So what about using keySet() to get the attachment names or entrySet() to get entries of (name, attachment)?
use #[key], this will give filename inside foreach statement.
Use #[counter] to get the file array no.

GOS attachments download

Basically I have some attachments listed in the Generic Object Services (GOS) and I need to download all of them to my computer.
I need to know how do download these attachments programatically from my program/report.
I've never actually had to do this myself, but I think this is how it's done:
Get the list of attachments by calling cl_binary_relation=>read_links passing in the ID of the object that the attachments are attached to. The it_relation_options table should be filled with a relation like so:
la_relat-sign = 'I'.
la_relat-option = 'EQ'.
la_relat-low = 'ATTA'. "Attachements
APPEND la_relat TO lt_relat.
This tells read_links to get the related objects classed as attachments.
Once you've successfully got the attachment details, you should be able to loop over the results table and pass each to the SO_OBJECT_READ function module (if that doesn't work try SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1). This expects a folder id and a document id; in the results of read_links these may be concatenated together into one string (with the object type, e.g. SOFM at the front).
SO_OBJECT_READ will give you the binary content. You can then call SO_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD with (I think) filetype = 'BIN'.
Hope that helps!