Declaring and assigning a value to a variable - vba

This morning I decided to open my book of stupid questions and found one question I can't get out of my head (might be that the question should be on code review, but you tell me).
So here it goes - now in VBA you normally would declare a variable and assign a value to it by what I would use as standard like this:
Dim n as Integer
n = 1
Or with objects using Set:
Dim wb as Worksheet
Set wb = ActiveSheet
But there is also an other syntax possibility here that allows you to both declare and assign a value at the same line by doing this (lets call this alternative way):
Dim n as Integer: n = 1
Dim wb as Worksheet: Set wb = ActiveSheet
Now we have two ways to declare and assign a variable. What my book of stupid doesn't tell is is there some reason or case where the alternative way will not work or why it's almost never used? To my head if variable is at the beginning of a program given a value, it would be easier to read the code syntax using alternative syntax.
O please wise and mighty SO members, enlighten me please - when would I use or should I use the alternative way at all?

There's actually no difference; the ":" is just a line separator, formatting if you will - not a convention specific to variable declaration:
In some cases, using it makes the code more readable, but clearly it also has the potential to confuse :)


Mid() usage and for loops - Is this good practice?

Ok so I was in college and I was talking to my teacher and he said my code isn't good practice. I'm a bit confused as to why so here's the situation. We basically created a for loop however he declared his for loop counter outside of the loop because it's considered good practice (to him) even though we never used the variable later on in the code so to me it looks like a waste of memory. We did more to the code then just use a message box but the idea was to get each character from a string and do something with it. He also used the Mid() function to retrieve the character in the string while I called the variable with the index. Here's an example of how he would write his code:
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i = 1 To justastring.Length Then
MsgBox( Mid( justastring, i, 1 ) )
End For
And here's an example of how I would write my code:
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i = 0 To justastring.Length - 1 Then
MsgBox( justastring(i) )
End For
Would anyone be able to provide the advantages and disadvantages of each method and why and whether or not I should continue how I am?
Another approach would be, to just use a For Each on the string.
Like this no index variable is needed.
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For Each c As Char In justastring
I would suggest doing it your way, because you could have variables hanging around consuming(albeit a small amount) of memory, but more importantly, It is better practice to define objects with as little scope as possible. In your teacher's code, the variable i is still accessible when the loop is finished. There are occasions when this is desirable, but normally, if you're only using a variable in a limited amount of code, then you should only declare it within the smallest block that it is needed.
As for your question about the Mid function, individual characters as you know can be access simply by treating the string as an array of characters. After some basic benchmarking, using the Mid function takes a lot longer to process than just accessing the character by the index value. In relatively simple bits of code, this doesn't make much difference, but if you're doing it millions of times in a loop, it makes a huge difference.
There are other factors to consider. Such as code readability and modification of the code, but there are plenty of websites dealing with that sort of thing.
Finally I would suggest changing some compiler options in your visual studio
Option Strict to On
Option Infer to Off
Option Explicit to On
It means writing more code, but the code is safer and you'll make less mistakes. Have a look here for an explanation
In your code, it would mean that you have to write
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i As Integer = 0 To justastring.Length - 1 Then
MsgBox( justastring(i) )
End For
This way, you know that i is definitely an integer. Consider the following ..
Dim i
Have you any idea what type it is? Me neither.
The compiler doesn't know what so it defines it as an object type which could hold anything. a string, an integer, a list..
Consider this code.
Dim i
Dim x
x = "ab"
For i = x To endcount - 1
t = Mid(s, 999)
The compiler will compile it, but when it is executed you'll get an SystemArgumenException. In this case it's easy to see what is wrong, but often it isn't. And numbers in strings can be a whole new can of worms.
Hope this helps.

VBA, Excel, use Range to fill 2D-Array [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why am I having issues assigning a Range to an Array of Variants
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I do not understand this behaviour:
Sub tuEs()
Dim A() As Variant
A = Range("A1:A10") ' works
Dim B() As Variant
B = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10") ' Type mismatch
End Sub
The first version works the 2nd version does not. Why? What is the difference?
The way to go with this is by adding the ".value" at the end of the range. This is usually a good idea to make things very explicit (the reason you can omit this is because value is the default property for the range object)
I added all the values to watches to see what was going on and apparently there is a problem of Excel not been able to effectively ( and implicitly ) cast the object on the fly. Note in the picture how the expression that is failing "ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10") is of type: Variant/Object/Range; the transition from Variant to object is most likely causing the issue.
A way to force it to cast correctly would be to split the process in two parts the first one casts to range and the second one casts to a variant array. Look at my example
Also notice that if you declare the variable as variant alone and not an array of variants (dim E and not dim E()) it will get it because the it will adapt to what is needed.
Sub tuEs()
Dim A() As Variant
A = Range("A1:A10")
' Type missmatch
Dim B() As Variant
B = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")
' Fix to make it cast properly
Dim C() As Variant
Dim r As Range
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")
C = r
' Best of all options
Dim d As Variant
d = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10").Value
End Sub
Hope this makes is somewhat clear.
This is indeed a mystery! But this works (no need to declare an array of variant objects, just a variant). As to why it doesn't work in your code as stated, I am afraid I can't answer.
Dim B As Variant ' instead of Dim B() as Variant
B = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")
At first I thought it to be a syntax issue - some hidden ambiguity that caused the interpreter to respond differently to the different statements. But to my dismay the following code works flawlessly:
Dim B() as Variant
B = Application.Range("A1:A10")
As it is syntatically identical to the crashing line in the question, the only possible conclusion, AFAIK is that the implementations of Range in the Worksheet and in the Application classes return different types of objects even if they contain, in essence, the same information. Most casts will render the same results, but for some implementation quirk, only the Application version can be cast to an array of variants. This conclusion is backed by the fact that inspecting the results of expressions Range("A1:A10") and ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10") in debug mode result in different type informations - "Object/Range" in the first case and "Variant/Object/Range" in the second.
If this is true, the exact reason for the difference (if not an accident at all) is probably known only by the coders or other folks at MS. I am curious if this is consistent thru different versions of Office..

VBA variable declaration okay on two lines but not when comma separated. Compiler bug?

I have the following variable declaration in a procedure which works fine.
Dim table_rng As Range
Dim attachments_rng As Range
I did have it as:
Dim table_rng, attachments_rng As Range
but this caused a "Compile error: ByRef argument type mismatch".
Since I have working code I'm not in a crisis but I wasted an hour finding this solution.
I'm using Excel 2010 with Visual Basic for Applications 7.0.1628
As far as I know the second declaration is syntactically correct. Am I missing something? I searched in vain on the web and for any wisdom on the topic.
Thanks in advance.
So, please take a look at VBA editor on this. First statement seems like to declare 3 integers, but not. Variable i and j are variant and only k is integer.
So if you look on your code, table_rng is declared as variant/empty and maybe this is what causing issue, but without rest of your code i cant tell you more.
But i recommend you to use single variable declaration on line, its far more easier to read. Or if you wana to declare more variable on single line, you need to specifi date type for each of them (like last line on my example. If you wana to know variable types, use debugging in VBA and View/Locals window).
Sub testVarDeclar()
Dim i, j, k As Integer
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer
Dim table_rng, attachments_rng As Range
Dim table_rng2 As Range, attachments_rng2 As Range
End Sub

Why should I use the DIM statement in VBA or Excel?

So there is a question on what DIM is, but I can't find why I want to use it.
As far as I can tell, I see no difference between these three sets of code:
'Example 1
myVal = 2
'Example 2
DIM myVal as Integer
myVal = 2
'Example 3
DIM myVal = 2
If I omit DIM the code still runs, and after 2 or 3 nested loops I see no difference in the output when they are omitted. Having come from Python, I like to keep my code clean*.
So why should I need to declare variables with DIM? Apart from stylistic concerns, is there a technical reason to use DIM?
* also I'm lazy and out of the habit of declaring variables.
Any variable used without declaration is of type Variant. While variants can be useful in some circumstances, they should be avoided when not required, because they:
Are slower
Use more memory
Are more error prone, either through miss spelling or through assigning a value of the wrong data type
Using Dim makes the intentions of your code explicit and prevents common mistakes like a typo actually declaring a new variable. If you use Option Explicit On with your code (which I thoroughly recommend) Dim becomes mandatory.
Here's an example of failing to use Dim causing a (potentially bad) problem:
myVar = 100
' later on...
myVal = 10 'accidentally declare new variable instead of assign to myVar
Debug.Print myVar 'prints 100 when you were expecting 10
Whereas this code will save you from that mistake:
Option Explicit
Dim myVar as Integer
myVar = 100
' later on...
myVal = 10 ' error: Option Explicit means you *must* use Dim
More about Dim and Option Explicit here:
Moderators, I'm making an effort, assuming you'll treat me with due respect in thefuture.
All local variables are stored on the stack as with all languages (and most parameters to functions). When a sub exits the stack is returned to how it was before the sub executed. So all memory is freed. Strings and objects are stored elsewhere in a object manager or string manager and the stack contains a pointer but vb looks after freeing it. Seting a vbstring (a bstr) to zero length frees all but two bytes. That's why we try to avoid global variables.
In scripting type programs, typeless programming has many advantages. Programs are short and use few variables so memory and speed don't matter - it will be fast enough. As programs get more complex it does matter. VB was designed for typeless programming as well as typed programming. For most excel macros, typeless programming is fine and is more readable. Vbscript only supports typeless programming (and you can paste it into vba/vb6).

How does the VBA immediate window differ from the application runtime?

I've encountered a very strange bug in VBA and wondered if anyone could shed some light?
I'm calling a worksheet function like this:
Dim lMyRow As Long
lMyRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(vItemID, rngMyRange.Columns(1), 0)
This is intended to get the row of the item I pass in. Under certain circumstances (although I can't pin down exactly when), odd things happen to the call to the Match function.
If I execute that line in the immediate window, I get the following:
lMyRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(vItemID, rngMyRange.Columns(1), 0)
i.e. the lookup works, and lMyRow gets a value assigned to it. If I let that statement execute in the actual code, I lMyRow gets a value of 0.
This seems very odd! I don't understand how executing something in the immediate window can succeed in assigning a value, where the same call, at the same point in program execution can give a value of 0 when it runs normally in code!
The only thing I can think of is that it's some odd casting thing, but I get the same behaviour taking if the variable to which I'm assigning is an int, a double, or even a string.
I don't even know where to begin with this - help!!
The only difference between the immediate window and normal code run is the scope.
Code in the immediate window runs in the current application scope.
If nothing is currently running this means a global scope.
The code when put in a VBA function is restricted to the function scope.
So my guess is that one of your variables is out of scope.
I would put a breakpoint in your function on that line and add watches to find out which variable is not set.
And if you don't have Option Explicit at the top of your vba code module, you should add it.
You're not assigning the function name so that function will always return zero (if you're expecting a Long). It seems you should have
makeTheLookup = lMyRow
at the end of your function.
I don't know if you are still looking at this or not but I would have written it this way:
Function makeTheLookup(vItemID As Variant, rngMyRange as Range)as Long
makeTheLookUp = WorksheetFunction.Match(vItemID, rngMyRange.Columns(1), 0)
End Function
I cannot reproduce the problem with Excel 2007.
This was the code I used:
Sub test()
Dim vItemID As Variant
Dim lMyRow As Long
Dim rngMyRange As Range
Set rngMyRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1:Z256")
vItemID = 8
lMyRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(vItemID, rngMyRange.Columns(1), 0)
Debug.Print lMyRow
End Sub
It may sound stupid but are you sure that all parameters of the Match function are the same in your macro and in the immediate window? Maybe the range object has changed?
Thanks for the answers guys - I should have been slightly more specific in the way I'm making the call below:
Function makeTheLookup(vItemID As Variant, rngMyRange as Range)
Dim lMyRow As Long
lMyRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(vItemID, rngMyRange.Columns(1), 0)
End Function
The odd thing is, I'm passing the two parameters into the function so I can't see any way they could be different inside and outside of the function. That said, I'm still entirely clueless as to what's causing this, particularly since it's a really intermittent problem
Is there any easy way of comparing the range object in the function context to the range object in the Immediate window context and telling if they're different? Given that range is a reference type, it feels like I should just be able to compare two pointers, but I've got no idea how to do that in VBA!
I'm using Excel 2007 by the way, although I'm not sure if that makes any difference.
As will has mentioned above, It most definitely seems like a problem of scope. Or an Obscure Bug.
I would try to use Debug.print statements, as well as Watch, and see if they match up, and take it from there.