How to expose enum values in a REST API - api

In a mobility context of use of the API, an advanced research proposes several dynamic filters that must be returned by the server. (We don't want to make too many exchange with server to initialize our filters)
In a REST api, how to expose a enum of possible values ​​for filter search?
Thank you for your suggestions/ideas?

My initial thought would be to treat the search like a normal resource. In an object oriented perspective, a search can have a collection of fields which can be used to filter by. These fields can be numeric, boolean, string based, or whatever.
So, if I understand your question correctly, then I would propose doing this:
GET /search_fields
If your API have multiple type searches that can be performed, then they can be identified by an id or maybe their name, as long as it is unique, like so:
GET /searches/{search_id}/fields
which would return a collection of search fields like so:
name: 'Field1',
type: 'boolean'
name: 'Field2',
type: 'number'
name: 'Field3',
type: 'string'
or if your fields are really just simple enums then:
name: 'Field1',
id: 1
name: 'Field2',
id: 2
name: 'Field3',
id: 3
That's my suggestion. Remember, there's no one right way to expose an API.


How to set query in URL and how to find Objects by an array of Strings in mongoose?

If I have this Schema...
maid = {
services: [{
type: String,
enum: ["cleaning", "cooking", "baby sitting"]
How would I write query in URL to find all maids having services "cleaning" and "cooking" only.
Example: "http://company/maids?services=cleaning,cooking" or in some other way.
How to find all maids from database with required services?
services: {
Please suggest some good ways to do the above.
Use should use http://company/maids?services=cleaning,cooking
Use could use this $all in mongodb like Maid.find({services:{$all:',')}})
ps: Use have to validate the query before search

PRISMA: Getting type error on where clause in update method

Have a specific Prisma ORM library error that I need help with.
I have created a migration and pushed it to a postgres db.
I have generated the client model for Prisma and am able to findAll and insert data using the create method.
Where I am having trouble is the update method.
Here's my code"/articles/:title", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const article = await prisma.article.update({
where: { title: req.params.title },
data: { title: req.body.title, content: req.body.content },
res.send('The article was posted sucessfully.' + article)
I am getting the following error which makes me think that the client is not finding a type 'title' when using the where argument.
app.ts:65:14 - error TS2322: Type '{ title: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ArticleWhereUniqueInput'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'title' does not exist in type 'ArticleWhereUniqueInput'.
65 where: { title: req.params.title },
784 where: ArticleWhereUniqueInput
The expected type comes from property 'where' which is declared here on type 'Subset<ArticleUpdateArgs, ArticleUpdateArgs>'
Has anyone else had this issue?
I tried to introspect the database just to make sure the database was captured exactly as is, with title and content fields and then generated the client again.
Many thanks
Found the answer: Post answer was a response from Antonie
The fields in
needs to be unique.
If you can make some field, let's say date #unique (date: DateTime! #unique), and use that for your where in the upsert, I think it would work (tested on my local).
Use .(find/update/delete)Many() if you are trying to query with multi values.

how to get dictionary same order as same i am getting from json in objective c

i am parsing json and what i get set of dictionary but after parsing it will automatically change it order. i just need same order as same i am getting from json parsing.
NOTE: i want to make one functionality which depends on dictionary order, i don't want to make it manually. so it will not need to make it every-time to will help to change dynamically in future
From Json:
after convert into NSDicationary:
Order of key:value doesn't matter for JSON, as you can directly access value with the help of key string. An dictionary does not support indexing of elements, so you can't.
Dictionaries are not ordered collections. On other hand, arrays are.
Note, if you don't have access over the json format, you got no guarantees about the order of elements, if you don't have hardcoded logic in your app.
Having said that, let's take a deeper look into your case. It happens that you have one main object in your json that is Section. What is more, you have 4 ordered properties of this object that are of specific kind of their own: 0: category; 1: location; 2: vehicle_type; 3: mode_type. So here comes the good part: just change your json to look something like this:
title: "category",
value: {}
title: "location",
value: {}
title: "vehicle_type",
value: {}
title: "mode_type",
value: {}
Having this json, you just go through the Section ordered elements, check the title of the element, and create the corresponding Object. This way you can achieve what you are after.

Can I get the field MobilePhone2 from Outlook Contacts REST API?

I'm using Outlook Contacts REST API in order to get all phone numbers saved for a given contact.
I have to call both versions of the API (v2.0 & beta) so I can get almost all values.
ie. v2.0 send me this:
HomePhones: [ '0333333333', '0444444444' ],
MobilePhone1: '0611111111',
BusinessPhones: [ '0155555555', '0166666666' ],
and beta send me this:
Phones: [
{ Type: 'Home', Number: '0333333333' },
{ Type: 'Business', Number: '0155555555' },
{ Type: 'Mobile', Number: '0611111111' },
{ Type: 'Other', Number: '0677777777' }
However, my contact looks like this:
As you can see, both API send me different results, and none of them is complete.
Moreover, the contact I saved in my account has one more phone number, Mobile2, and none of the APIs send it to me.
Is there a way to get it?
Thank you,
The API doesn't expose this directly. However, you can always request it as an extended property using the correct MAPI property tag details.
I examined a contact with MFCMapi and I see that the Mobile2 number is stored in PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, which is a string property with the property ID of 0x3A1E. So, since you're using the Outlook REST endpoint, your request would look something like this:
GET /me/contacts?$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties(
$filter=PropertyId eq 'String 0x3A1E')
If you were using Graph, the request would look a little different:
GET /me/contacts?$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties(
$filter=id eq 'String 0x3A1E')
Finally, I'd recommend voting up this UserVoice request:

RestKit Dynamic nested mapping

I see that the restkit document is quite nice and has variety of examples on object modelling. There is also an example of nested mapping but I find my scenario little bit different than this. RestKit documentation provides the example mapping of the nested attribute with the following json format.
Sample JSON structure from the RestKit Documentation :
"blake": {
"email": "",
"favorite_animal": "Monkey"
"sarah": {
"email": "",
"favorite_animal": "Cat"
Suppose that my json is a bit different as this;
My JSON structure :
"id" : 1,
"author" : "RestKit",
"blake": {
"email": "",
"favorite_animal": "Monkey"
"sarah": {
"email": "",
"favorite_animal": "Cat"
I created two different managedobject model with the following attributes and to many relations.
Two different entities for my structure Product and creator to map the above JSON object.
Product Creator
identifier <------------------- >> name
author email
Now, my mapping would look like this for Product model would be;
This is how I map the Product entity,
[mapping mapKeyPath:"id" toAttribute:"identifier"];
[mapping mapKeyPath:"author" toAttribute: "author"];
But note here, mapping the nested dictionary attribute does not work for me.
// [mapping mapKeyOfNestedDictionaryToAttribute:#"creators"];
Now, in the authors class.
I could not figure out the usual way to map the above JSON structure.
If you have control over the web service, I would strongly recommend reorganizing your response data like this:
id: 1,
author: 'RestKit',
creators: [
id: 1,
name: 'Blake',
email: '...',
favorite_animal: 'Monkey'
id: 2,
name: 'Sarah',
email: '...',
favorite_animal: 'Cat'
Following this structure, you'd be able to use RestKit's nested mapping features, and the relationship would be correctly reflected in the deserialized objects received by the object loader delegate. RestKit relies on naming and structure standards to simplify the code required to achieve the task. Your example deviates from key-value coding standards, so RK doesn't provide an easy way to interact with your data format.
If you don't have access or you can't change it, I think you'll need to map known key-value pairs with a mapping and perform the remaining assignments with a custom evaluator. You'd need to assume the unknown keys are actually name values for associated creators and their associated values contain the attribute hash for each. Using that, you'd then reconstruct each object manually.