Navigating to next page in Selenium IDE. [closed] - selenium

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Closed 7 years ago.
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On the web application i am currently working on, there is a button. When i click on that button using selenium IDE, IDE doesnot record the click. I clicked the button using button id/css/xpath, it clicks on it but doesnot get to the new page that it is supposed to. However it manages to complete the next scripts and passes the test.

I used Selenium Advanced UI Interactions to click on the button.


Selenium + jmeter script execution [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am using jmeter OS Process to execute my selenium script. If I ran my python script individually, it will pass. The issue is when I put it in threads of 10 some of them failed. My question is does selenium need to "see" the screen to locate the element? From multiple threads, screens pop up very quickly, I think sometimes the first screen is not fully loaded and the next thread/Screen will pop up and cover the previous screen. I think that is why some of them failed.
Selenium does not need to "see" the screen to locate elements. That is the basic principle behind headless tests. A browser (headless, visible, or otherwise) creates a representation of the page in memory: a DOM. Selenium is then able to interact with that representation using the WebDriver.
In all likelihood you need to make generous use of Waits in order to have your tests run correctly.

In visual Studio how do I change cursor from replacing my text [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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my Visual basic seems to replace characters in front of it and only occurs between brackets.
Can someone please tell me how to change it back to normal?
You can use the Ins key to switch between insert mode (where text moves to the right as you type) and overtype move (where text to the right is overwritten by the new text you type). The cursor changes to show which mode you are in. This behaviour is common in Windows programs.

Intellij keys registration [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a life long eclipse IDE user, i decided to try Intellij at work. I requested for activation keys and received them. Thing is, the registration process to upgrade from a trial version to a full version is very confusing. Any pointers over this issue will help.
You should use the Help | Register dialog to enter the key for IDEA Ultimate. If the Help Register is disabled then you might be using EAP(Early Access Program) version of the product.
Note that Help menu is not available from the welcome screen, so you need to create/open some project first.
To access registration dialog from the Welcome Screen use the Find Action shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+A), type Register..., press Enter:
If OK button remains disabled, refer to this document.

Should the 'download' query string parameter work in the HTML5 SoundCloud player? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was looking at the Soundlcoud Widget docs
I noticed there is a parameter for 'download'. I tried it on the HTML5 sharing widget it didn't turn on the download link. Is there a way to show the Download link?
This is actually the intended behaviour. A lot of the time, the widget is displayed in a relatively small frame, and showing all the buttons creates too much visual clutter. A redesign (to use icons, for example) is coming, but I can't give you a date on when that will be ready. In the meantime, the documentation will be updated.

Selenium refresh page and resend data [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I have this weird thing happening with my testcase, however rather than fixing it I would like to just "bypass" it for now. The following steps allow me to do that:
1) click back, to navigate browser back one page
2) refresh page
3) continue normally
however, at step two i get a confirmation modal box from firefox, asking if i want to resend the data, after clicking this, everything will run normally again.
This confirmation box breaks my code and I cant find a way to deal with it.
Is there any selenium webdriver api for this?
This is in ruby.
try using this - #driver.switch_to.alert.accept
this should hopefully click on Resend