Selenium refresh page and resend data [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have this weird thing happening with my testcase, however rather than fixing it I would like to just "bypass" it for now. The following steps allow me to do that:
1) click back, to navigate browser back one page
2) refresh page
3) continue normally
however, at step two i get a confirmation modal box from firefox, asking if i want to resend the data, after clicking this, everything will run normally again.
This confirmation box breaks my code and I cant find a way to deal with it.
Is there any selenium webdriver api for this?

This is in ruby.
try using this - #driver.switch_to.alert.accept
this should hopefully click on Resend


How to automate desktop/web applications on citrix [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have bunch of different applications that are on Citrix. Is UiPath my only options? ..I find the tool so boring. Is there any other options?.. Thanks for your help.
Some other options are Blue Prism or Automation Anywhere, but they will probably be just as boring.
The problem with automating Citrix is that all you are getting is an image of the user interface. No elements of the application are able to be viewed or interacted with. Therefore, the only option is using OCR to scan for text or other objects and return the relative screen position (x, y) coordinates. Then, you use those coordinates to input text or click checkboxes or whatever.
If you are looking to write code, you can probably get the screen position using an OCR class library or API. There's one available here It supports several languages, and might be useful if you want to go that route.

Extension or app for Whatsapp to hide last seen [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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is there any app or extension for Whatsapp to prevent someone from seeing my the last seen time and prevent someone send me message, or just add users who can contact me by whatsapp and rest of them can't see last seen and contact me.
No, there is no such app that can help you with that, as per my knowledge. You can hide your last seen, refer this article. However I am not sure if you can add users on your will to whom you wish to chat with while adding them to your contact list. This can be a trick though.
Also, I would like to mention this is a off topic question and should not be asked here. Please review it and delete if you realize.

Google Dictionary API not working--is there another solution? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been using the Google Dictionary API and accessing it with this url:'test'&sl=en&tl=en&restrict=pr,de&client=te
However, now this url throws an error.
Then, I found this site: and this works fine. Digging around their site I found the same url as mine in their code. Yet, when copied and pasted into a browser also throws an error.
So, I believe somehow this site is still able to access this Google dictionary API though I don't know what url to try and/or if anyone has a suggestion for a different Dictionary API.
This service is no longer free, it is still the same API, but you have to pay to let you use it in your site or application. better to use an alternative solution like

Where can I find my Yahoo Developer API key(s)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just registered for a yahoo developer API key. They did not e-mail me a link to it or information. It has been approved, but I can't figure out where to view the resulting API. All links with google seem to point to the application page, again.
Where the heck can I find my API key?!
ps: I hate you, Yahoo.
I found the answer:
Visit the "My Projects Page" at and click on the project you want the API key for.
When you request the API itself it must be
Yes, there is no link or shortcut visible there to view already approved API.
But I found this, just add ?view to view API you had.
just like this
Hope it helps

Can anyone recommend an Image Gallery with a good programming API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What is the best solution/API for this? On my site users upload image, tag then and more. Instead of displaying the normal page where it shows the image and info (date, desc, user comments, etc) I want it to go to the next/prev image. Preferably with preloading. This code could be done either in flash or javascript, but I would need a way to give the user a link so they can pass it to someone else to continue at the same point.
Another thing I would like to support is a 'gallery' mode where it displays thumbs of multiple images and allows scrolling through them.
Is there an API I should use or should I hand-roll gallery and slideshow code?
How about Gallery - Version 3 has only just been released, but version 2.3 is very stable and has an extensive API.
To do what you're after have a look at
for saving images from the server, and at
for extracting it out again (although use "getBlock" rather than "getImageBlock")
Flickr seems to have a comprehensive API. (But I have no experience with it.)