FoxPro 'Zipped' backup - backup

I have, what I believe to be, a FoxPro Backup file with file extension .02A.
The first seven characters of this 150MB file are ' !Pƒõ' in hex: 1F A0 21 50 83 9D F5.
Who knows what kind of file this is exactly and how do I get to the contents?

1F A0
Is associated with .tar based zip files as found at
Wikipedia List of file signatures


Openvms: Extracting RMS Indexed file t to Windows as a sequential flat file

I haven't used openvms for 20+ years. It was my 1st OS. I've been asked if it possible to copy the data from RMS files from openvms server to windows as a text file - so that it's readable.
No-one has experience or knowledge of the record structures etc.
The files are xyz.DAT and are relative files. I'm hoping the dat files are fixed length.
My 1st attempt would be to try and use Datatrieve (DTR) but get an error that the image isn't loaded.
Thought it might be as easy using CONVERT/FDL = nnnn.FDL - by changing the Relative to Sequential. The file seems still to be unreadable.
Is there an easy way to stream an RMS index file to a flat ASCII file?
I use to use COBOL and C to access the data in the past but had lots of libraries to help....
I've notice some solution may use odbc to connect but not sure what I can or cannot install on the server.
I can FTP using Filezilla to the server....
Another plan writing C application to read a file and output out as string.....or DCL too.....doesn't have to be quick...
Any ideas
Has mentioned before
The simple solution MIGHT be to to just use: $ TYPE/OUT=test.TXT test.DAT.
This will handle Relatie and Indexed files alike.
It is much the same as $ CONVERT / FDL=NL: test.DAT test.TXT
Both will just read records from the source and transfer the bytes, byte for byte, to the records in a sequential file.
FTP in ASCII mode will transfer that nicely to windows.
You can also use an 'inline' FDL file to generate a 'unix' LF file like:
$ conv /fdl="record; format stream_lf" test.DAT test.TXT
Or CR-LF file using:
$ conv /fdl="record; format stream" test.DAT test.TXT
Both can be transferring in Binary or Ascii with FTP.
MOSTLY - because this really only works well for TEXT ONLY source .DAT file.
There should be no CR, LF, FF or NUL characters in the source or things will break.
As 'habo' points out, use DUMP /RECORD=COUNT=3 to see how 'readable' the source data is.
If you spot 'binary' data using DUMP then you will need to find a record defintion somewhere which maps byte to Integers or Floating points or Dates as needed.
These defintions can be COBOL LIB files, or BASIC MAPS and are often stores IN the CDD (Common Data Dictionary) or indeed in DATATRIEVE .DIC DICTIONARIES
To use such definition you likely need a program to just read following the 'map' and write/print as text. Normally that's not too hard - notably not when you can find an example program on the server to tweak.
If it is just one or two 'suspect' byte ranges, then you can create a DCL loop to read and write and use F$EXTRACT to select the chunks you like.
If you want further help, kindly describe in words what kind of data is expected and perhaps provide the output from DUMP for 3 or 5 rows.
Good luck!

Is there a way to check whether MIP is applied by reading a specific offset header in a file without using the MIP SDK?

We are using the MIP(Microsoft Information Protection) SDK to apply labels to files.
However, there are cases where the MIP(Microsoft Information Protection) SDK cannot be used in other specific legacy systems, and it is necessary to check whether the MIP(Microsoft Information Protection) is applied to the file inside the system.
We want to know if there is a way other than the MIP(Microsoft Information Protection) SDK to know if a file has MIP applied or not.
For example, we can predict the file type by reading the start bytes of the file.
.docx, .xlsx, .pptx : 50 4B 03 04
.doc, .xls, .ppt : D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
.pdf : 25 50 44 46

how can we write binary file to a VHD file on mac

I wanted to write x86 Assembly code .then Compile to binary file . the program only print a string o the screen.
move ax,0xb800
move ds,ax
move [0x00],word'a'
move [0x02],word's'
move [0x04],word'm'
jmp $
now i have the binary file . but i dont know how to write it into vhd file.(I want to put the code at The first 512 bytes so the code will work after bios starting)
can i just open the hvd file and the binary file then copy byte by byte?
I hope I can get some ideas . If you have the code would be better
On linux, you may create the vhd file via virtualbox first, and execute the command following to copy the content of the mbr sector into the vhd file.
dd if=c05_mbr.bin of=LEARN-ASM.vhd bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc
With the option 'notrunc', the size of the output file will not change when it is bigger than the input file's.

linking cinema 4d R20 file assets to cinema 4d R21

is there a way to link cinema 4d R20 asset files (materials and other content packs) to cinema 4d R21 without copying or downloading it again in cinema 4d R21 as i have already did it in cinema 4d R20. Thank's alot in advance
Yes there is a way.
Just look on your harddrive for the *.lib4D Files, if you built your own set of materials, you can export it before from cinema 4D as a Set;
I guess your files are under "application folder" inside the "library/browser/ " - directory; (there's a second place where it could be stored if you type "%appdata% into your Windows-Explorer, but in general it would be in the application folder/cinema 4D R20/library/browser)
Now just copy them into the same place in Cinema 4D R21/library/browser.
That's it :-)
If you just want to "link" it like you said, under your preferences you can define where your materials are stored
There are different similar ways, as I know there is a possibility to do that via CommandLine
(in R16/R17 I know, you could also change a config file (resource\config.txt) to change the path; I am not sure if this is still working but I will have a try when I am at home)

d3 pick attempt to write into update protected file

I tried to compile a simple program I wrote, but I am getting the following error:
:compile chris_programs fileprinter
[235] attempt to write into update protected file!
The chris_programs file is a Q pointer to the directory /u/chris_programs.
# pwd
# ls -al
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 root system 256 Jun 16 06:58 .
drwxrwxrwx 15 root system 4096 Jun 13 17:40 ..
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root system 72 Jun 16 07:03 fileprinter
Here is the md entry for the chris_programs file:
DICT md 'chris_programs' size = 45
01 Q
03 /u/chris_programs
Glad to see you're getting comfortable with those super q-pointers. The issue here is that the object module goes into the Dict of the file hosting the BASIC source. But when you're using a host OS path without specifying a dictionary, it doesn't know where to put the object code. For this I would recommend the following:
create-file dict chris_programs 3
(Copy your md q-pointer to a different name first or you won't be able to use the same name.)
There will be a default q-pointer put into that dict file, which points any references to the data file back upon the dict (so dict and data are the same space). You can then copy the q-pointer you already have (renamed per above) into the dict to replace that item:
copy md renamed_pointer (o
to: (dict chris_programs
So now your source will be in the host file system and the object will be in D3.
There is a way to have both dict and data in the host OS but I don't recall the syntax at this time. I'll try to update this later with that if I get the info.
I recommend against a follow-up of "but I really want everything in the host OS!" The object code serves no purpose outside of the DBMS so you might as well keep it there. As to the source, well, I put some source at the OS level too for source control (integration with Subversion), to use with other editors, and to share with other MV DBMS's. Unless you're doing something like this, I'd advise you to keep all source and object in the DBMS. If you want a better editor, AccuTerm wED (Windows Editor) is a GUI with syntax highlighting and many other features. We can discuss that separately if that's your goal.
EDIT : The following is intended to provide a solution to the desired problem, outside the limitations of the faulty steps already taken.
Let's go back to fundamentals: Source code is in the data file, object goes in the dictionary. Here's how you link OS-level source to DBMS-level object.
create-file dict bp1 3
There will be a default q-pointer put into that dict file, which points any references to the data file back upon the dict (so dict and data are the same space). You can replace that reflexive pointer with a new one to the host OS. Use ED or whatever editing tool you prefer but the idea is:
ed dict bp1 bp1
The pointer item in the dict has the same name as the dict. Replace that item with the following:
01 q
03 /path/foldername
The line numbers are only for reference, don't type those in. Substitute the path as required. Your D3 user (as specified in the pick0 OS file) must have r/w access to that path.
So now you should be able to do something like this:
You'll find TEST1 in /path/foldername. If you LIST DICT BP1, you'll see the BP1 pointer to the data file as well as an item for the object module for TEST1.
Rather than retrofitting what you have, please just follow this and you should be successful within a few minutes.
See note above about "but I really want everything in the host OS!"
Another approach to source control (not the same but close): Keep everything in the DBMS. Periodically t-dump your source to an OS-level backup file, or copy to a folder. Then source-control that OS data. This eliminates the direct connection between the OS and the programs, which most D3 people don't understand anyway.