Reuse Geb Pages for multiple domains - geb

I'd like to test the search functionality of 30 websites that are generated by the same CMS under different domains with different Lucene-indexes. For this purpose I'd like to write a single Page Object which I'd like to be fed by the configuration with those 30 different baseUrls.
I'd be running those tests in the same environment so I'm not sure how to approach this issue. Is there anything I've been missing so far? Looking forward to a push in the right direction and thanks in advance.

You can always override the base url in your test using using browser.config.baseUrl = ''. It will be reverted to the value configured in GebConfig.groovy for the next test.
The question is how many tests do you wish to run this way? If it's just one test then you can get away by using Spock's support for parametrised tests with where: block and this approach. If it's more than one test then you will probably be looking at custom test runners or running your tests multiple times using your build system with different geb environment settings.


Testcafe: Ability to tell value of disableMultipleWindows inside of test?

I have a test that sometimes gets run with the command line flag --disable-multiple-windows and sometimes it doesn't. I would like the test to skip over a section if multiple windows are disabled. Is there an easy way to tell that within a test?
My best solution so far is something like the following
let disableMultipleWindows=true;
await t.openWindow('');
await t.closeWindow();
But I'm wondering if there's a better way.
At present, disabling support for multiple browser windows is possible only for tests run scenarios. There is no access to the --disable-multiple-windows option within a test body. You can learn more about this option at Disable Support for Multiple Windows.
Could you please clarify your scenario of using the --disable-multiple-windows option? I think you can split your tests into different tests suites: with/without multiple browser windows.

Karate Standalone as Mock Server with multiple Feature Files

I try to setup an integration/API test suite with Karate and consider to use Karate Netty for mocking required services. For the test setup the system under test A (a Spring Boot app) is started up completely. The Karate tests are then executed by a Maven test run against this instance.
The service A depends on multiple other services these needs to be mocked away for the tests. To do so my idea was to configure a running Karate Netty standalone instance as HTTP proxy (done by JVM args of the service A).
Now my idea was to create one test feature file: xyz-test.feature
And the required mocks for this file are defined in an associated mock feature file: xyz-mock.feature
(The test scenarios are rather complex and the responses of the external services could vary)
This means for a full test run I need to load up a couple of mock feature files. So:
What is the matching strategy for multiple mock feature files? Which scenario wins, so to say.
Is there any way to ensure, that the right mock file is used for the associated test file?
(Clearly I can reconfigure the running standalone instance and advice it to use xyz-mock.feature next.
But this would stop me from using parallel execution for my API tests, right?)
I already thought about reusing the Correlation-Id which I can send in for each test and then match against this in the mock file (it is also sent to all called services). But:
Is there a way to define a global matcher per mock file?
It sounds like you need only one mock file. You could boot 2 on different ports if you wanted, but there is no way to "merge" them into one port - if that is what you were looking for.
In my experience, you will be able to have a single mock take care of all your edge cases. This is because Karate's approach is un-conventional: you pretty much write a stateful server. But by keeping variables in memory and some clever JSON-path, you can simulate CRUD with very few lines of code:
You can use only one at a time, by design
Given the above limitation, here's an interesting idea: add something like an extra pathMatches('/__test/reset') scenario that cleans-up your state and sets the Background variables to things like * def cats = []. Now in each feature, just call the special "reset" URL at the start. The good thing is Karate is thread-safe. Another idea as you said is you can maintain two or three different variables and use some logic to "route" based on a header, again very easy IMO. Use a map of maps, e.g:
def data = { cats1: {}, cats2: {}, cats3: {} }
And you can get the header, e.g. if it is mode: cats1
* def mode = karate.get('requestHeaders.mode[0]')
* def cats = data[mode]
not sure if this answers your question, but if the last Scenario has an "empty" description, it is a "catch all" and can in theory delegate to another server (or mock):
Your question is a little confusing, so you may have to edit and re-word it if I haven't understood.
EDIT: using multiple mock files should be possible in 1.1.0 onwards:

Selenium Test Suite: differing paths to test cases

I have a test suite that does the following
log in
do tests
log out
since I want to reuse log in and log out with other test suites I moved them into a separate folder and referenced those test cases in the href field e.g.
a href="..\lib\fLogIn.html"
Selenium however raises an exception that it can't find the file in question.
I tried all sorts of URLs, e.g.
I even tried to access them through a webserver.. no success.
Does anyone have an idea as to how this can be solved?
I really want to reuse test cases.
Thanks a lot
PS: forgot to add: I am using Windows OS
Try to move all the reusable functions to an upper level class and using them accordingly.

Using environment vars in non-rails cucumber test

I created a simple smoketest for a portal running java/tomcat/jahia (cms) fronted by cache servers and big ip. Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize is a good fit for a simple smoketest of this setup. (and it has been very easy to get started).
Right now I have hardcoded into /features/support/paths.rb the following lines:
module NavigationHelpers
def path_to(page_name)
case page_name
when /the homepage/
when [...]
Right now I manually switch the comments when I want to test different environments. The issue here is I'd love to get rid of the constant PATH and put a default value inside one of the support files. And i also want to be able to feed cucumber with this environment variable from the command line like so:
cucumber ENV=staging
How do you cope with this issue? Any suggestions? Links to code that deals with this? Snippets?
You can pass environment variables to Cucumber like you have done with ENV. Each environment vriable will then be available in Ruby's ENV constant. More details in the Wiki
(I just added this page - the feature has been around since 0.3.90 but was only ever mentioned in the History.txt file).

JMeter Tests and Non-Static GET/POST Parameters

What's the best strategy to use when writing JMeters tests against a web application where the values of certain query-string and post variables are going to change for each run.
Quick, common, example
You go to a Web Page
Enter some information into a form
Click Save
Behind the scenes, a new record is entered in the database
You want to edit the record you just entered, so you go to another web page. Behind the scenes it's passing the page a parameter with the Database ID of the row you just created
When you're running step 5 of the above test, the page parameter/Database ID is going to change each time.
The workflow/strategy I'm currently using is
Record a test using the above actions
Make a note of each place where a query string variable may change from run to run
Use a XPath or Regular Expression Extractor to pull the value out of a response and into a JMeter variable
Replace all appropriate instances of the hard-coded parameter with the above variable.
This works and can be automated to an extent. However, it can get tedious, is error prone, and fragile. Is there a better/commonly accepted way of handling this situation? (Or is this why most people just use JMeter to play back logs? (-;)
Sounds to me like your on the right track. The best that can be achieved by JMeter is to extract page variables with a regular expression or xpath post processor. However your absolutely correct in that this is not a scalable solution and becomes increasingly tricky to maintain or grow.
If you've reached is point then you may want to consider a tool which is more specialised for this sort of problem. Have a look web testing tool such as Watir, it will automatically handle changing post parameters; but you would still need to extract parameters if you need to do a database update but using Watir allows for better code reuse making the problem less painful.
We have had great success in testing similar scenarios with JMeter by storing parameters in JMeter Variables within a JDBC assertion. We then do our http get/post and use a BSF Assertion and javascript do complex validation of the response. Hope it helps