Selenium Test Suite: differing paths to test cases - testing

I have a test suite that does the following
log in
do tests
log out
since I want to reuse log in and log out with other test suites I moved them into a separate folder and referenced those test cases in the href field e.g.
a href="..\lib\fLogIn.html"
Selenium however raises an exception that it can't find the file in question.
I tried all sorts of URLs, e.g.
I even tried to access them through a webserver.. no success.
Does anyone have an idea as to how this can be solved?
I really want to reuse test cases.
Thanks a lot
PS: forgot to add: I am using Windows OS

Try to move all the reusable functions to an upper level class and using them accordingly.


Testcafe: Ability to tell value of disableMultipleWindows inside of test?

I have a test that sometimes gets run with the command line flag --disable-multiple-windows and sometimes it doesn't. I would like the test to skip over a section if multiple windows are disabled. Is there an easy way to tell that within a test?
My best solution so far is something like the following
let disableMultipleWindows=true;
await t.openWindow('');
await t.closeWindow();
But I'm wondering if there's a better way.
At present, disabling support for multiple browser windows is possible only for tests run scenarios. There is no access to the --disable-multiple-windows option within a test body. You can learn more about this option at Disable Support for Multiple Windows.
Could you please clarify your scenario of using the --disable-multiple-windows option? I think you can split your tests into different tests suites: with/without multiple browser windows.

How to send result file after all tests run in nunit console c#

Is there a way to send a mail with result file (I set this file in console command with option --result) after running.
I have run my selenium test cases in following way
How to Schedule Selenium Web Drivers Tests in C#
The result file was created after OneTimeTearDown function.
If sending an e-mail into OneTimeTearDown function - the result file comes incomplete
Thanks in advance
Sangeetha P.
I'm not sure I'd actually recommend doing this - but I think it's possible. Personally, I'd instead handle the email sending outside of the NUnit console, in a separate script in your CI System.
Anyway. You could achieve this by writing your own ResultWriter extension. Take a look at the implementation of the standard NUnit3XmlResultWriter as an idea - you'd essentially want the same thing, except to send the file by email, rather than write a file. (You may even want to make your ResultWriter actually inherit the NUnit3XmlResultWriter class.)

Reuse Geb Pages for multiple domains

I'd like to test the search functionality of 30 websites that are generated by the same CMS under different domains with different Lucene-indexes. For this purpose I'd like to write a single Page Object which I'd like to be fed by the configuration with those 30 different baseUrls.
I'd be running those tests in the same environment so I'm not sure how to approach this issue. Is there anything I've been missing so far? Looking forward to a push in the right direction and thanks in advance.
You can always override the base url in your test using using browser.config.baseUrl = ''. It will be reverted to the value configured in GebConfig.groovy for the next test.
The question is how many tests do you wish to run this way? If it's just one test then you can get away by using Spock's support for parametrised tests with where: block and this approach. If it's more than one test then you will probably be looking at custom test runners or running your tests multiple times using your build system with different geb environment settings.

How to pass an argument (e.g. the hostname) to the testrunner

I'm creating a unittest- and Selenium-based test suite for a web application. It is reachable by several hostnames, e.g. implying different languages; but of course I want to be able to test e.g. my development instances as well without changing the code (and without fiddling with the hosts file which doesn't work for me anymore, because of network security considerations, I suppose).
Thus, I'd like to be able to specify the hostname by commandline arguments.
The test runner does argument parsing itself, e.g. for chosing the tests to execute.
What is the recommended method to handle this situation?
The solution I came up with finally is:
Have a module for the tests which fixes the global data, including the hostname, and provides my TestCase class (I added an assertLoadsOk method to simply check for the HTTP status code).
This module does commandline processing as well:
It checks for its own options
and removes them from the argument vector (sys.argv).
When finding an "unknown" option, stop processing the options, and leave the rest to the testrunner.
The commandline processing happens on import, before initializing my TestCase class.
It works well for me ...

Selenium RC - t.replace is not a function

[edit for godman] I am working on a web based application, written in PHP. I am using Selenium RC to run tests on the webpages produced by this application, through a browser.
I just upgraded to Firefox 14, so I had to upgrade to Selenium RC 2.25.0.
Now I'm seeing this error when running a test with htmlSuite:
Command execution failure. Please search the user group at!forum/selenium-users for error
details from the log window. The error message is: t.replace is not a
The command executed is:
clickAndWait //a[text()='! selenium test customer']
As you can see, it's not doing anything too tricky - just clicking a link. The test runs fine in the IDE, it's just when run via RC that it's a problem.
Searching in the groups revealed only really old threads dating back to version 1 of selenium.
Any ideas anyone?
[edit] I've been running the test that has these problems several times a day for the last week - and it doesn't seem to fail like this every time. This looks like it's a random problem. Has anyone seen this happen before?
[edit after the bounty got me no answers] Another example of it failing is with:
clickAndWait css=a.edit_company
This same call works fine earlier in the same test, on the same page.
[edit] Now I'm seeing the same error with a completely separate command:
type id=Address1 Address1
Does anyone have any suggestions about this? Any way I can even debug what's going on (I don't see this in the IDE at all)
I am not terribly familiar with clickAndWait. I personally prefer clicking and then doing my own custom waiting.
Try just clicking and add a Thread.Sleep(5000), or something similar, and see if the error is a result of the click or the wait part.
If it is the wait part, then I have a different suggestion than if it is the click part.
I've seen similar issues across various platforms. It has always been somewhat random for me, so I don't use clickandWait. Generally is is much more reliable to do a plain click, and then wait for specific condition. You could do a waitforpageload, but that has also been unreliable for me so I prefer things like waitfortextpresent and waitforelementpresent.
Usually, this kind of error would occur if you are dealing with something that is not a string. Could you just make sure that you are dealing with strings only?
2 possibilities where it is arising from:-
When text() is executed -> it might be dealing with a non-string
a[expression] -> the expression(text() = '! selenium test customer') when evaluated to False/True might be the problem because if a is a Map/array, the corresponding key should be a string and not a bool, probably.
text()='! selenium test customer' -->> is it an assignment operation? if yes, make sure that text() returns a lvalue or a mutable object (based on the language you are using selenium rc with)