NSLinkAttributeName highlight color bug for non-English word support - ios7

when I want to add link detect for #username, it is fine, but when the username is not English word, then when I tap on it, the hight light only cover on #
now, I fix it like this:
add a color attribute to #, and then add a link attribute to username.
Did anyone have better solution.


Setting keyboard format (bold, italic etc.) for to be written later texts

To describe shortly, i have a "Bold" button for example. When the user touches this button, the texts will writen later will be Bold. So when the user writes by keyboard, the texts will be bold. I tried setSpan but I gave up because it wanted a start and end, and there would be trouble if the user wanted to change the initial letter of the text he had written before for example i think. Maybe it happens with this too but I don't know. Is there any library or a way for this?

React Native Text Selection (Highlight text in different colors) HTML view and custom menu

Help, I am having trouble completing the required functionality:
Highlight text (Select text and highlight in colors).
Make notes in the selected text.
I already tried almost all of the libraries available (https://www.npmjs.com/package/#astrocoders/react-native-selectable-text and
https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-cn-quill/v/0.7.6 etc), but had no success. Ideally, I would like to hire someone to implement the required functionality.
I have attached a screenshot to understand the functionality.
enter image description here
a little late but maybe this helps:
to create this:

How can I insert circled numbers with text in button label/text, vb.net

I am trying to insert circled numbers with (a-z) text on button labels/text in a desktop vb.net application. Wingdings 2 font has what I need for the circled numbers but has no regular (a-z) text and the button font property does not allow two different fonts in the same button label/text.
In scouring the internet, I can find nothing, but I am sure I am not the first to need this feature.
The goal is to have a circled number at the beginning of each button label/text, so that the user can click the buttons in the right sequence.
You should be be to paste them in as Unicode in most fonts. Here are some Sans Serif ones, just try to copy and paste them with the rest of your button text:
🄋 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉
If this does not work for you, You may want to try a button image instead. Maybe use something like Paint.Net to make the text you want into an image, and then set that as the button image. I'm not sure if you can do that in a sizable way with SVG or PNG or if you would have to make several images for different sizes and use code to switch them.
FYI, I got these characters from this site, if you want more options: http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_circled_numbers.html

How can I set the line height of a multi-line PDF form field, and save it so it doesn't get reset by filling it?

I am having the exact same issue described in this question: Multiline pdf text box
I have a PDF that has some dotted lines that I want to convert into a fillable multi-line field. I tried the solution in the linked question, but my setting is not staying when I try to fill in the field outside of Acrobat.
When I am preparing the form inside Acrobat, I set the line height to 30 and it is lining up fine:
But when I save this PDF and then try to fill in the field outside of Acrobat, the line height setting does not stay. It gets reset every time:
It's super frustrating and I have scoured the internet looking for an answer but I have nothing yet. If someone knows what to do to get the line height looking like the first screenshot, please save my sanity.
I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2021.001.20135 on macOS 10.14.6.
Thank you
You can't. Those settings don't "stick" when the field is cleared and there's no way to set them programmatically. It's best to simply remove the lines from the PDF.
As #joelgeraci stated, the settings don't stick.
However, if the form has to be manually fillable, removing the writing lines may not be the best idea. In this situation, it would be better to change the field's background color. When the field has no content, its background color is transparent, otherwise white. And that will cover the writing lines.

Can not display tooltip when mouse is over text on PDF

I need some way to have like a tooltip when the mouse is over text. I mean, something like <block>Some text</block> and when the mouse is over "Some text" y need to display a tooltip, just like an HTML link that when the mouse is over it, a tooltip with the value of the title attribute is displayed.
I've searched so much and could not find the answer to my problem.
Annotations in PDF are not part of the XSL FO Specification. The only product I am aware of that supports such things is RenderX's XEP engine. You can review the documentation on this feature here:
One would use:
<fo:block>Note here<rx:pdf-comment content="This is the text of a popup comment"/> and some text after</fo:block>
rx:pdf-comment has additional attributes to set the title of the annotation, the color of the annotation and the opacity it displays with. You can also change the icon used in the PDF.