cmake doesn't add the jsoncpp generated files to the bin - cmake

I used and downloaded cmake, python, scons. Followed everything that was in build guide and cmake doesn't put what is generated in the bin directory, anyone have an idea?
Using windows 7 if that helps

The instructions are very Linux-centric. I'm guessing if you're on Windows you might be using Visual Studio, in which case the following should work (I didn't use SCONS or Python):
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G"Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..\jsoncpp
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --build . --config Release
Line 4 is specifying VS 2013 as the generator targeting a 64-bit build. To create a 32-bit build, simply omit the Win64. To see all available generators, just run cmake with no args.
Once line 4 has completed, you should have a VS solution called "jsoncpp.sln" in the root of your build folder. You can either open this and build from VS, or just use CMake to invoke the compiler by running lines 5 & 6.
Building the project also causes the tests to run, some of which fail. This makes it appear that the build has failed, but in fact you should have the test exes in the bin folder (e.g. build\bin\Debug\jsoncpp_test.exe) and the library in the lib folder (e.g. build\lib\Release\jsoncpp.lib).
I'm not sure how significant the test failures are - I'd be worried if I were you :-)


Cross-compiling Qtquick GUI application through command line

I am Developing a GUI using QT framework; QT-Creator for front-end development and building the app. I am cross-compiling the code that will be running on RaspberryPi and host machine Ubuntu20.04. I am able to build the application through QT-Creator but I want to compile the code through terminal i.e. write CMakeLists.txt that will detect the cross-compiler and build the source-code. Because I need to integrate my GUI code into my other source-code and have to compile from Source-code makefile.
Can anyone help me in this?
Once I have created a screen and compiled through command line. I have tried to compile from terminal through command:
cmake .
to configure the cmake into the current directory. But I am getting error into this
cmake --build . --target clean
(to clean the directory and remove the object files), and
cmake --build . --target all
(to build the executable into the current directory)
Ideally, this should run and binary file should be generated into the current directory that will be running on target board after copying to the board.

Is it possible to build cmake projects directly using MSBuildTools

Currently we are planning to use VS2017 with a cmake project. Inside Visual Studio this works quite like a charm.
Now want to run our builds as part of CI on a dedicated build master running MSBuildTools.
Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake? Optimally, I would even use the CMakeSettings.json used from VS2017.
Use the build-tool-mode of CMake for this. It uses the underlying default build tool which is MSBuild for Visual Studio Generators.
From the build directory call:
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release -- /nologo /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount
and you get a fast, nearly quiet build. To install use INSTALL target, for running your tests if configured use RUN_TESTS target.
Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake?
Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake?
As far as I know, CMake produces Visual Studio Projects and Solutions seamlessly. So you can produce projects/solutions.
The only tricky part is to remember to make any changes in the cmake files, rather than from within Visual Studio.
In particular, each CMake project will create a Visual Studio solution (.sln file), while all of the CMake targets belonging to that CMake project will appear as Visual Studio projects within the corresponding solution.
CMake Visual Studio
project <-> Solution (.sln)
Target <-> Project (.vcxproj)
You can check cmake-and-visual-studio for more details.
Since MSbuild can build both solution files and project files, so you could also call msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj
Is it possible to even use the CMakeSettings.json used in VS2017?
The answer is yes, check the blog for details.
If your CMake project requires additional settings to configure the
CMake cache correctly, you can customize these settings by creating a
CMakeSettings.json file in the same folder with the root
CMakeLists.txt. In this file you can specify as many CMake
configurations as you need – you will be able to switch between them
at any time.
You can create the CMakeSettings.json file by selecting the Project >
Edit Settings > path-to-CMakeLists (configuration-name) menu entry.

Google GMOCK build libgmock.a under windows

I try to build the gmock library from google under windows, avialable on github from here:
I tried to use cmake in the cygwin console, but I could not build it.
cmake C:\Users\Username\Downloads\googlemock-master\googlemock-master\googlemock
"CMake Error: The source directory "C:UsersSETDownloadsgooglemock-mastergooglemock-mastergooglemock" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI."
Then I installed visual studio 2017 and opened the gmock.sln file, but also this build failed.
"Error C1083: "gtest/internal/gtest-linked_ptr.h": No such file or directory gmock C:\Users\Username\Downloads\googlemock-master\googlemock-master\googlemock\include\gmock\internal\gmock-port.h"
Does anyone have an idea how I could build this library under windows 10?
Edit: Ok, for cmake the path needs to have /../ and not ..\, but i still don't get which path I need to include in cmake
Very simple:
Under the googlemock folder, create a new folder, named build (for example);
cd build && cmake ..
Basically, you're creating a new folder for the build (preferably inside the project tree, but not necessary), cd into it, and run cmake <dir>, where <dir> is the path to CMakeLists.txt, which contains the recipe for generating the build.
That's it. Now you'll have a generated gmock.sln, which you could build with Visual Studio.
For CMake to generate Visual Studio projects, you should have the Visual Studio binaries and Windows SDK reachable from your PATH.
Finally, you need to specify a generator, using CMake's -G parameter, for telling CMake which Visual Studio version you'd like projects to be generated for.
Example of putting this together:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin";"c:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86";%PATH%
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..
For additional instructions, you may refer to googletest github page:

Why -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS does not create compile_commands.json file

My cmake --version is
I configure my project build with these commands:
From a clean build, and from a directory with an existing successful build. And want to see the compiler_commands.json file, but it does not appear.
At which moment should it be created: after cmake, or after make command? Where should it be in ./, or in ../klein directory? My cmake does not say anything about this option while it always complains about unused build variables.
Should it work from in a "dirty" directory, where I've performed one successful build, or does it work only on a fresh run in an empty folder?
I use a default generator "Unix Makefiles" on my ubuntu linux machine
I'm not an author of the project under the question (I just want to explore it with rtags which requires compile_commands.json file), and I'm not very familiar with CMake mechanics. However, the CMakeLists.txt is probably configured as a super-build (it indeed downloads and builds dependencies - like llvm, z3, ...), and it includes ExternalProject, however it also builds the project itself (klein) from sources. So it's a mix, as I would say.
Can you specify what generator your using? A quick scan of the cmake source from version 3.1.0 suggests that this command is still only available in the following 2 cases.
if you're using Visual Studio directly you're out of luck unless you want to add a patch to CMake. Otherwise, I know many Windows developers who've gone to Ninja. One advantage is that it's vastly faster than Visual Studio for building. If you are, in fact using Ninja or Unix Makefiles, then it's worth digging deeper.

CMake: How to build projects in a cross-platform manner?

I'm trying to build a project in a cross-platform manner.
I'm using CMake to generate project files on the fly, but it's not clear how to then compile those project files in a cross-platform way. I found try_compile but it's not clear whether this will do what I want. Any ideas?
For example, say I am using Visual Studio 2010 against project foo. I am expecting CMake to generate foo.sln, and then build it (generate the binaries). I know how to automate the first part, but how do I automate the second?
From the CMake docs:
"CMake is a cross-platform build system generator."
So in other words, once CMake has generated the project files, it's work is really done.
You can invoke the native build tool via CMake using the --build flag, e.g.
cmake --build . --config Release --target install -- /M:4
See here for further info.