Visual Basic Studio Project Icon Won't show up on desktop on the .exe, only in the window after it has been opened -

Like the title says. When I build my project, it has the icon in the list in the folder, but as soon as I drag it onto my desktop, the icon is the default windows one. Any idea? I am fairly new to Visual Basic Studio 2010, so please try to keep it simple. Thanks!

Place the application in a folder. Create a shortcut on Desktop and point it to your application. Then, the default icon will change.


Can't run UWP release executable outside of Visual Studio 2017

I am using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 with the official UWP sample code.
There is a UWP sample called basicinput that runs as a release build within the Visual Studio IDE without a problem.
My problem is:
when I attempt to run the release basicinput.exe executable by a mouse click (outside of the Visual Studio environment) I get an error saying that some DLLs names of the form vs*.dll can't be found.
I did a search for those .dlls and tried moving them to same folder as basicinput.exe, but then the application just hung.
What don't I understand?
What am I doing wrong?
As #Chuck-walbourn says, your application will appear in the Start Menu. If you want to deploy it to another computer (that doesn't have VS installed) you will need to create AppX packages using the menu item Project -> Store -> Create App Packages.... If you need more help with that. see the MSDN docs.
If you want to run your app from the command-line or from the Win+R dialog (with a simple name like foo.exe) you can create an appExecutionAlias for your application.

Visual Studio 2015 displays controls without 3D effects

For some reason, VS 2015 is showing checkboxes, radiobuttons, etc. with a flat look:
Is there a way to make them look like this:
This is after just starting a new project with however it is initially setup. I'm running Windows 10. Any ideas?
If you want the Windows 95/98 "old look" you can disable the use of Visual Styles in your application:
Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and press Properties.
Go to the Application tab and untick Enable XP visual styles.

visual studio 2010 installation and setting problems

I ve installed visual studio 2010. Installed successfully, on the main screen under the File tag the options are, team project , new file etc.
When I click on new file then a new screen appears in which templates are given.
I want but there is no template.
Whats wrong with it or how to add a vb.met template?
What shoud I do?
Search under Visual Basics or in Other templates as below :
and click on Forms or type you want
And if you are only interested in then make sure you have the settings right by clicking on Tools \ Import and Export Settings and import the Default Settings for Visual Basic Development.

Making the "Uninstall" command do the right thing for a Windows 8 application

In the Windows 8 Start screen, I noticed that there is an Uninstall icon that appears at the bottom if you right-click on an app. For the apps that I developed, if I click on the Uninstall icon, it opens the "Programs and Features" dialog. Ideally it should instead directly launch my uninstaller. Does anyone know how to do that? Is there some registry key I need to set to associate Start Menu shortcuts with uninstallers?
I use various technologies to make my apps (e.g. Qt, C#, Visual Studio setup projects, NSIS). On Windows 7 and below, my installers put shortcuts in the Start Menu. On Windows 8, those shortcuts are displayed as a little square in the Start screen. So that shortcut is the object I am right-clicking on. Is there some way to add uninstall data to the shortcut file itself?
Tiles for desktop applications do not automatically uninstall like tiles for store applications. Choosing 'Uninstall' for a desktop applications tile launches the Add / Remove programs experience as you pointed out. This is by design.

wpf project to pixelsense application

I'm trying to write a Microsoft surface application for Samsung sur40 pixelsense machine. I have found some sample projects online and run them on the MS Visual C# 2010, but I want to convert these projects into applications so that I can put them into Samsung sur40 and run them in its surface mode. Do you know how I can actually achieve this?
In order to write these type of applications, I am using the following OS, programs and tools.
Embedded Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Edition
.NET Framework 4.0
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 4.0
Microsoft XNA® Framework 4.0
Windows PowerShell and DMTF DASH support, and enhanced administrator tools
MS Surface 2.0 SDK(an Input Simulator allows me to develop and test projects on Windows 7 PCs)
Everything is working properly and I can test the sample projects on my PC. I just want to make a Visual Studio project to run in the Samsung sur40 machine. Please help me if it is possible? If you need further explanations to answer my question, please let me know and I try to expand the problem. Thank you in advance.
Menual install !
you can't see the folder "c:\ProgramData"
because the folder's option hide~
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Surface\v2.0\Programs --> copy and paste!! and find!!
you create a shortcut of the ApplicationName.XML in your project for MS Surface applicaion
copy shortcut file and paste --> "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Surface\v2.0\Programs"
and following this steps :
In Windows mode, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Surface 2.0, and then click Surface Configuration Editor
In the left pane, click Application Launcher.
In the Application Launcher pane, in the Launcher title box, type the title text you want to appear above Launcher.
The title text will be placed just above the Launcher menu and is left-justified. You cannot change the font, font size, font color, justification, or location of the text.
Click OK to save your setting and close Surface Configuration Editor, or click Apply to save your setting and continue configuring Surface. Restart Surface Shell for your settings to take effect.
click :