visual studio 2010 installation and setting problems -

I ve installed visual studio 2010. Installed successfully, on the main screen under the File tag the options are, team project , new file etc.
When I click on new file then a new screen appears in which templates are given.
I want but there is no template.
Whats wrong with it or how to add a vb.met template?
What shoud I do?

Search under Visual Basics or in Other templates as below :
and click on Forms or type you want

And if you are only interested in then make sure you have the settings right by clicking on Tools \ Import and Export Settings and import the Default Settings for Visual Basic Development.


Failed to create component 'ReportViewer'

Anyone can help me with below error? It looks like it has something to do with different versions but I am not able to solve it. I followed different instructions like: Installing the NuGet package for the WinForms than adding the dll via .NET Framework components.
When I drag and drop the ReportViewer onto a Form it gives me the below error.
This is what I did and it worked well for me:
1- Installed Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio
2- Opened Visual Studio and created a new project using Visual Basic > Report Application template. (You can also search for it using top right search box)
3- From the warning dialog clicked Trust
4- Cancelled Report Wizard (I just didn't want to create report initially, you can create.)
5- Rebuild the solution.
You are all set. You can add a new Report and design it in VS and show it in ReportViewer. If you open Form1 you can see a ReportViewer there.
To add it to toolbox, you can click on Choose Items and then Browse your solution directory and from the NuGet package folders go to report viewer package folder and select Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll.
For more information on how to add report viewer control to a form see Integrating Reporting Services Using ReportViewer Controls - Get Started.

Visual Studio 2015 displays controls without 3D effects

For some reason, VS 2015 is showing checkboxes, radiobuttons, etc. with a flat look:
Is there a way to make them look like this:
This is after just starting a new project with however it is initially setup. I'm running Windows 10. Any ideas?
If you want the Windows 95/98 "old look" you can disable the use of Visual Styles in your application:
Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and press Properties.
Go to the Application tab and untick Enable XP visual styles.

Visual Basic Studio Project Icon Won't show up on desktop on the .exe, only in the window after it has been opened

Like the title says. When I build my project, it has the icon in the list in the folder, but as soon as I drag it onto my desktop, the icon is the default windows one. Any idea? I am fairly new to Visual Basic Studio 2010, so please try to keep it simple. Thanks!
Place the application in a folder. Create a shortcut on Desktop and point it to your application. Then, the default icon will change.

Add VB.NET to Visual Studio 2010 Professional

In the past I have only used Visual Studio 2010 Professional for C#, but now I need to work on a little bit of Visual Basic. When I go to create a project it only shows C# project templates. I am assuming when I installed Visual Studio 2010, I only installed C#.
How do I now install VB.NET support?
I tried following a MS tutorial: I went to Control Panel and selected Change/Uninstall on Visual Studio, but then it asked me to insert a CD, of which I have none since it was donwloaded.
Nevermind I figured it out. (win7) Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall/Change on Visual Studio -> then when you hit the Add/Remove features and you get the popup asking about the cd (which is where I assumed i was stuck before) if you hit Download it takes you to the dialog where you choose additional languages to install and it worked.
I apologize for my earlier flippant comment, and offer you
I had same problem but i did the simplest solution ,since i had my .iso(visual studio express) file i had downloaded I used my winrar to extract files ,went to VBExpress ,open the folder and click on the setup and it all worked out successfully...

Visual Studio says, "Unable to read the project file" when opening a project from Source-Gear Vault

I am using Visual Studio Express (v4.0.30319) singing to the tune of Visual Basic, and I'm using Source-Gear for my source control Visual Studio integration.
When I open a project I have to do it via the source control menu, and when it opens I get a warning message: "Unable to read the project file 'RemotingClasses.vbproj'."
After clicking the okay button, everything seems to work fine with the padlocks and checking out files, but I really don't like that I can't open a project from the splash screen, and that error box looks really bad in front of clients, who are inclined to panic at the very sight of the "E" word (error, that is)
...Fatal or not ^_^
Can I get rid of it?
Source Gear is not compatible with Visual Studio Express