So I installed fish and oh-my-fish, and when i want to use rvm I get this error:
➜ avalancha git:(services) ✗ rvm use 2.1.0
Using /home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0
fish: The '$' character begins a variable name. The character '{', which directly followed a '$', is not allowed as a part of a variable name, and variable names may not be zero characters long. To learn more about variable expansion in fish, type 'help expand-variable'.
/home/matias/.config/fish/functions/ (line 2): begin; set -xg rvm_bin_path "/home/matias/.rvm/bin" ; set -xg GEM_HOME "/home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0" ; set -xg XDG_SESSION_PATH "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0" ; set -xg rvm_path "/home/matias/.rvm" ; set -xg XDG_SEAT_PATH "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0" ; set -xg DEFAULTS_PATH "/usr/share/gconf/ubuntu.default.path" ; set -xg rvm_prefix "/home/matias" ; set -xg PATH "/home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/bin" "/home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0#global/bin" "/home/matias/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/bin" "/home/matias/.rvm/bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/bin" "/usr/games" "/usr/local/games" ; set -xg MANDATORY_PATH "/usr/share/gconf/ubuntu.mandatory.path" ; set -xg rvm_version "1.25.29 stable" ; set -xg rvm_ruby_string "ruby-2.1.0" ; set -xg GEM_PATH "/home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0" "/home/matias/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0#global" ; set -xg rvm_delete_flag "0" ; set -xg rvm_debug " { (( ${rvm_debug_flag:-0} )) || return 0;" ; ;end eval2_inner <&3 3<&-
in . (source) call of file '-',
called on line 22 of file '/home/matias/.config/fish/functions/',
in function 'rvm',
called on standard input,
with parameter list 'use 2.1.0'
.: Error while reading file '-'
Does anyone know what could it be?
I had the same issue. It's an incompatibility caused by the multiline value of the rvm_debug variable. I patched the function to ignore this variable completely by making a small change.
Open ~/.config/fish/functions/ and change line 7 from this:
and eval (grep '^rvm\|^[^=]*PATH\|^GEM_HOME' $env_file | grep -v '_clr=' | sed '/^[^=]*PATH/s/:/" "/g; s/^/set -xg /; s/=/ "/; s/$/" ;/; s/(//; s/)//')
into this:
and eval (grep '^rvm\|^[^=]*PATH\|^GEM_HOME' $env_file | grep -v '_clr=' | grep -v 'rvm_debug=' | sed '/^[^=]*PATH/s/:/" "/g; s/^/set -xg /; s/=/ "/; s/$/" ;/; s/(//; s/)//')
I don't know what rvm_debug is being used for, but my system seems to work without it.
This is an image of what I'm asking for
I am using the following -echo- in a script and after I execute, the output format is as shown below:
`echo -e "UPDATE table1 SET table1_f1='$Fname' ,table1_f2='$Lname' where table1_f3='$id';\ncommit;" >> $OutputFile`
output: UPDATE table1 SET table1_f1='Fname' ,table1_f2='Lname' where table1_f3='id ';
the '; is appearing on a new line, why is that happening?
The variable $id in your shell script actually contains that newline (\n or \r\n) at the end; so there isn't really anything wrong in the part of the script you've shown here.
This effect is pretty common if the variable is created based on external commands (update:) or by reading external files as you are here.
For simple values, one way to strip the newline off the end of the value, prior to using it in your echo is:
id=$( echo "${id}" | tr -s '\r' '' | tr -s '\n' '' );
or for scripts that already rely on a particular bash IFS value:
IFS=$'\n\t ';
id=$( echo "${id}" | tr -s '\r' '' | tr -s '\n' '' );
PostgreSQL version : 11.1
Platform : OSX Mojave 10.14.1
That's my SQL code:
COPY (select nom,prenom,num_carte,pdv_carte,email,date_naissance from compte where num_carte != '' order by id_compte) TO :export_file WITH DELIMITER AS ';' CSV FORCE QUOTE * ENCODING 'UTF-8';
That line is in a .sql file called by shell script like this :
psql --dbname=test -U postgres --set adresses=$DATA_ADRESSE --set export_file="$EXPORT_FILE" --file=$ANO_SQL 1>>$ANO_LOG
With EXPORT_FILE variable declared like that :
export EXPORT_FILE="'export_for_fid.csv'"
Tried many solutions but none worked, always the same syntax error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near ""
LINE 1: ...where num_carte != '' order by id_compte) TO 'export_for_fid.csv' WITH D...
Instead of using --file and --set arguments, you could use a here-document in your shell script: (NOTE: I replaced the COPY by a \COPY )
psql --dbname=${DB_NAME} -U postgres <<OMG
\COPY (select nom,prenom,num_carte,pdv_carte,email,date_naissance from compte where num_carte <> '' order by id_compte) TO '${EXPORT_FILE}' WITH DELIMITER AS ';' CSV FORCE QUOTE * ENCODING 'UTF-8';
My code is:
cat tmp_ts.log | awk ' {print $8}'
sqlplus -s "sys/Orcl1234 as sysdba" << EOF
SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE tablespace_name='$lookup';
and my output is:
no rows selected
In this variable lookup I have passed to select statement but it's not working.
My end result should be with select statement. See below the output of select query:
See below:
My end result should be this but that variable is not working in select statement.
lookup="$(awk '/tablespace/{print $8;exit}' tmp_ts.log)"
echo "Querying database with lookup = $lookup"
sqlplus -s "sys/Orcl1234 as sysdba" <<EOF
SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE tablespace_name='$lookup';
You have to use awk's output to set lookup. The shell knows nothing about the $8 which was set in awk. Also, I have ensured that awk exits after the first matching line, so that there is no risk of returning multiple values, or simply empty lines as it did in your version.
You can fill lookup with a command like awk, sed or cut.
lookup=$(cut -d" " -f8 tmp_ts.log)
You should add some checks, like #Dario did (with an exit after the first match and only converting lines with tablespace, but what to do when no lines match?).
When you don't add the checks you can skip setting the $lookup:
sqlplus -s "sys/Orcl1234 as sysdba" << EOF
SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_tablespaces
WHERE tablespace_name='$(sed 's/.*tablespace- //' tmp_ts.log)';
I want to pass shell variables to sql statement. Both shell script and SQL statement are present in the same script file.
I want the values of the variables retMonth, retLastDay and retPrvYear in the SQL statement.
Below is the code.
If I execute this, it prints - " partition_date between '01--' and '--' \ 0 0] 1 1] 12-DEC-14 1"
How can I have values of retMonth, retLastDay and retPrvYear in SQL statement?
echo $retMonth //This prints 07
echo $retLastDay //This prints 31
echo $retPrvYear //This prints 2015
set serveroutput on
set linesize 1000
set heading off
set feedback off
define lastMonth=$retMonth
define lastYear=$retPrvYear
define lastDay=$retLastDay
SELECT count(1)
WHERE partition_date between '01-$lastMonth-$lastYear' and '$lastDay-$lastMonth-$lastYear'
Try using quoted shell variables directly without using define directives:
count=$(sqlplus -s "${DBA_ORACLE_USER}/${DBA_ORACLE_PWORD}#${ORACLE_SID}" <<END
set serveroutput on
set linesize 1000
set heading off
set feedback off
SELECT count(1)
WHERE partition_date between
"01-$retMonth-$retPrvYear" and "$retLastDay-$retMonth-$retPrvYear";
I have a select statement inside a bash script that returns the latest date in the DB. I run this query 4 times so I want to define it just once and assing the text to a variable.
linux commands;
database_date=$(sqlplus -s/nolog $USER/$USER#BRMDPP <<END
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off;
commands that change the database date;
last_date=$(sqlplus -s/nolog $USER/$USER#BRMDPP <<END
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off;
commands that change the database date;
How can I store this big string $(sqlplus ... into one variable and use it again?
Thank you
One way would be to make use of a function:
foo() {
sqlplus -s/nolog $USER/$USER#BRMDPP <<END
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off;
and later invoke it by saying:
In order to get the value returned by the function, say echo "$value" (note that quoting variables is important).