Pandoc MD to PDF , full size horizontal rule - pdf

I'm using pandoc (on windows with miktex)
with markdown i create a horizontal rule, save that as my
(or even an hr tag instead)
but when I convert to PDF the horizontal rule is a tiny little line in the middle of the page, centered.
How do I get it to create one from margin to margin like it does when I convert it to HTML?
I tried a CSS styled DIV tag that creates a rule but it is completely ignored during a pdf output.

As pointed above, you can redefine the \rule command in your custom LaTeX template to ignore the first argument:

The horizontal rule produces the LaTeX code \begin{center}\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\end{center} when using pandoc -t latex. So you might try to redefine the \rule command in your custom Pandoc template.
Other than that, using ConTeXt instead of LaTeX already results in a full-size horizontal rule.

Try $\hrulefill$. This worked for me.


Ghostscript adds whitespace no matter what bounding box I use

I'm trying to convert a page of a PDF to an image. I'm successful with most PDF's I've tried with but this one in particular always ends up with a lot of whitespace on one side or strange scaling.
I've tried every combination of every fixed media, fixed resolution, fit page, use crop/bleed/trim/art box, etc. parameter to fix the issue but nothing does it. The best I get is the right content size but offset and chopped off.
Here's what it should look like, according to every PDF reader I've tried:
Here's a link to the PDF (8 MB) for testing.
Edit 1:
Here's what it looks like using just -dUseCropBox without a cropbox override:
I'm using Ghostscript.NET with very simple code. I create a rasterizer, call Ope(PDF file, ghostscript dll in bytes), then GetPage(DPI, page number). To use other flags I add a custom switch to the rasterizer before calling open
using(var rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer()) {
rasterizer.Open(pdfFilePath, ghostscriptDLL);
img = rasterizer.GetPage(dpi, pageNumber);
img.Save(pageFilePath, imageFormat);
I'll try again with the latest version of just ghostscript (no .NET) and see if that makes a difference.
Edit 2:
Using just gswin64c version 9.55.0 and -dUseCropBox works as KenS said. Since I don't need Ghostscript.NET to do that, that's a good resolution.
Using just gswin64c version 9.55.0 and -dUseCropBox works as KenS said. Since I don't need Ghostscript.NET to do that, that's a good resolution.

Titanium - How to use svg files for fontawesome?

I'm using this widget com.mattmcfarland.fontawesome for fontawesome, but I need to use my Svg files. It's possible by using this widget, or there is other way? and how ?
Solution 1:
There is Ti.SVGView ( and an example at on how to use it. But you need to fork and recompile it if you want to use it with Ti 7.
With the fontawesome Widget you can just use the font. The widget only translates the names to the utf codes, so you don't really need it when you type the codes (e.g. \uf104) into the label.text property.
Solution 2:
You can translate your SVG into a font with e.g. and use it as a normal font. The you just set the font-family to this font and use the codes you asign in icomoon to display your icons

Converting multiple Markdown files with links to PDF

I've written a load of technical documentation in Markdown. I chose to use this for versioning and so we can view in on GitHub.
We now need to share this with external users (who aren't as comfortable with Markdown), so I would like to convert it to PDF.
Gimli seems to be the best tool I have found for the conversion (it uses the same stylesheet as GitHub so it looks the same), however it doesn't convert the links as well. Is there anything that'll also do this?
I don't know with which type of links you have problems (inline links, reference links, HTML links, image links, automatic links...), but you can try to use Pandoc:
pandoc *.md -o result.pdf
This will convert all files with the *.md file extension to a single pdf.
I use named anchor tags in my markdown document. And I make links to these names. For example,
<a name="#1-overview"></a>
##1. Overview
Reference: [1. Overview](#1-overview)
Then I use Typora to open the markdown document and export it to PDF. The resulting PDF preserves these internal links properly.
NO!!! You really don't have to do this!!!
Simply " cat *.md > " (you may want to organize the order manually or setup each file in a proper name to let cat work) then open the then choose print / export in any markdown editor!!!!
You don't have to install ANYTHING!!!!

Sphinx PDF themes

Does the Sphinx documentation tool offer different PDF themes like it offers different HTML themes?
I Googled the issue but can't find an answer, which leads me to believe the answer is 'no'. Still, i thought i'd ask here.
Firstly, Sphinx doesn't generate PDF output by itself, though there are three general methods to get from Sphinx source files to PDF output:
Use the Latex builder, and then a separate tool like latex2pdf to generate the PDF output
Use the Sphinx plugin from the rst2pdf project
Use the rinoh Sphinx builder provided by rinohtype
That being said there is lots of potential for customizing the styling of your PDF output using either method.
When using the latex->pdf method, you can customize your latex output using a number of options in your sphinx config file. See here. This method is somewhat less convenient than the HTML themes that Sphinx uses for HTML generation, though (IMO).
When using rst2pdf you can define your own stylesheet, which is described in more detail in the manual (look under the "Styles" heading). rst2pdf includes a number of stylesheets, which can be combined for various results. And of course, you can also modify them or create your own (they're just JSON files). These stylesheets also support a kind of inheritance, so act more like the Sphinx HTML themes than the previous method.
rinohtype has extensive provisions for styling a document. See the Basic Document Styling and subsequent sections of the rinohtype manual.
There are no predefined themes for PDF output for Sphinx. But LaTex offers a rich set of options to style the document. My problem was to find the proper way to style the document with sphinx. Here the way, which worked for me:
First take a look into the There you'll find an option latex_elements. With this option you can add your own LaTex commands to the output. For example:
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
'papersize': 'a4paper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
'pointsize': '12pt',
'fontpkg': r"""
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
'preamble': r"""
'footer': r"""
'maketitle': r'''
There are a few points important to know.
Use r""" to avoid conflicts with python
Though preamble would be the right point to add \usepackage you can have conflicts with the Sphinx default settings. Look at fontpkg in the example. It is the first include in the .tex output document. If you have to set options for default packages, do it here.
maketitle let you define your own title page. See some latex documentation. I set \pagenumbering there to have the table of contents with arabic numbers, so the real content begins on page "1".
With the right knowledge of Latex commands you can get good theming with a few commands. A good source to find help is where most common problems have a solution. But finding the proper Latex commands is much more difficult than to choose a theme as done for HTML.
It might be helpful to take a look in the Tex-Output under ./_build. There you can see, how the latex_elements-options were included in the document.

When using pdfpages in LaTeX, how to avoid page breaks before the first page ?

I am creating a large LaTeX document, and my appendix has reproductions of several booklets that I have as PDFs. I am trying to create a section header and then include the pages at a slightly lower scale. For example:
\section{Booklet about Yada Yada Yada}
\includepdf[pages={-}, frame=true, scale=0.8]{booklet_yadayada.pdf}
However, pdfpagex does two annoying things. First, it devotes one output document page for included document page. I can live with that as I am using 80% scale. The main problem, however, is that the first page is also a new page, so I have a page with just a section title, and then a separate page with the booklet.
Is there some way to get pdfpages to be a little smarter here?
\includepdf uses \includegraphics internally, so something like
would include the page without starting a new one, although it only does one page at a time.
For me the following worked just fine:
\includepdf[pages=1,pagecommand=\section{Section Heading}]{testpdf}
I tried this solution too, but \includepdf keeps the advantage of outputting the file over the margin (the output is centered from the edges of the page).
So I openned pdfpages.sty, and I searched for \newpage command. I deleted the first occurance (line 326), just to try, and after saving then compiling again, there were no page break anymore.
Use the minipage environement :
\chapter*{Sujet du stage}
It doesn't add any extra page and it works with includepdf.
Thanks for all the answers - I couldn't for the life of me figure out what logic \includepdf uses to insert blank pages; the trick with including the first page via \includegraphics solved most (but not all) of those problems; so here are some notes:
First, out of curiosity, I have also tried to use only \includepdf, but split in two parts:
... unfortunately, this has the same problem as the question in OP.
Since #WASE's answer, there are now multiple \newpages in the source (pdfpages.sty). I tried reading the source, but I found it quite difficult; so I tried temporarily setting \newpage to \relax only for \includepdf - and that puts all pages in the document on top of each other; so probably not a good idea to get rid of \newpage blindly.
Just \includegraphics[page=1,scale=0.8]{foo.pdf} works - but (as #WASE also note) it is aligned at the top-left corner of the page body, which is to say inside the margins; for a full page we'd want the pdf inclusion overlaid over the whole page, margins included.
This page: graphics - How do I add an image in the upper, left-hand corner using TikZ and graphicx - TeX - LaTeX points to several possibilities for positioning on page over the margins; but for me, the best solution for a full page PDF inclusion is to use package tikz to center it to the page:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node at (current {\includegraphics[page=1]{MYINCLDOC.pdf}};
After this is done, as a bonus, I have also experienced:
Proper targets of PDF bookmarks (going to the right page when clicked)
If you use package pax, the data seems to be included also for the \includegraphics standalone first page, so no difference there
If you have a twoside document - pdfpages, with the above split of the first page in \includegraphics, will now (seemingly) correctly insert the equivalent of \cleardoublepages between pdfs that are included back to back (so I don't have to insert such a command manually).
Hope this helps someone,
I'm a little late, but the following solution worked for me:
\includepdf[pages={-},angle=90, scale=0.7]{lorem-ipsum.pdf}
All pages are imported, scaled and rotated by 90 degrees.
Works with Texmaker 5.0.4