Entities depends upon Repositories abstractions - oop

How to make entities lazy load its relationships?
For example: Post and Comment models, where a Post can have 0 or more Comments. How to make the getComments() method on Post entity lazy load its Comments?
My first think, is to have an CommentRepository injected into my Post entity, how is this bad? Since Entities and Repositories are part of may domain, why can't they have a two way knowledge about each other?
Thank you
I know there are many excellent industry standard ORMs that perform lazy loading for the main languages out there, but I don't want to rely on its magics. I'm looking for a ORM/DBAL agnostic solution to make sure of the application's low coupling.

Aggregates represent a consistency boundary so there should never be a need to lazy-load related data as the aggregate as a whole should always be consistent. All objects that belong to an aggregate have no need to exist on their own. If you do have an object that has it's own life-cycle then it needs to be removed from the aggregate.
When you do find that you need to do this you may want to rethink your design. It may be that you are using your object model to query. You should rather have a light-weight query model that can perform this function.
Injecting repositories or services into entities is generally not the best idea. A double-dispatch mechanism should be preferred.
But in your case I would still try to not lazy-load.

Consider using a proxy that subclasses Post, overrides the getComments() method. Inject the proxy with the CommentRepository and access it in the overridden getComment() method.
This is how an ORM would typically do it. It keeps your domain classes clean as only the proxy is dependent on a data access mechanism.

At first, you should separate domain concept from details of realization. Agreagate pattern is about how to organize your domain and lazy-loading is an implementation detail.
Also, I disagree with #Eben Roux about inconsistency of agreates. Lazy loading contradicts nothing in my opinion. I express why.
Lazy loading itself
To understand how lazy loading can be implemented you may refer to Martin Fowler's PoEAAA pattern 'Lazy loading'. For me, proxy pattern is the best solution.
Also, it's important that most nowadays ORMs supports lazy loading, BUT for data model (not domain model).
It is a good practice to separate data model and domain model and use repostiories to hide this transformation:
Separated domain and data models
In this case objects of domain model are constructed inside repositories those hide ORM context. Required data object and all associations are loaded by ORM, than transformation to domain model is performed, and finally, constructed domain object returned.
The question is how to load some associations not during creation of domain object, but during it's lifetime. You can use Repoisotry inside entity and I see nothing wrong with it. It will looks like:
public class Post {
private ICommentsRepository _commentsRepository;
private IList<Comments> _comments;
//necessary to perform lazy loading (repository always wroks with ids)
private IList<int> _commentIds;
//realize lazy loading
there are problems:
Your model now becomes not clear. It contains 'techincal' information like _commentIds.
As soon as you want to define ICommentsRepository you claim the Comment to be aggregate root. If we introduce agregate pattern into domain model, repositories should be creaed just for agregate roots. Thus it means that Comment and Post are different agregate roots. And possible that it is not what you want.
There is better solution:
public interface ICommentList {
public class CommentList : ICommentList {
public class CommentListProxy : ICommentList {
private CommentList _realCommentList;
private IList<int> _commentIds;
//realize lazy loading here using ORMs capabilities!
//don't use repository here!
public class Post {
private ICommentList _commentList;
Post repository will initaize _commentList field with proxy object. Also, it is necessary to say:
CommentListProxy relates to data model layer, not to domain model. It uses ORMs capabilities to implement lazy loading
and thus doesn't use repositories, and thus you may consider CommentList as a part of the Post agregate.
The only possible disadvantage of this approach is in implicit database querying when operating with domain objects. This must be clear for users of the Post class.
Smart ORMs
Finally there are kind of ORMs which allows you to use same model for both domain and data. It realizes lazy-loading for domain model in a same way as for data model. Take a look at DataObjects.Net. For some cases it is a good solution.


Repository Pattern - Structuring repositories

I am trying to use repositories in my MVC program designs and I have run up against a problem on how to best structure them.
as an example, say I have an object USers and I have a UserRepository which has functions like getUser(int id), saveUser(Dal.User model) etc...
So If in my controller I have EditUser and I want to display a view that will have a user details input form. so I can do something like this:
User user = _userRepository.getUserDetails(userId);
The benefit being that my controller just deals with processing HTTP requests, and business logic is moved to repositories, making testing etc easier
So, say I want to display a drop down list of possible roles this user could have in my system, ie client, admin, staff etc
is it ok to have a function in the _userRepository called getPossibleUserRoles() or should I have a seperate _roleRepository with a function getRoles() ?
IS it a bad idea to inject a repository for every entity you encounter into your controller? or is it a bad idea to mix entities inside your repositories, making them cluttered.
I realise I have presented a very simplistic scenario, but obviously as systems grow in complexity you are potentially talking of 10s of repositories needing to be instantiated in a controller for every page call. and also possibly instantiating repositories that are not being used in current controller methods simply to have them available to other controller methods.
Any advice on how best to structure a project using repositories appreciated
is it ok to have a function in the _userRepository called
getPossibleUserRoles() or should I have a seperate _roleRepository
with a function getRoles() ?
Let's say you have some controllers call:
but they never call:
Then you are forcing your controllers to depend on methods they do not use.
Sot it's not just ok, you should split this.
But if getUserDetails and getPossibleUserRoles are chosive (sharing same entity, sharing same business logic etc..).
You can split this without changing implemantation of userrepository beside of creating new class for Roles.
public class UserRepsitory : IUserRoles, IUserRepository
I realise I have presented a very simplistic scenario, but obviously
as systems grow in complexity you are potentially talking of 10s of
repositories needing to be instantiated in a controller
If a constructor gets too many parameters, there is high posibility SRP violation. Mark Seemann shows how to solve this problem in here.
In a short way: While you are creating a behaviour, if you use always 2 or more than repositories together. Then, these repositories are very close. So you can create a service and orchestrate them in this service. After that, you can use this service as a paremeter beside of using 2 or more repositories in your controller constructor.
is it ok to have a function in the _userRepository called getPossibleUserRoles() or should I have a seperate _roleRepository with a function getRoles() ?
Both solutions are acceptable but consider how you're going to control the proliferation of repositories and methods on those repositories. IMHO, the typical repository usage scenario tends to end-up with too many repositories with too many methods on each. DDD advocates a repository per aggregate root. This is a good rule of thumb... if you're following DDD principles.
IS it a bad idea to inject a repository for every entity you encounter into your controller? or is it a bad idea to mix entities inside your repositories, making them cluttered.
Inject volatile dependencies, so yes, inject a repository for every entity your controller needs. However, once you start injecting more than four dependencies, chances are you've missed an abstraction somewhere in your design. Some solve this problem with RepositoryFactory but this, arguably, introduces the problem of opaque dependencies and, IMHO, fails to convey the class's real dependencies, reducing its usability and self-document-ability.
Take a look at using query objects rather than repositories (https://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2012/10/08/favor-query-objects-over-repositories/, etc.) and take a look at using orchestration/mediation (http://codeopinion.com/thin-controllers-cqrs-mediatr/) in your controllers. I think you'll find a better design emerges that will help you with your design issues.

How to use and create DTOs is OOP world?

What is the right way to create DTOs from business objects?
Who should be responsible for creating them? BO/DTO itself from BO/some static factory?
Where should they reside in code if I have, f.e. some core library and a specific service API library that I need DTO for? In core library next to BO(which seems incorrect)/in specific library?
If I have encapsulated fields in my BO how do DTO grab them? (obviously in case when BO is not responsible for creating DTOs)
As an example assume that I have some Person BO like this:
class Person
private int age;
public bool isBigEnough => age > 10;
I want age to be an internal state of Person but still I need to communicate my BO to some api. Or having private field in my class that I want to send somewhere already means that it should be public?
Are there any general considerations of how to use DTOs alongside business classes with encapsulated data?
___ Update:
In addition to approaches that #Alexey Groshev mentioned I came accross another one: we separate data of our BO class into some Data class with public accessors. BO wraps this data with its api(probably using composition) and when needed it can return its state as Data class as clone. So dto converter will be able to access Domain object's state but won't be able to modify it(since it will be just a copy).
There're multiple options available, but it would be difficult to recommend anything, because I don't know the details about your project/product. Anyway I'll name a few.
You can use AutoMapper to map BOs to DTOs and vise versa. I personally dislike this approach, because it's quite difficult (but possible) to keep it under control in medium/large sized projects. People don't usually bother to configure mappings properly and just expose internal state of their objects. For example, your isBigEnough would disappear and age would become public. Another potential risk is that people can map DTOs to/from EF/Hibernate objects. You can find some articles which explain why it's considered to be a bad practice.
As you suggested, a BO can create DTO by itself, but how would you implement this approach? You can add methods or factory methods to your entities, e.g. public PersonDto ToDto(). Or you can add an interface, e.g. public interface IDtoConvertable<T> { T ToDto(); }, and choose which entity or aggregate root will implement it. Your Person class would look like this class Person : IDtoConvertable<PersonDto> {... public PersonDto ToDto() {...} }. In both cases DTO namespace/assembly must to accessible by entities which sometimes can be a problem, but usually it's not a biggie. (Make sure that DTOs cannot access entities which is much worse.)
(C#) Another option is to return a delegate which creates DTO. I decided to separate it from (2), because entity doesn't really create DTO by itself, but rather exposes a functionality which creates DTO. So, you could have something like this public Func<PersonDto> ToDto() {...}. You might want to have an interface as in (2), but you get the idea, don't you? Do I like this approach? No, because it makes code unreadable.
As you see, there are more questions than answers. I'd recommend you to make a few experiments and check what works for you (your project) and what doesn't.
I think the answer to question 5 will address the other questions too.
Are there any general considerations of how to use DTOs alongside business classes with encapsulated data?
Remember, a DTO is solely to transfer data. Do not concern yourself with implementing any kind of rules in the DTO. All it is used for is to move data from one subsystem to another (NOT between classes of the same subsystem). How that data is used in the destination system is out of your control -- although as the God programmer you inherently know how it is going to be used, DO NOT let that knowledge influence your design -- and therefore there should be no assumptions expressed as behaviour or knowledge accessors -- so, no isBigEnough.

Is Martin Fowler's POEAA implementation of Unit of Work an anti-pattern?

Well from the book POEAA, Martin Fowler introduced this idea of Unit of Work. It works very well if you want to have auto-commit system, in which your domain model uses Unit of work to label itself as new, dirty, removed or clean. Then you only need to call UnitofWork.commit() and all changes of models will be saved. Below is a domain model class with such methods:
public abstract class DomainModel{
protected void markNew(){
protected void markDirty(){
protected void markRemoved(){
protected void markClean(){
With this implementation, you can mark a domain model as any save state through business logic method:
public class Message extends DomainModel{
public void updateContent(User user, string content){
// This method update message content if the the message posted time is not longer than 24 hrs, and the user has permission to update messate content.
if(!canUpdateContent(user) && timeExpired()) throw new IllegalOperationException("An error occurred, cannot update content.");
this.content = content;
At first glance, it looks marvelous, since you dont have to manually call insert, save and delete method on your repository/data mapper. However, I see two problems with this approach:
Tight coupling of domain model with Unit of work: This implementation of Unit of Work will make domain models dependent on UnitOfWork class. UnitOfWork has to come from somewhere, the implementation of static class/method is bad. To improve this, we need to switch to dependency injection, and pass an instance of UnitOfWork to the constructor of Domain Model. But this still couples domain model with Unit of work. Also ideally a domain model should only accept parameters for its data fields(ie. Message domain model's constructor should only accept whats relevant to message, such as title, content, dateposted, etc). If it will need to accept a parameter of UnitOfWork, it will pollute the constructor.
The domain model now becomes persistent-aware: In modern application design, especially DDD, we strive for persistent-ignorant model. The domain model shouldnt care about whether it is being persisted or not, it should not even care about whether there's persistence layer at all. By having those markNew(), markDirty(), etc methods on domain model, our domain models now have the responsibility of informing the rest of our application that it needs to be persisted. Although it does not handle the persistence logic, the model still is aware of the existence of persistence layer. I am not sure if this is a good idea, to me it seems to have violate the single responsibility principle. There's also an article talking about this:
So what do you think? Does the original Unit of Work pattern described in Martin Fowler violate good OO design principles? If so, do you consider it an antipattern?
To be entirely accurate, there is no one "Martin Fowler's implementation of Unit of Work". In the book he distinguishes between two types of registration of a modified object into a UoW.
Caller registration where only the calling object knows about the UoW and has to mark the (callee) domain object as dirty with it. No anti pattern or bad practice here as far as I can tell.
Object registration where the domain object registers itself with the UoW. Here again there are two options :
For this scheme to work the Unit of Work needs either to be passed to
the object or to be in a well-known place. Passing the Unit of Work
around is tedious but usually no problem to have it present in some
kind of session object.
The code sample is using UnitOfWork.GetCurrent() which is closer to the latter option and admittedly widely considered an anti-pattern today because of the tightly coupled, implicit dependency (Service Locator style).
However, if the first option was chosen, i.e. passing the UoW over to the domain object, and let's assume a Unit of Work abstraction, would it be bad practice ? From a dependency management perspective, clearly not.
Now remains the persistence ignorance aspect. Can we say about an object which can signal another object it's just been edited/created/removed that it is persistence-aware ? Highly debatable.
In comparison, if we look at more recent domain object implementations out there, for instance ones in Event Sourcing, we can see that aggregates can be responsible for keeping a list of their own uncommitted changes which is more or less the same idea. Does this violate persistence ignorance ? I don't think so.
Bottom line : the specific code Fowler chose to illustrate one of many UoW possibilities would clearly be considered bad practice now, but much more so with regard to problem #1 you pointed out and not really problem #2. And this doesn't disqualify other implementations he writes about, nor the whole UoW pattern whose change-tracking mechanics are anyway most of the time hidden away in third party library magic (read: ORM) nowadays and not hardcoded as in the book's example.
From a DDD perspective, this is something you shouldn't do.
DDD contains the following rule:
An application service should only modify one aggregate per transaction.
If you follow this rule, it's clear which aggregate changed during an app service operation. This aggregate then in turn needs to be passed to a repository for saving to the DB:
No other call is required. This defeats the gain from the pattern in the form you describe it.
On the other hand, the pattern you describe introduces a dependency from the domain to the persistence mechanism (depending on the design either a real dependency or just a conceptual dependency). Now this is something you should avoid, because it increases the complexity of your model a lot (not only internally, also for clients).
As a result, you shouldn't use the pattern in this form together with DDD.
Outside of DDD
Having that said, I think the pattern is one of many solutions to a certain problem. That solution has pros and cons, some of which you describe in the question. In some situations, the pattern may be the best trade-off, so
No, this is not an anti-pattern.
I don't think the model should not have a dependency on the UoW. It would be more like a repository that would depend on the UoW and, in turn, the repository would depend on the model.
If your repositories only depend on an abstract UoW, then the only piece of the puzzle that knows about the persistence technology is the concrete UoW.
The only classes I tend to allow the model to depend on are other pieces of the model: domain services, factories, etc.

How does the Repository Pattern Differ from a Simple Data Access Layer?

I've been confused by what I've been reading during my research on the repository pattern. I'm wondering if folks are (incorrectly?) using that word when they simply mean a data access layer.
Since "repository" is not found in the index of Design Patterns (GoF), I've turned to Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Fowler). Fowler seems pretty clear (page 323) when he states that clients create a criteria object and pass it to the repository to get the results. It looks something like this:
public class Person
public List<Person> Dependents()
Repository repository = Registry.personRepository();
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
criteria.equal(Person.BENEFACTOR, this);
return repository.matching(criteria);
Is the criteria object what makes the repository a repository? If not, what does? If abstracting the persistence mechanism (and therefore constructing queries) is the goal, in what way does the repository differ from a simpe DAL/ORM call like this:
public class PersonLogic
public List<Person> GetDependents()
IPersonData personData = DependencyContainer.Resolve<IPersonData>();
return personData.GetDependents();
To me, the difference looks like this:
* With the repository pattern, the client constructs different criteria objects and calls the Matching() method on it.
* With the simple DAL, clients just call different methods based on what they want.
Is there more to it than this? Are programmers mistakenly using the term "repository" when they really mean DAL?
David Osborne sent this link to Persistence Patterns. It states:
Basically, the Repository pattern just means putting a façade over
your persistence system so that you can shield the rest of your
application code from having to know how persistence works.
That's really what a data access layer is. It really appears to me that a repository and a DAL are the same thing, and maybe a "true" repository uses the criteria object.
Take a look at the "Using the IQueryable interface" section and beyond at Extending and Enhancing the Orders and Registrations Bounded Context. It provides an insightful and balanced discussion of DAO/Repository implementations.
As subsequently highlighted by Bob Horn, the Persistence Patterns articles summarises that:
Basically, the Repository pattern just means putting a façade over your persistence system so that you can shield the rest of your application code from having to know how persistence works.
In general I agree with author's statements, but I'd like to add some details
Difference between Repository and DAL/ORM that first not only abstracts the persistence mechanism, but also provides collection-like interface for accessing domain objects … and isolates domain objects from details of the database access code:
For external layers, such as Business Logic:
Helps to avoid leaky abstraction. External layers depend on abstraction of Repository, rather than a specific implementation of DAL/ORM. Thus you could avoid all infrastructure and logical dependencies while working with Repository.
operates with domain objects, rather then a instances of POJO/POCO/DTO
CRUD operations applied to collection-like interface provided by Repository, rather then specific DAL/ORM methods. For example .net: working with collection that implements IEnumerable, rather then entity-framework context or nhibernate session
Repository contains DAL/ORM underneath and serves same purpose

OOP class design, Is this design inherently 'anti' OOP?

I remember back when MS released a forum sample application, the design of the application was like this:
So the classes folder had just the class i.e. properties and getters/setters.
The Users.cs, Post.cs, etc. have the actual methods that access the Data Access Layer, so Posts.cs might look like:
public class Posts
public static Post GetPostByID(int postID)
SqlDataProvider dp = new SqlDataProvider();
return dp.GetPostByID(postID);
Another more traditional route would be to put all of the methods in Posts.cs into the class definition also (Post.cs).
Splitting things into 2 files makes it much more procedural doesn't it?
Isn't this breaking OOP rules since it is taking the behavior out of the class and putting it into another class definition?
If every method is just a static call straight to the data source, then the "Posts" class is really a Factory. You could certainly put the static methods in "Posts" into the "Post" class (this is how CSLA works), but they are still factory methods.
I would say that a more modern and accurate name for the "Posts" class would be "PostFactory" (assuming that all it has is static methods).
I guess I wouldn't say this is a "procedural" approach necessarily -- it's just a misleading name, you would assume in the modern OO world that a "Posts" object would be stateful and provide methods to manipulate and manage a set of "Post" objects.
Well it depends where and how you define your separation of concerns. If you put the code to populate the Post in the Post class, then your Business Layer is interceded with Data Access Code, and vice versa.
To me it makes sense to do the data fetching and populating outside the actual domain object, and let the domain object be responsible for using the data.
Are you sure the classes aren't partial classes. In which case they really aren't two classes, just a single class spread across multiple files for better readability.
Based on your code snippet, Posts is primarily a class of static helper methods. Posts is not the same object as Post. Instead of Posts, a better name might be PostManager or PostHelper. If you think of it that way, it may help you understand why they broke it out that way.
This is also an important step for a decoupling (or loosely coupling) you applications.
What's anti-OOP or pro-OOP depends entirely on the functionality of the software and what's needed to make it work.